About Nakula Cafe
Nakula Cafe is a cafe, located at Jalan Nakula No. 74, Kejambon, Tegal Tim., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52124, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 283 355164 for more detailed information.
Nakula Cafe is a cafe, located at Jalan Nakula No. 74, Kejambon, Tegal Tim., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52124, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 283 355164 for more detailed information.
Travelling Aja Yuk
" Good protocol for. Covid19, great value and spacius place. "
01 December 2020Shiki Cepot
" Nice "
28 November 2020Akhmad Sudiarto
" Ok "
23 November 2020Dian Hamdani
" It's a good place to hang out with friends "
21 October 2020Chand Skinny
" Ok "
01 February 2020Tjendra Susantio
" Nice place "
19 December 2019Dwi Yuliana
" Ok "
15 December 2019Arofah Uprut
" So sweet "
08 September 2019Stevano Sipahutar
" I enjoyed the live music "
06 September 2019Fransisca Rachelia Indra
" Nice place, good menus "
20 July 2019Zakky Iskandar
" Nice place with live music "
05 May 2019Zakky Iskandar
" Nice place with live music "
05 May 2019Mbuh Wes
" Live music, comfortable place, nice "
05 March 2019Captain's Club Tegal
" Please teach more about the hospitality for your crew. "
17 February 2019GWB Salvomatic
" nice place... but food must be improved... they have good coffee "
08 February 2019Ahmad Sofyan
" good "
24 December 2018Rayhan Akmal Fauzan
" good cafe! "
24 September 2018Timothy Wijaya
" Nakula Cafe adalah tempat yang nyaman untuk sersantai dan menikmati quality time bersama Keluarga, saya bukan Karyawan dari Nakula atau promotor Nakula.
22 July 2018Tapi saya selalu kesana untuk menikmati qualitybtime bersama teman untuk mengobrol, bermain, makan serta bercandaria
Nakula Cafe is a good place for meeting, gathering, meet and greet, and the other. I'm not a staff from Nakula or a Promotor of Nakula Cafe. I'm a Consument and a guest of Nakula Cafe.
I usually go to nakula cafe to enjoy my time with my friends to playing, watching, eating or only judt for happy.
I can't Attach the Nakula Cafe's Photo because I'm not in Tegal Now
But, soon I will Attach it "
Arief Zul Fauzi
" Menunya diluar ekspektasi. Cokelat hangat pakai indomilk saja, heuheuheu. "
03 June 2018Lanny Octavia
" Nice place "
02 June 2018Shofian Nova Elzahera
" Nongki asik "
29 May 2018Ricky Febria Aditya Putra
" Nyaman "
10 April 2018Carolina Dora Artasih
" The place looks like a coffeeshop with supporting facilities. LED, AC room (if you want indoor room), and LIVE Music on weekend. You could ask your friends 5-10 to join with y. Enjoy to hang around there peeps! "
04 April 2018World Channel
" Cozy place "
17 February 2018Ogi Dandi Mebiyunio
" Yeah, every people here know this place. Good for chit chat with ur buddy, u can also enjoy the live music (acoustic) and eat delicious food. Cheap and yummy! The view here is good in the evening till night, candle light and beautiful lamp will help u to enjoy ur time here! "
31 January 2018Reza Rizki Budiman
" Cozy place "
30 January 2018Praditya Pangestu
" Nice "
12 December 2017Muhammad Arpan Tri Saputra
" Good cafe "
22 November 2017Ayu Arfiana Timtoni
" a cozy place "
20 May 2017Yusuf Oktofani
" Good food for good mood "
19 May 2017Sofia Mira
" Good "
28 March 2017Ghani Sanni
" nyaman, dan enak "
16 March 2017Amy Maula
" Tempatnya bagus, tapi makanannya biasa saja seperti caffe pada umumnya, "
16 March 2017Panji Pratikno
" Nongki .. nongki.. "
16 November 2016Meliana MeLon
" Murah.. Enjoyed.. Ramah.. Tenang.. Enak n Banyak porsinya..Pas banget dah menunya juga variatif n macem2 gag nyesel.. "
08 November 2016Barika Sabatini
" Music night. Good coffee. Very affordable. Various menu. Wide space. "
10 October 2016Kho Dedy Wernata
" Tempatnya enak buat ngobrol bareng teman², menu macem² & parkir luas dan aman "
06 October 2016Imam Anas
" Bagus untuk ngobrol sama temen* yang asyik. Tempatnya bagus sekali "
19 August 2016Utomo Pribadi
" Tempat nongkrong paling enak di kota tegal ..... jozzz gandhozzz pokoke "
21 June 2016Kanu Canoe
" Cozy place. That's it "
08 May 2016Aisy Rputri
" tempatnya sangat pas untuk para remaja, begitu juga menunya, tapi tempatnya lumayan tdk strategis "
13 October 2015Windri Yanto
" Ini nih salah satu tempat tujuan buat menikmati kopi yang ada di Tegal...
31 August 2015Tempatnya cozy banget... "