Mushola Istiqlal is a mosque, located at Unnamed Road, Proyonanggan Sel., 51216, South Proyonanggan, Batang Sub-District, Batang Regency, Central Java 51216, Indonesia
" Mesjid terbesar di Indonesia... gedee bangeeet... mantabh. Adem. Sejuk. Pokoknya top markotob. Biasanya banyam yg jualan makanan enak2... mampir mampir mampir. Musti ke sini kalo lg di indonesia yaa. Tepatnya di jakarta pusat. Dekat monas. Dekat dengan gedung2 pemerintahan. Ciri khas muslim di indonesia ya istiqlal. Islam itu indah "
25 May 2018
Ray Raditya
" It's a historical grand Mosque which built in Soekarno Era, unique design, created by Christian Architect... Nice and comfortable place to pray, don't forget to keep the place clean, tidy and do not make a noise inside the Mosque while others praying.. Bring your family or colleagues here to learn the development of Islamic religion in Indonesia and to encourage other to pray at the mosque... "
23 May 2018
Didik Kurniawan Saputra
" Istiqlal Mosque (Indonesian: Masjid Istiqlal, lit. 'Independence Mosque') in Jakarta, Indonesia is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia and the third largest Sunni mosque in term of capacity. This national mosque of Indonesia was built to commemorate Indonesian independence and named "Istiqlal", an Arabic word for "independence". The mosque was opened to the public 22 February 1978. Within Jakarta, the mosque is positioned next to Merdeka Square and the Jakarta Cathedral. "
24 April 2018
Nieken De Misga
" The biggest mosque that give many lessons to us. The ladies bathroom and wudhu's place was in the ground floor and a little bit slippery. But the sholat place was start from first floor. The parking lot was so wide. There is a library and school for children behind the mosque. The mosque was clean and it has organize ventilation. Also, there was small museum that you can read in every frame about Istiqlal's history. "
23 April 2018
Ridho Tulah
" mushola nya bersih... "
18 April 2018
Arcva Putra
" Beautiful places and I just can't believe that God always create a great place in the world. Love this Mosque so much. It is more bigger than I know before. I just see this place far from Malamg jist in television, and now here I am. So convey places and beautiful views in here. I love it. So much. "
10 April 2018
Arikundo Drone
" Masjidnya Bagus dan besar tetapi banyak pengemis, banyak gelandangan, banyak jualan, kotor banyak sampah dan relatif bau. Pengelolaan masjid buruk,
Pengalaman sewaktu nitipin sepatu, begitu mau di ambil petugas minta uang jangan di masukkan ke dalam kotak zakat, tetapi langsung ke dia. langsung di kantongin bro. kacau.
Begitu juga dengan parkir di masjid. ada double double petugas parkir. ada parkir di pintu utama dan parkir di dalam. 😞😞😞
semoga kedepannya pengemis dan jualan dilarang masuk ke dalam komplek istiqlal. amin "
07 April 2018
" Istiqlal Mosque empowered pilgrims as many as 200,000 people consisting of:
The main prayer room and balcony and wing contain 61,000 people.
The space in the preliminary building contains 8,000 people.
The open terrace room on the 2nd floor contains 50,000 people.
All corridors and other places contain 81,000 people.
📝 "
31 March 2018
Ina P
" Not the most beautiful mosque I've seen so far, but magnificent in size, being the biggest south-east Asia and third largest Sunni mosque in term of capacity. Sheer number of people in and around the building can be overwhelming and watch out for women trying to sell plastic bags for your shoes. As you get inside you feel very welcome, even as a non-muslim. People smile at you and ask to take photographs with you. At the visitors counter the employees supply you with robes, we didn't need to cover our hair. You are allowed to the viewing gallery, not on the floor itself, but it is enough to see the imposing copper dome and observe people at daily prayers. "
28 March 2018
Hüseyin Yazıcı
" This mosque is one of the symbols of Indonesia and Jakarta. Istiqlal Mosque as a symbol of religious tolerance which characterizes Indonesia. It's a pretty big mosque. Located in Jakarta, next to Merdaka Square and the Jakarta Cathedral, Masjid Istiqlal (Istiqlal or Independence Mosque) is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia and has the highest capacity with around 120k worshippers.It was built to commemorate Indonesian independence. The mosque was opened in 1978. It has a different structure than the classical mosque architecture. The mosque has a large rectangular prayer hall with a 45 meter diameter dome supported by 12 round columns, and has 4 levels of balconies. Its interior is mostly simple. The mosque was designed by Frederich Silaban, a Christian architect from North Sumatra. "
23 March 2018
Jimi Hisam
" * remember to bring some plastic bag for your shoes, as you can't wear them inside. There are places to put your shoes but it's limited.
* remember that male and female have separate places.
* remember to wear decent clothing. Modest clothing especially for women. Although there's a clothes lending facility. "
25 February 2018
Era Puspitasari
" My favorite place.. For remind me about everything.. We still have god to support me when me down.. Just pray with all a heart i have.. "
12 November 2017
Jhidhor Setaraman
" The largest mosque in southeast asia. Across from the cathedral church. Symbol harmony of religious people in Indonesia. President Obama has been here, made this mosque more popular in The West "
05 November 2017
Zakiyyah Ayu
" Great mosque. There's school at first floor. You can go there by transjakarta. Stop at halte istiqlal or halte juanda "
31 October 2017
Rafasyah Orvala Sukoco
" This mosque is a mosque initiated by Sukarno, and designed by Frederich Silaban, a Catholic architect. This magnificent mosque has an international architectural style. The mosque is located beside Jakarta Cathedral Church (St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral) which symbolizes tolerance in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. The mosque has undergone various renewals and improvements. However, this mosque has its shortcomings, such as toilet and ablution place far from the place of prayer (salah). "
29 October 2017
Nike Yulistia Angreni
" Very large.. a peaceful place. Near with church, give a reason that though we have different religion, it doesn't mean we can not be a peaceful citizen "
27 October 2017
Simkari Pekalongan
" ●๋•ηι¢є ιηƒσ●๋• "
21 October 2017
Silvi R Kartika
" For the first time i visit the great mosque in Indonesia. It's very wonderful interior design and i really love it👌 the service are very good and also the transportation to get the place. Near from Juanda station for commuter line and Juanda bus shelter for TransJakarta. A lot of parking space. Nice👌 "
03 September 2017
Guntur Suparno Putro
" Great place to pray. Easy to park your vehicle, easy to travel here because it's near Transjakarta bus shelter (halte) and commuter line (krl/train station). "
29 August 2017
Ramlee Tamin
" This is the biggest mosque in Indonesia and SEA completed in 1978.
You can see it clearly even from Monas, Monumen Nasional.
It is mostly in white marble.
As the roof is very high it is cold inside the mosque.
It can fit 200 thousand people and it has lots of reserves for more.
The free tour bus of Jakarta stops at one of its entrances.
These free buses have 3 routes but most will stop nearby Stasiun Kota, old Jakarta.
Place your shoes in a plastic bag and you can carry it anywhere.
You can then exit from any door without having to look for your shoes at the entrance you came from. "
13 August 2017
Michael Andy
" Actually a decent building. Very majestic in the city center. Unfortunately the people there arent welcoming at all "
12 August 2017
Ichlasul Affan
" Greatest mosque in Indonesia. Very wide and historic. Also used by many huge religious activities including recent Bela Islam activities. "
07 July 2017
Glen Caleb
" A great mosque located near the heart of Jakarta. The place is a bit dustier than before, and a little bit abandoned. "
18 June 2017
Farraas Muhdiar
" Huge mosque, but a bit abandoned (not that dirty but not as clean as it should be). There are also too many people sitting/sleeping in the praying area during the day in ramadhan, making it a bit uncomfortable to pass and pray. "
09 June 2017
Bayu Wicaksono
" One of the biggest mosque in the south east asia, also peaceful place for all muslim to prayer shalat and itikaf, this place will be crowded in ramadhan and idul fitri, thousands of people come to this mosque for break fast and prayer taraweh "
31 May 2017
Enry Mazni
" The biq moslem mosque in indonesia, have big space and large parking. Sometime this place too crowded "
31 May 2017
" The grandest mosque in Indonesia... very artistic & smart building... feels very cool inside even without aircondition... "
23 April 2017
Muhdi Anto
" beautiful mosque. big space for pray. good staff. helpful. "
19 April 2017
Happy Ferdian
" The biggest mosque in Southeast Asia that actually designed by non Muslim architect named F. Silaban who also known as a genius behind some landmarks in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia. All aspects on the building are representation of the Independence Day of Indonesia, which is August 17th, 1945. "
29 March 2017
Jacky Tan
" It's known as one of the largest Muslim place of worship is located in Indonesia. This building consist of 4 floors with beautiful sculptures. It has become the main attraction of both domestic and foreign tourists, even world leaders ever visited the place from my findings. "
08 March 2017
Wahyu Tri Sulistyo
" Jarang kesini. Terakhir kesini, tahun baruan kemarin, udah lumayan rapi. Tp tempat wudhu dan kamar mandi masih gelap dan agak licin. Toilet jg masih bau pesing dan kurang keren. Di pintu masuk jg security kurang tegas mengatur jamaah. Sebagai landmark jakarta dan indonesia, semoga ditingkatkan lagi pelayanannya.
Tambahan, abis baca komen dibawah, satu lagi, tempat parkiran juga tolong dijaga kebersihan dan keamanannya. "
22 February 2017
Rafa Azza
" On of the largest mosque in asia. Has spacious prayer area with large parking lot "
17 February 2017
Jimi Hisam
" Huge mosque of the capital. One of the largest in Asia.
As a mosque it is free to enter it, common rules applies as with other large mosque.
But of course some people will use it as a tourist attraction and try to benefit from it.
Prepare a plastic bag to keep your shoes in, because you are not allowed to wear shoes inside. And for women, please wear modest clothing..
It's located opposite of the cathedral in juanda street, and near the national monument.. "
28 January 2017
Dan O'Cker
" It's a big modern mosque. The structure is impressive, but you will be herded like sheep by the tour guide, and then cornered and asked for a donation at the end. 5k idr per person is plenty. Entry is free.
I was approached by a creep in the carpark who offered to suck my John Thomas. He was very insistent. He would not take no for an answer. In the end I was saved by a local. I assume he is not associated with the mosque. "
22 January 2017
MadeBy VR
" Massive mosque, with a very modern almost communistic design. Paid $50,000 per person to enter with no sign or proof that it was the actual price to enter, actually never paid to enter a mosque before so we might have gotten scammed. Not the most welcoming of places, we were met by a guide outside who gave us the history of the mosque and showed us around, got us robes to wear while inside. "
15 December 2016
Tony Tanzil
" Even though I'm not a Moslem my self, I can see the beauty of this holy mosque, the biggest in south east asia ^__^ "
16 September 2016
Tom R
" Welcomed with a local friend who wanted to show me around. Having removed our shoes and entered we were SHOUTED at by an official who insisted we must sign a guest book. No problem at all I thought, but when I picked up the pen to do as he asked, he ***SLAPPED*** my hand away, because he had not yet told me exactly *when* to sign. It was very obvious we were dealing with a mean, power-craven little man so we left immediately, as I guess he wanted us to. It was also obvious that he and his lackey were enjoying their pettiness so I would strongly recommend you avoid this place unless you are willing to risk authoritarian sadism from a nasty little man who seems not care how he represents his mosque, his station or his faith. Seems a great shame to degrade a magnificent institution with such a pathetic gloating little display. "
01 September 2016
Rendra Budi Hutama
" The biggest mosque in South East Asia with it's unique and simple architecture. Not restricted only for Moslem, at ordinary day you could enter this mosque via Al-Fattah entrance that face to face with Katedral Church.
On the outside of mosque, some seats completed with electric plugs are available, so you could charge your gadget while enjoy the mosque atmosphere.
The staffs on deposit counter was very friendly. There are also several travel guide too. "
20 August 2016
Gábor Varga
" Very nice masjid, but we met a guy, who works there, and he offer us that he show us around. We thouht that it is for free, but at the end he ask for 300 000 IDR. And he was very pushy... :( "
16 July 2016
Roy Tumimomor
" This mosque maybe one of the pride of Jakarta. Government officials go-to mosque specially for shalat Ied. "
15 June 2016
Estu Agung Paminto
" A huge mosque with beautiful design and interior. My friends from Prague wanted to visit this mosque and i just found out that non Islamic visitors are allowed to wander in some areas of this mosque by wearing proper cloths that provided by the officer. "
12 June 2016
R Fahsa
" The largest mosque in Southeast Asia, usually Indonesian president is doing shalat here at Eid ul-fitr "
19 May 2016
Mosti Farahat
" Huge mosque...barak Allaho fih we fi man yosaly fih "
17 May 2016
Fazal Alibaksh
" Alhumdulillah prayed Jummah today at this beautiful Masjid. So many Muslims Alhumdulillah. 06/May/2016. "
Eki Maesta
" Mesjid terbesar di Indonesia... gedee bangeeet... mantabh. Adem. Sejuk. Pokoknya top markotob. Biasanya banyam yg jualan makanan enak2... mampir mampir mampir. Musti ke sini kalo lg di indonesia yaa. Tepatnya di jakarta pusat. Dekat monas. Dekat dengan gedung2 pemerintahan. Ciri khas muslim di indonesia ya istiqlal. Islam itu indah "
25 May 2018Ray Raditya
" It's a historical grand Mosque which built in Soekarno Era, unique design, created by Christian Architect... Nice and comfortable place to pray, don't forget to keep the place clean, tidy and do not make a noise inside the Mosque while others praying.. Bring your family or colleagues here to learn the development of Islamic religion in Indonesia and to encourage other to pray at the mosque... "
23 May 2018Didik Kurniawan Saputra
" Istiqlal Mosque (Indonesian: Masjid Istiqlal, lit. 'Independence Mosque') in Jakarta, Indonesia is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia and the third largest Sunni mosque in term of capacity. This national mosque of Indonesia was built to commemorate Indonesian independence and named "Istiqlal", an Arabic word for "independence". The mosque was opened to the public 22 February 1978. Within Jakarta, the mosque is positioned next to Merdeka Square and the Jakarta Cathedral. "
24 April 2018Nieken De Misga
" The biggest mosque that give many lessons to us. The ladies bathroom and wudhu's place was in the ground floor and a little bit slippery. But the sholat place was start from first floor. The parking lot was so wide. There is a library and school for children behind the mosque. The mosque was clean and it has organize ventilation. Also, there was small museum that you can read in every frame about Istiqlal's history. "
23 April 2018Ridho Tulah
" mushola nya bersih... "
18 April 2018Arcva Putra
" Beautiful places and I just can't believe that God always create a great place in the world. Love this Mosque so much. It is more bigger than I know before. I just see this place far from Malamg jist in television, and now here I am. So convey places and beautiful views in here. I love it. So much. "
10 April 2018Arikundo Drone
" Masjidnya Bagus dan besar tetapi banyak pengemis, banyak gelandangan, banyak jualan, kotor banyak sampah dan relatif bau. Pengelolaan masjid buruk,
07 April 2018Pengalaman sewaktu nitipin sepatu, begitu mau di ambil petugas minta uang jangan di masukkan ke dalam kotak zakat, tetapi langsung ke dia. langsung di kantongin bro. kacau.
Begitu juga dengan parkir di masjid. ada double double petugas parkir. ada parkir di pintu utama dan parkir di dalam. 😞😞😞
semoga kedepannya pengemis dan jualan dilarang masuk ke dalam komplek istiqlal. amin "
" Istiqlal Mosque empowered pilgrims as many as 200,000 people consisting of:
31 March 2018The main prayer room and balcony and wing contain 61,000 people.
The space in the preliminary building contains 8,000 people.
The open terrace room on the 2nd floor contains 50,000 people.
All corridors and other places contain 81,000 people.
📝 "
Ina P
" Not the most beautiful mosque I've seen so far, but magnificent in size, being the biggest south-east Asia and third largest Sunni mosque in term of capacity. Sheer number of people in and around the building can be overwhelming and watch out for women trying to sell plastic bags for your shoes. As you get inside you feel very welcome, even as a non-muslim. People smile at you and ask to take photographs with you. At the visitors counter the employees supply you with robes, we didn't need to cover our hair. You are allowed to the viewing gallery, not on the floor itself, but it is enough to see the imposing copper dome and observe people at daily prayers. "
28 March 2018Hüseyin Yazıcı
" This mosque is one of the symbols of Indonesia and Jakarta. Istiqlal Mosque as a symbol of religious tolerance which characterizes Indonesia. It's a pretty big mosque. Located in Jakarta, next to Merdaka Square and the Jakarta Cathedral, Masjid Istiqlal (Istiqlal or Independence Mosque) is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia and has the highest capacity with around 120k worshippers.It was built to commemorate Indonesian independence. The mosque was opened in 1978. It has a different structure than the classical mosque architecture. The mosque has a large rectangular prayer hall with a 45 meter diameter dome supported by 12 round columns, and has 4 levels of balconies. Its interior is mostly simple. The mosque was designed by Frederich Silaban, a Christian architect from North Sumatra. "
23 March 2018Jimi Hisam
" * remember to bring some plastic bag for your shoes, as you can't wear them inside. There are places to put your shoes but it's limited.
25 February 2018* remember that male and female have separate places.
* remember to wear decent clothing. Modest clothing especially for women. Although there's a clothes lending facility. "
Era Puspitasari
" My favorite place.. For remind me about everything.. We still have god to support me when me down.. Just pray with all a heart i have.. "
12 November 2017Jhidhor Setaraman
" The largest mosque in southeast asia. Across from the cathedral church. Symbol harmony of religious people in Indonesia. President Obama has been here, made this mosque more popular in The West "
05 November 2017Zakiyyah Ayu
" Great mosque. There's school at first floor. You can go there by transjakarta. Stop at halte istiqlal or halte juanda "
31 October 2017Rafasyah Orvala Sukoco
" This mosque is a mosque initiated by Sukarno, and designed by Frederich Silaban, a Catholic architect. This magnificent mosque has an international architectural style. The mosque is located beside Jakarta Cathedral Church (St. Mary of the Assumption Cathedral) which symbolizes tolerance in Indonesia, especially Jakarta. The mosque has undergone various renewals and improvements. However, this mosque has its shortcomings, such as toilet and ablution place far from the place of prayer (salah). "
29 October 2017Nike Yulistia Angreni
" Very large.. a peaceful place. Near with church, give a reason that though we have different religion, it doesn't mean we can not be a peaceful citizen "
27 October 2017Simkari Pekalongan
" ●๋•ηι¢є ιηƒσ●๋• "
21 October 2017Silvi R Kartika
" For the first time i visit the great mosque in Indonesia. It's very wonderful interior design and i really love it👌 the service are very good and also the transportation to get the place. Near from Juanda station for commuter line and Juanda bus shelter for TransJakarta. A lot of parking space. Nice👌 "
03 September 2017Guntur Suparno Putro
" Great place to pray. Easy to park your vehicle, easy to travel here because it's near Transjakarta bus shelter (halte) and commuter line (krl/train station). "
29 August 2017Ramlee Tamin
" This is the biggest mosque in Indonesia and SEA completed in 1978.
13 August 2017You can see it clearly even from Monas, Monumen Nasional.
It is mostly in white marble.
As the roof is very high it is cold inside the mosque.
It can fit 200 thousand people and it has lots of reserves for more.
The free tour bus of Jakarta stops at one of its entrances.
These free buses have 3 routes but most will stop nearby Stasiun Kota, old Jakarta.
Place your shoes in a plastic bag and you can carry it anywhere.
You can then exit from any door without having to look for your shoes at the entrance you came from. "
Michael Andy
" Actually a decent building. Very majestic in the city center. Unfortunately the people there arent welcoming at all "
12 August 2017Ichlasul Affan
" Greatest mosque in Indonesia. Very wide and historic. Also used by many huge religious activities including recent Bela Islam activities. "
07 July 2017Glen Caleb
" A great mosque located near the heart of Jakarta. The place is a bit dustier than before, and a little bit abandoned. "
18 June 2017Farraas Muhdiar
" Huge mosque, but a bit abandoned (not that dirty but not as clean as it should be). There are also too many people sitting/sleeping in the praying area during the day in ramadhan, making it a bit uncomfortable to pass and pray. "
09 June 2017Bayu Wicaksono
" One of the biggest mosque in the south east asia, also peaceful place for all muslim to prayer shalat and itikaf, this place will be crowded in ramadhan and idul fitri, thousands of people come to this mosque for break fast and prayer taraweh "
31 May 2017Enry Mazni
" The biq moslem mosque in indonesia, have big space and large parking. Sometime this place too crowded "
31 May 2017Cokro
" The grandest mosque in Indonesia... very artistic & smart building... feels very cool inside even without aircondition... "
23 April 2017Muhdi Anto
" beautiful mosque. big space for pray. good staff. helpful. "
19 April 2017Happy Ferdian
" The biggest mosque in Southeast Asia that actually designed by non Muslim architect named F. Silaban who also known as a genius behind some landmarks in Jakarta and other big cities in Indonesia. All aspects on the building are representation of the Independence Day of Indonesia, which is August 17th, 1945. "
29 March 2017Jacky Tan
" It's known as one of the largest Muslim place of worship is located in Indonesia. This building consist of 4 floors with beautiful sculptures. It has become the main attraction of both domestic and foreign tourists, even world leaders ever visited the place from my findings. "
08 March 2017Wahyu Tri Sulistyo
" Jarang kesini. Terakhir kesini, tahun baruan kemarin, udah lumayan rapi. Tp tempat wudhu dan kamar mandi masih gelap dan agak licin. Toilet jg masih bau pesing dan kurang keren. Di pintu masuk jg security kurang tegas mengatur jamaah. Sebagai landmark jakarta dan indonesia, semoga ditingkatkan lagi pelayanannya.
22 February 2017Tambahan, abis baca komen dibawah, satu lagi, tempat parkiran juga tolong dijaga kebersihan dan keamanannya. "
Rafa Azza
" On of the largest mosque in asia. Has spacious prayer area with large parking lot "
17 February 2017Jimi Hisam
" Huge mosque of the capital. One of the largest in Asia.
28 January 2017As a mosque it is free to enter it, common rules applies as with other large mosque.
But of course some people will use it as a tourist attraction and try to benefit from it.
Prepare a plastic bag to keep your shoes in, because you are not allowed to wear shoes inside. And for women, please wear modest clothing..
It's located opposite of the cathedral in juanda street, and near the national monument.. "
Dan O'Cker
" It's a big modern mosque. The structure is impressive, but you will be herded like sheep by the tour guide, and then cornered and asked for a donation at the end. 5k idr per person is plenty. Entry is free.
22 January 2017I was approached by a creep in the carpark who offered to suck my John Thomas. He was very insistent. He would not take no for an answer. In the end I was saved by a local. I assume he is not associated with the mosque. "
MadeBy VR
" Massive mosque, with a very modern almost communistic design. Paid $50,000 per person to enter with no sign or proof that it was the actual price to enter, actually never paid to enter a mosque before so we might have gotten scammed. Not the most welcoming of places, we were met by a guide outside who gave us the history of the mosque and showed us around, got us robes to wear while inside. "
15 December 2016Tony Tanzil
" Even though I'm not a Moslem my self, I can see the beauty of this holy mosque, the biggest in south east asia ^__^ "
16 September 2016Tom R
" Welcomed with a local friend who wanted to show me around. Having removed our shoes and entered we were SHOUTED at by an official who insisted we must sign a guest book. No problem at all I thought, but when I picked up the pen to do as he asked, he ***SLAPPED*** my hand away, because he had not yet told me exactly *when* to sign. It was very obvious we were dealing with a mean, power-craven little man so we left immediately, as I guess he wanted us to. It was also obvious that he and his lackey were enjoying their pettiness so I would strongly recommend you avoid this place unless you are willing to risk authoritarian sadism from a nasty little man who seems not care how he represents his mosque, his station or his faith. Seems a great shame to degrade a magnificent institution with such a pathetic gloating little display. "
01 September 2016Rendra Budi Hutama
" The biggest mosque in South East Asia with it's unique and simple architecture. Not restricted only for Moslem, at ordinary day you could enter this mosque via Al-Fattah entrance that face to face with Katedral Church.
20 August 2016On the outside of mosque, some seats completed with electric plugs are available, so you could charge your gadget while enjoy the mosque atmosphere.
The staffs on deposit counter was very friendly. There are also several travel guide too. "
Gábor Varga
" Very nice masjid, but we met a guy, who works there, and he offer us that he show us around. We thouht that it is for free, but at the end he ask for 300 000 IDR. And he was very pushy... :( "
16 July 2016Roy Tumimomor
" This mosque maybe one of the pride of Jakarta. Government officials go-to mosque specially for shalat Ied. "
15 June 2016Estu Agung Paminto
" A huge mosque with beautiful design and interior. My friends from Prague wanted to visit this mosque and i just found out that non Islamic visitors are allowed to wander in some areas of this mosque by wearing proper cloths that provided by the officer. "
12 June 2016R Fahsa
" The largest mosque in Southeast Asia, usually Indonesian president is doing shalat here at Eid ul-fitr "
19 May 2016Mosti Farahat
" Huge mosque...barak Allaho fih we fi man yosaly fih "
17 May 2016Fazal Alibaksh
" Alhumdulillah prayed Jummah today at this beautiful Masjid. So many Muslims Alhumdulillah. 06/May/2016. "
06 May 2016