About Matahari Klaten
Matahari Klaten is a shopping mall, located at Jomboran, Central Klaten, Klaten Regency, Central Java 57418, Indonesia. Visit their website mds.mataharimall.com for more detailed information.
Matahari Klaten is a shopping mall, located at Jomboran, Central Klaten, Klaten Regency, Central Java 57418, Indonesia. Visit their website mds.mataharimall.com for more detailed information.
Hermawan Ajie
" Bener2 discount superstore... Harga murah dan pilihan item baju berkualitas bikin bingung dan harus "double check" ngliat saldo atm & uang di dompet nih "
09 June 2018Ayu Pravindias
" There's restrooms in the second floor
06 June 2018Ice cream, pizza, kids clothes, mini market in the first floor. Sometimes there's discount clothes in the third floor. "
Arga Arlingga
" Banyak diskonan "
06 June 2018Paulina Ping
" Tempat yang menyediakan kebutuhan lengkap.
28 May 2018Keluar dari gedung matahari, ada pasar.
Pernah dapat undian sepeda kayuh ♡
Kebetulan dekat dengan tempat tinggalku waktu di Klaten, jadi jalan kaki saja sampai di Matahari.
Sukses selalu untuk kita semua.
Berkah Dalem. "
Dyota Yung Jun
" Salah satu bangunan bersejarah eh bangunan lama yg sudah ada sejak tahun 70-80an,udah ada sejak para orang tua masih jadi ABG coklat (cowo klaten) dan berpacaran.
27 May 2018Walau masih berfungsi dan masih berdiri .. Tapi alangkah baiknya bila manajemen Plaza Klaten merenovasi tempat ini.
Banyak bagian yg sudah retak dan lapuk dan menurut saya ini sudah ga layak lagi kalo disebut mall.. Tapi ini udah seperti Pasar. "
Gregorius Beny
" choice for fresh food, cloth ect "
26 May 2018Ahmad Fikri Delardi
" Cukup lengkap "
05 May 2018Faula Klaten
" One stop shopping @klaten "
07 April 2018Kito Duta
" Pilihannya banyak, harganya relatif miring :-) "
04 April 2018Bama Hidayanto
" Good quality nice price "
02 April 2018Pak Darmadi
" Department store, ....
01 April 2018Various things available "
Agung Wibawa Putra
" A Plaza with not a cinema and play games for kid is not good. I think this place for a buy clothes and food material. "
15 February 2018Muahammad Rifki
" Not bad mall "
11 December 2017San Aji Sucitra
" just matahari department store product "
03 December 2017Martha Pritzanda
" The one and only matahari in Klaten. So many choices and also discounts, but the trend is not really up to date. You can also find traditional market behind matahari which only opens from early morning until afternoon "
26 November 2017Garasi Project
" Traditional market also available beside this dept store "
13 November 2017Reno Yudha
" Not bad.... "
16 September 2017Sandi Danar Cynthia Sari
" the one and only one shopping mall in klaten wkwkwk "
11 September 2017Salman Alfarizi
" A good one stop shop in Klaten "
06 September 2017Antonius Tri K
" too old concept and design "
04 September 2017Renka Ris
" Cozy and crowded place. "
31 August 2017Rochmat Susanto,s.s.
" A typical place for shopping.. the goods are little bit expensive "
23 July 2017Oktama Kurniadi
" Cozy for family refreshing "
07 July 2017Siti Zuhrotun Nisa'
" This place have many collections of chlotes, shoes, and toys for kids. The prices there were 'cheap' enaugh, esp if you get discount price. Still worth to stop by. "
01 July 2017Maria Rosari
" The only one mall in this city.. the collections are not complete enough. "
17 June 2017Brehita Mustika Wijaya
" Banyak diskon, tp ga nyaman kalau untuk window shopping "
07 May 2017Lusiana Sari
" The biggest departement store in town. "
27 April 2017Mbak Ahla
" Best shopping center in town "
21 April 2017Siti Zuhrotun Nisa'
" It has many choices of clothing and apparels, and many discount too. If you are lucky enaugh, you will get high quality product with low prices "
30 March 2017Agung Dwi
" They sell good food and clothes "
09 February 2017Woko Fh
" Ok "
08 February 2017Tyas Restu
" The biggest market in Klaten cause I can find everything here such as skirt, dresses, shoes, fun (timezone), foodmart, etc. "
15 January 2017Leonardus Novsi
" Enjoy it "
17 September 2016RHendra
" Mini Mall at klaten city "
14 August 2016Muchlas Abdi Pratama
" Semakin meredup "
13 July 2016Black Shogun
" Toserba terbesar di Klaten "
12 July 2016Jati Rinawan
" berharap bakalan ada bioskopnya juga :) "
01 May 2016Eko Budianto
" Satu2nya matahari di Klaten "
05 January 2016Kristian Nugroho
" not big enuff "
03 January 2016Wawan Kurniawan
" Ndat ndut "
27 July 2013