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About Master Hitech Computer

Master Hitech Computer is a hardware store, located at JL. Kruing, No. 238, Depan Terminal Plamongan Indah, Srondol Wetan, Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50263, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 899-5701-907 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 20

Filsuf Bukan Penyair

" Harga murah dan diskonnya besar ? "

28 July 2020

Ino Maail

" Rumah tempat tinggal. "

05 July 2020

Jerry Putinella

" Komputer acer all in kami sdh dua kali di servis tapi penyakitnya tidak hilang malahan layar depan jadi lecet. "

12 February 2020

Johny Tan

" Sales and service center various brand. "

14 September 2019

Muhammad Fadli

" I went to Hitech Computer to search for DVI to HDMI/VGA connector for my new workstation. There are 2 others computer store beside hitech comp. I got my connector in hitech comp. It is realy hard to find the connector but hitech has it. We can pay using some debit or credit card at there. "

07 April 2019


" Toko komputer langganan, pelayanan ramah, siap mengantar order sampai pembeli "

11 May 2018


" mantap... "

05 May 2018

Blitz Pras

" Server harga murah "

19 March 2018

Heri Suparyono

" Yang mau cari perlengkapan IT, printer Brother, laptop dll, bisa langsung merapat k Hitech "

28 February 2018

Danang Cahyo

" Juossssssssssss "

04 February 2018

Haha Ha

" Untuk servis printernya udah gue blacklist pribadi, kapok ... Masa printer masih bagus di bilang mesti ganti print head secara harga nya 2 juta lebih. Di servis di tempat lain cuma habis 200 ribu. "

18 January 2018

Vikz Borax

" Laptop Bermasalah Komputer bermasalah, ada solusi yang tepat untuk masalah anda. hanya ada disini disini bukan disana.. hendri hi tech memperbaiki peralatan elektronik terbaik di kabupaten landak. penasaran ??
silahkan di coba.
terima kasih "

25 November 2017

Dunia Tekno

" Service nya oke bahkan setelah pembelian klo ada apa2 msh dibantu dan disupport.. Good job hitech.. Sukses slaluu "

08 October 2017

Yoel Busax

" Service laptopnya Sangat baik, 1 hari sudah selesai. Recomended "

08 June 2017

Algustionesa Yoshi

" Alternatif toko komputer di Semarang "

08 January 2017

Evan Sebastian

" pelayanannya bagus sekali "

03 September 2016


" sebagai silver partner dari Microsoft, Hitech sangat bagus pelayanan dan penjelasannya mengenai lisensi Microsoft "

02 May 2016

Adetya Indrap

" Bagus "

13 February 2016

Axhs Axhsin

" service laptop,komputer serta printer segala macam merk dan kerusakan "

22 November 2015

Firman Prabowo

" sip "

20 June 2013

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