Baiturrahman Great Mosque
About Baiturrahman Great Mosque
Baiturrahman Great Mosque is a mosque, located at Jl. Simpang Lima, Pekunden, Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50241, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 24 8310155, visit their website for more detailed information.
Yogi Priyo Prayogo
" Large parking area and just a walk away from simpang lima square "
10 May 2018Rusman Abadi
" I think the masjid committee must improve the cleanliness of this masjid's yard and parking area. The light in wudhu area also too twilight "
28 April 2018Mas Ham's
" Lantai bawah dekat tempat wudhu Dan lantai tangga menuju ruang utama masjid sangat licin "
15 April 2018MTegar RSaputra
" A great place to have a sholat. Complete Facility. Many people selling food and styff here. A big parking lot. "
17 March 2018Asyam Mulayyan Dary
" Pretty normal for a great mosque. Bathroom is not well maintained. "
11 February 2018Miftahul Arif
" Huge Mosque (Masjid Raya) at center of Semarang. Comfort, Clean and Large mosque "
10 February 2018Jundina Izzati
" Great mosque of semarang city. 👍
25 December 2017Easy notice from street and located in heartquarter of semarang city. Good place for take a rest from hangout "
Herry Soedarjanto
" Big n lovelly place "
16 December 2017Fahrul Rozie
" Big mosque. Many food vendors outside. "
29 October 2017Raden Ayu Anindya Putri
" so beutifull mosque i have been visited "
19 October 2017Haris Harras
" Very strategic place for pray and rest before continue the journey "
30 September 2017GO. VLOG
" Personal experience: i can't enjoy this mosque inside. When i arrived there, it was too night for them around 10pm. The door is closed.. people can't stay here for a moment just for relaxing. The security forbide it.. but okay, maybe it's for our kindness "
29 September 2017Arif Saadilah
" Great masjid, nice place to pray. In the centre of the city, can go anywhere from here "
23 August 2017Bambang Budiharso
" Lokasinya pas di jantung kota Semarang Simpang Lima. Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan seperti Mall Ciputra dan lapangan Simpang Lima. Di belakangnya ada Gramedia Pandangan. Parkir luas. Tempat wadhu banyak. "
29 July 2017SlameT WieD
" nice "
29 June 2017Hilda Octavia
" Luas n bersih ....
13 April 2017Abis ibadah bisa nyebrang main ke lapangan simpang 5 "
Rais Akbar Ridwanullah
" Have large parking loot, the location is very strategic, and its nice to pray here "
22 March 2017Suharno Singgih
" Ikut shalat maghrib di masjid Baiturohman simpanglima smg terasa hitmad bingut "
16 March 2017Joko Waluyo
" Love it so much "
24 February 2017Mokhammad Syarifuddin
" Masjid megah dan tua di tengah Kota Semarang. Berada di kawasan simpang lima sehingga selalu ada pengunjung yang singgah di Masjid ini. Tempatnya yang dekat dengan gedung pemerintah, mall, dan pusat bisnis lainnya menjadi tempat yang nyaman untuk beribadah sejenak dari rutinitas, depan masjid jikalau sore sudah ada PKL yang menawarkan berbagai jenis makanan. "
20 February 2017Faras Abyan
" This masjid is located at the heart of Semarang itself, making it very strategic. Its location has been helping muslim commuters in doing their prayers. "
28 January 2017Hafara Fashion
" Simpang lima "
31 July 2016Limpo Siregar
" Masjid ini sangat beda dengan Masjid Agung Jateng. Bedanya Masjid ini sebenarnya Masjid Agung Semarang (nama lebih populer), dan merupakan "Masjid Kota" dan tampak masjidnya sedang. Sedangkan disana (Masjid Agung Jateng) lebih besar, lebih megah, ada menaranya. Dan itu termasuk "Masjid Provinsi" "
15 December 2015Vino Satwika
" Mungkin memang tidak semegah masjid agung lainnya namun masjid ini punya nilai historis tersendiri. Sayang air wudhu disini rasanya cukup aneh... "
03 December 2015Tyaa Ezam
" Seru "
29 November 2015Stokis Lestari
" Tidak pernah sepi.sepanjang hari "
08 July 2015