Diponegoro University Campus Mosque
About Diponegoro University Campus Mosque
Diponegoro University Campus Mosque is a mosque, located at Professor Haji Soedharto, SH, Jl. Lkr. Utara Undip, Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275, Indonesia. Visit their website maskam.undip.ac.id for more detailed information.
Andika Putra Pratama
" My beloved almamater "
10 May 2018Putra Riestanop
" the popular mosque in Semarang, has good architecture, cozy, and big mosque "
02 May 2018Dzikru Ismail
" Good place to worship Allah, and rest for a while "
22 April 2018Bruce Bernstein
" Sanctuary, protecting ur body in semarang’s harsh hot weather. xD "
31 January 2018Tommy Warrior
" DIRTIEST mosque I ever find in Semarang. Go check the men's wudhu and toilet area "
08 July 2017Iman Prastyo
" University mosque. For religious activities of the students. Easy to find from the street and have unique architecture "
20 February 2017