About Lurik Pedan Prasojo
Lurik Pedan Prasojo is a clothing store, located at Pencil, Pedan, Tambakboyo, Pedan, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57468, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 272 897147 for more detailed information.
Lurik Pedan Prasojo is a clothing store, located at Pencil, Pedan, Tambakboyo, Pedan, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah 57468, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 272 897147 for more detailed information.
" Nice place, nice poeple "
09 November 2020Winda Oetomo
" Lurik heaven, I guess. You may have your own lurik design made here within two months. They have ready to wear clothes hanging at the second floor. They are well designed, ethnic, and super cute. "
07 March 2020Rayi Hendra Puspita
" Nice place to shop "
24 January 2020Gerald Reu-El
" The Heritage of Java. Well described by the motto. It's strategically located, you won't have any difficulty finding the spot. Once you enter the place you'll see all the variance in clothing starting from hats, outwear, shoes and so on. And guess what, everything was made of weaved fabric. Totally awesome, definitely would visit again! The staff is super friendly as well. "
24 January 2020Novita Rosmawati
" nice n cheap luriks "
11 January 2020Budhi Prasetya
" Good place to look for traditional Javanese cloth called lurik, but also can find shoes, pants and so on "
09 January 2020Kawi Boedisetio
" traditional cloth from Central Java... "
03 November 2019Tjahyo Bowo Pribadi
" Good place for heritage art "
24 August 2019Ovina Felita Christie Wulandari
" Many kinds of traditional fabric not only lurik but also fabric from pineapple fiber. Very gorgeus...i liked it... "
03 August 2019Ovina Felita Christie Wulandari
" Many kinds of traditional fabric not only lurik but also fabric from pineapple fiber. Very gorgeus...i liked it... "
03 August 2019Oktovina Krissanto
" interesting place to find traditional patern of lurik.....its is a lot of them.....get crazy to choose ;) "
22 July 2019John Harris Nadeak
" Good showroom for Lurik and Tenun Ikat "
06 April 2019Alif Viana
" Its been exist since my mama's not even born yet. They produce good source, good lurik. It's famous among designer and artist. "
23 March 2019Alif Viana
" Its been exist since my mama's not even born yet. They produce good source, good lurik. It's famous among designer and artist. "
23 March 2019Harining Tyas
" Gown of Lurik that made in Prasojo aren"t so good & very expensive "
03 February 2019Emilia Hutabarat
" A place to buy the Indonesian traditional batik lurik material. "
01 December 2018Iko Iko
" Various batik and lurik weaving.
21 October 2018All in affordable price and best quality.
Located in the middle of village, on a heritage building.
They also have some bags, accesories and shoes.
Lovely fabrics in lovely place. "
Suhan Ranta
" Tempat koleksi kain kurik ATBM yang bagus dengan harga yang terjangkau kantong kita. Gih segera kesana. "
19 October 2018Riyanto Yosapat
" Great place to buy traditional clothes from Pedan at Klaten City. Much of variant models you can choose. "
08 October 2018Tommy Pratomo
" Lurik is traditional weaving cloth specialties of Pedan. Colorfull and cheap. Many choices "
20 September 2018Diana Kusmiarto
" good quality of fabrics
28 June 2018good price.
the variations of the fabrics with color and pattern is awesome "
Donisius Agung
" Beautiful lurik n nice place to take photos "
21 April 2018Aryo Sudiro
" A good place to find a traditional fabric called "lurik" "
12 April 2018Dina Martia
" Has alot of beautiful batik at vary price.
04 April 2018Good quality..
Can buy at huge amount and ask for diacount.
Available kain and clhotes yet many of that for women. "
Luki Pratomo
" They produce and sell "lurik", a traditional weaving from Java. "
01 January 2018Funky Kiddos
" Huge collection for lurik,great place for lurik bargain. "
26 December 2017Gempita Nusa
" Tempatnya ada 2 lantai, lantai 2 khusus baju perempuan, lantai 1 campur.
23 November 2017Di samping toko merupakan tempat produksi dr pemintalan benang dsb.
Hanya sayang, tempat parkirnya kecil. "
Nanang Supriyanto
" Surganya belanja LURIK KHAS KLATEN tentunya, tempatnya disetting jaman dulu.
22 November 2017Selain lurik disana juga disana juga ada batik dan pernak pernik lainya yg berbau lurik dan batik. "
Andreas Raharto Condrobimo
" good place for local/ traditional clothes, unique, good product and workshop..good price and good service "
22 November 2017Aris Wahyu
" unique batik, very original "
11 September 2017Ardi Pw
" Yg ingin kain lurik dengan kualitas top. Lgsg ke sini. Display barang anget Masi baru keluar Dr pabrik. "
09 September 2017Ani Murniati
" Lurik. Satu jenis karya seni kain khas Pedan Klaten yang menjadi bagian kekayaan negeri Indonesia. Dibuat dengan dua tehnologi. ATBM dan ATM. Alat Tenun Bukan Mesin dan Mesin.
30 August 2017Bermula yang disebut lurik itu bergaris vertikal. Sehingga disebut lurik. Perkembangannya, lurik kemudian juga dibatik. Sehingga semakin memperkaya khasanah seni kriya kain di jagad Indonesia. "
Mas Samidi
" Traditional Batik "
18 August 2017Widhi Nurma
" Koleksinya banyak & bagus, tp harga lumayan mahal hehe "
16 June 2017Joko Trihono
" Luriknya cukup bervariasi, shg banyak pilihan. "
05 June 2017Denny Bambang
" Top lurik nya "
01 June 2017Nurmili Yuliani
" Ada pabrik dan gallery untuk mnjual berbagai bahan batik dengan harga yang bervariasi "
26 May 2017Ophit Al Faani
" Ramah anak "
28 March 2017Guna 1 GreenSoyBeans
" The best quality for lurik "
02 February 2017Martinus Sulistyaka
" Produsen tenun lurik. "
26 December 2015