" The place is spacious and clean, the owner is super friendly, the communication is good, the tools are quite complete, it is also available where the lp doesn't buy high "
26 July 2020
Irawan Ucup
" Kelihatannya luas ya.. dan klau boleh tau harganya buat fitnes per jam apa sepuasnya klau bayar "
04 November 2019
Igka Agustina
" Authentic Thai Tea dengan berbagai varian rasa yang menyegarkan dan pastinya...cocok di kantong masyarakat dong...???????? "
Husnul Khotimah
" The place is spacious and clean, the owner is super friendly, the communication is good, the tools are quite complete, it is also available where the lp doesn't buy high "
26 July 2020Irawan Ucup
" Kelihatannya luas ya.. dan klau boleh tau harganya buat fitnes per jam apa sepuasnya klau bayar "
04 November 2019Igka Agustina
" Authentic Thai Tea dengan berbagai varian rasa yang menyegarkan dan pastinya...cocok di kantong masyarakat dong...???????? "
17 September 2019Ike Rahayu
" Ok "
07 March 2019Ike Rahayu
" Ok "
07 March 2019Arifin Bodas
" Tempatnya baguss..besar..bersih..pelatihnyaa ramah😁 "
18 December 2018Imam Nuryanto
" Di Kendal ternyata ada gym. Sayangnya saat saya datang mereka belum buka karena liburan lebaran "
14 November 2018Deashy
" Amazing....... "
03 November 2018Arifin Bodas
" Tempatnya baguss..besar..bersih..pelatihnyaa ramah😁 "
20 September 2018Argy Pramadhika
" a very convenient place to exercise "
30 July 2018Si Klimis
" Tempat olahraga fitnes yang sangat komplit fasilitas nya, ruangan bersih & nyaman. Serta instruktur yang sangat ramah. "
09 May 2018Ardhianto Adhi Nugroho
" Nice place "
03 December 2017Emka Shikamaru
" Lumayan komplite fasilitasnya klo mmpir kndal bs fitnes dsni "
21 November 2017