About Legend Coffee Semarang
Legend Coffee Semarang is a cafe, located at Jl. Tri Lomba Juang No. 5, Mugas, Mugassari, Semarang Selatan, Mugassari, Semarang Sel., Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50249, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 24 8314427, visit their website www.legendjogja.com for more detailed information.
Buang Yulianto
" Tempat yang lumayan nyaman untuk nongki bersama teman, jam buka yang sampai larut malam menjadi keuntungan tersendiri bagi kita yang ingin berlama lama menghabiskan malam bersama teman "
07 June 2018Didit Susanto
" nice places for hangout. affordable prices. "
30 April 2018Tonny Widjaja
" Good place to hangout with friends or family members until midnight with many options of food, snacks and hot drinks , accompanied with live music for some special occasions held by the management of Legend Coffee.
20 April 2018Many youngsters around to spend the night with their gangs until the cafe closed. "
Adi Arif
" Tempatnya enak buat ngobrol lama2.. Nyoba carbonara fettuccini rasanya biasa. Pingin nyoba yg lain cm blm sempet. "
18 April 2018Mokhammad Syarifuddin
" Kafe Kopi Legend ini pertama kalinya saya kunjungi. Tempatnya nyaman, tidak berisik, cukup terang, ada khusus tempat merokoknya, ada tempat sholatnya juga. Lengkap. Waktu itu, satu blok kursi kafe Legend kami pakai untuk temu alumni dan ramah tamah. Dengan mikrofon yang disediakan kami bisa mendengar dengan cukup baik. Malamnya kami pakai live musiknya barang beberapa lagu sebelum kemudian bubar acara.
18 April 2018Pelayanannya ramah, makananya ya so so lah. Rekomended buat tempat kumpul-kumpul, bahkan untuk beberapa belas orang. "
Dewi Utami
" Was here for talkshow. The food was ok. Has many choices "
19 March 2018Demas Moch
" The place in the middle of city, the place to meet with your friend, the price was cheap, there are many kind of entertainment like PS3 and board games, the taste just so so, the best part i think it place that easily to reach out for hang out and discuss with your old friend "
07 February 2018Aldo Alviano
" Nice place, fast Wi-Fi, but sometimes the place can be a little bit dirty. The price aren't cheap, but it's a cozy place for hanging out with a friend. There is also a few arcade games there, 1 PS3 & 1 PS4 to be used for customers, and a billiard table. "
20 January 2018Amelia Rizqi
" Good place to have a cup of coffe 👌 "
17 December 2017Ariotejo Bayuaji
" Not quite into the cinnamon taste of legend coffee "
03 December 2017Harry Krishna
" Ice legend Coffee nya saya suka. "
05 November 2017Westley Siaw
" Ice Milky Americano , single expresso with creamer "
20 October 2017Hari Triyogo
" Affordable, great service and good quality of food and drinks "
30 July 2017Rian Pamungkas Rahmatulloh
" Best hangout with fun toys, cheap foodies nd drinks, cozy to gather with group "
23 June 2017Raymond Purnomo
" Nice place for hanging out and spending time with your friend with some snack and drink. They also provide several card games, console games, and board games that you can use it to play with your friend for free but some games need you to show your Identity Card. "
19 June 2017Ahmad Isyroqi Akbar
" Cozy place, but the wifi is not too good "
18 May 2017Dwirya Wahyucendekia
" Ga cocok buat yang dompet tipis, standard price but not friendly for students. Trust me. The coffee is great but why in small mug? Just 50 ml for 18k idr? Its okay for the price and i think is equals for the service and lovely place. And the infused water needs to be improved in many ways. "
29 April 2017Januar Adnan Murwalistyo
" 24/7 signage but close before 2am. Put down your signage bruh, misleading the consumers. "
" I visited here at Feb 9, 2017. My friend suggested as a best coffee shop in Semarang. But because I don't consume coffee, I order Hot Chocolate with Almond. I think the taste was good except it quite watery, impacted I could not enjoying the chocolate in maximum taste "
12 February 2017Vinsensa Radita
" The place is very cozy yet too noisy from the music, it's a hard time to call for the waiter "
16 January 2017Gajah Mahendragupta
" Affordable prices, and friendly service "
24 December 2016Zulvikar Umasangadji
" Cozy place...suka sama burjonya "
10 November 2016Januar Adnan Murwalistyo
" 24/7? Do not expect too much, close order at 1am. "
28 September 2016Tjipto Steven Senjaya
" Nice place for hang out, meeting, etc. open till midnight. Live music everynight. nothing special for the food and drink serve here. "
10 September 2016Delly Kertiyasa
" Nice foods and beverages, full speed hotspot but little bit crowded and noisy "
01 September 2016