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About Lapangan "Pancasila" Simpang Lima

Lapangan "Pancasila" Simpang Lima is located at Pleburan, South Semarang, Semarang City, Central Java 50241, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 40

Adhie Liem

" This place is central of the can take a walk around the mall...and culinary during a night come. The best place to hang out with friends and take selfie or wefie "

02 June 2018

Arif Harahap

" Good spot for -especially- cullinary experience in Semarang. Lot of menu and outlet available here..

All you have to do just choose, eat and pray in the end.. "

14 May 2018

Roy Sebastianus

" Nice central park for people and family to play around. Whether its just for sightseeing, biking, running around or just sit there enjoying the activity around you. Very family friendly, there are many rentals such as mini car, atv, tandem cycle and even homemade custom wagon light up with led light with 2-7 capacity that will give a good cardio training for the person choose to be the driver. Then again like most other public facility in Indonesia, it needs better maintenance. "

10 May 2018

Fadhiah Elbas

" One of great place from Semarang. I am going here and I am tired to walking whole of field. Hehehe. Definetely you will get some city views here, in the day or the night. It have as green grass. I really like it. You have stop by. "

25 April 2018

Deny Zaniar Noor

" Jantung kota semarang. Sangat ramai pada weekend. Dihiasi taman dan lapangan olahraga seperti basket dan sepatu roda. Pada malam hari terdapat banyak penjual mainan, makanan ringan dan minuman yang berjualan di tengah alun-alun. Selain itu juga terdapat arena bermain untuk anak-anak seperti mobil-mobilan, sepatu roda serta sepeda hias "

20 April 2018

Basilius Adityas Wicaksana

" Very exciting place to spend your time in Semarang! A lot of food vendors around. You can rent modified bicycle with lots of lights too. "

07 April 2018

Denisa Apriliawati

" It’s like the centre of Semarang’s attraction. You can find many food stalls here selling sea food or other indonesian culinary. There are also shopping malls where you can buy things from fashion to electronics. There’s also cinema inside one of those malls. Simpang lima itself has a large football field-like area with jogging path. During the night there are lots pf local people who rent colorful neon bikes. However the traffic is often crowded here. "

07 April 2018

Adi Wahyu Pribadi

" Have a visit on Sunday morning from 6 am to 9 am in the morning. It's car free day. Many people come here to do some activities. Good to bring your umbrella. It's very hot there. "

04 March 2018

Haifa Amalia Khoirunisah

" It's a nice place to spend your night here. So much thing to do such as cycling, eating, or just enjoy the night in the centre of Semarang City. It's also easy to reach. It's usually crowded in the weekend. And the price of the food around it is just in medium range. You can also see so much lighting bicycle here. It's so beautiful. "

20 February 2018

Yuliani Liputo

" Suasana malam yang semarak di tengah kota Semarang. Tersedia banyak tempat makan di sekeliling lapangan. DI dalam lapangan, banyak permainan untuk anak-anak, atau sekadar duduk-duduk menikmati jajanan ringan semacam jagung bakar dan sosis bakar. Tidak tersedia cukup bangku untuk tempat duduk santai. Para pedagang menyediakan tikar untuk pembeli. Di sekeliling lapangan Anda bisa menyewa sepeda dan becak untuk tiga orang berhias lampu warna-warni dengan ragam yang menarik. "

31 December 2017

Leonardo Kesuma

" This place is Car Free Day every sunday morning till 8 am
At evening there are food stall and you can rent bicycle with two or three seats each bicycle.
You can walk to ciputra mall and ace hardware from this place "

22 December 2017

Saras Wati

" Best time ti visit this place will be in the morning and evening. In the morning you can do some running around the park while the sun is still friendly. At the evening you'll find some interesting rides and photo objects. Also, you can acces hotels and malls easily from this place. "

12 December 2017

Steven L Santoso

" The place is open for 24 hours, but there'll be different activities during the day and night. During early mornings (especially holidays) you'd have people doing jogging, during noon there'll be virtually no activities (else than people hanging out and taking photos), and during the evening there'll be lots of street food stalls and hawkers. There's a whole lotta kinds of food, but the price is really messed up. "

01 December 2017

Aldy Fariha

" I was so thrilled when I came here, there were so many food and beverage options. Gudeg, ayam bakar, ikan bakar, shortly said you would not be out of options for food here. The view was also amazing, especially at night. With so many lights circled around the park. "

25 November 2017

Muhyidin Kay

" You can refreshing your mind here. Take your children's here and you rest it. Simple. Be smile. "

14 September 2017

Fedrik Ivander

" One of the most visited place at semarang indonesia.. you can get all of traditional javanese foods in this area.. "

11 September 2017

Deden Wahyu MUSTARI

" Good place to have quick meals during lunch time. Enough varieties to choose. Nice local food are served... Busy during lunch time.. "

30 August 2017

Hilman Prh

" It's quite clean, try visit it at night then you will find a view as I take, though sometimes I pity it, to see it as a big catch for people to make money as them rent people bicycle, or LED cart or even kid plays, maybe you should hold a gig in it maybe twice a month, and oya you may find a great culinary spot (pujasera), good taste and various. "

03 August 2017

Mayliana Terutama

" we can play basket ball there... and play hover board and more.. especially at nite.. very nice view... you can try many traditional foods there... "

25 July 2017

Yuli Maharjanti

" Always love visiting this place, every kids can play with any rental things, like bike, skate, etc... Or just playing ball or run over here in the center of park. You also easily find good food around. Happy tummy, happy body n soul, happy life 😍😍😍 "

03 July 2017

Saras Wati

" Best time ti visit this place wold be morning and evening. In the morning you can do some running around the park while the sun is still friendly. At the evening you'll find some interesting rides and photo object. Also, you can acces hotels and malls easily from this place. "

01 July 2017

Peepaholic World

" good place to hang out, looking for Semarang culinary food or just strolling around the place and enjoying the view while having a quick exercise. lots of places nearby such as mall, department stores, hotels, bookstore, mosque, cinema, etc. it's a car free day every Sunday, if I'm not mistaken. "

25 June 2017

Ignatius Victorinus Wahyu Dewanto

" It looks more beautiful and people still can use it as one of public places to have short relaxation but it gets flooded when it rains hard "

04 June 2017

Ardian Perdana Putra

" Nice place to spend time with family and friends on Sunday. There is car-free-day event every week. "

30 April 2017

Kris 5217

" crowded public place, in certain times like saturday night or weekend it could be little bit... heavy traffic but.. Simpang Lima is being better place now.. more beautiful.. with the lamp and well maintenance plants.. "

25 April 2017

Neullson Melsasail

" Really nice place to kill your time at night in Semarang city. So many little local food vendor with great taste. You must try it! "

27 March 2017

Aulia Rahmanissa

" Placed in the center of Semarang city, Simpang Lima provides many things to enjoy your day. At night, you'll find various food stalls, bike rental, etc. A nice place to spend your time with family. At weekends, Simpang Lima and Jl. Pahlawan will be closed for car free day. "

23 March 2017

Ilman Akbar

" On weekend, this area become a car free day area. One thing I love the most is the street vendors here that sell traditional good of Central Java, named Nasi Liwet. "

21 March 2017

Ali Baba

" There is so much activities here. Tell me, do you want to take selfie with a word "SIMPANG LIMA"? Here that place. I found basketball court, one tower in west. And usually have Car Free Day activities in Sunday Morning. It is higher than the road. One way road, crowded in this road, but after walk inner this place, you will be relax. It have a place with many stone which attach to the ground, and you can do massage here. "

18 March 2017

Farika Rahmania

" This place is good. Good for doing sport, good for enjoying the time. So many food stand near it. And simpanglima surrounded by mall, department store, hotel, mosque, and offices. The view is so beautiful at night. Nice place. "

13 March 2017

Yusac Willson

" A must visit place in Semarang. You can do various activities with family here. Tandem bike, becak, take picture etc. Also night culinaries "

14 January 2017

Dadang NH

" Semarang icon, bring your family or friends here and enjoy the view. There are lots of food, and have fun by ride a group cycling. "

11 December 2016

Rio Rinaldo

" A grass field, good place to jog. Around the rounabout is rows if shopping centers, restaurants, and hotels. Some are really good and famous, others, meh. Busy all the time. "

09 December 2016

Nugromax Store

" The center of the vibrant city of Semarang.
What an Iconic place to be for New Comers 😁 "

09 December 2016

Pratiwi Bestariati

" Choose this place when you want to relax with friends or family. This location is very strategic and you can go to this place by bus rapid transit or trans Semarang. Well, I was there as a backpacker, and it's hard for me to cross the street. Very crowded. "

29 October 2016

Dicky Zahkria Iman

" Susah nyabrang ke tengahnya.... "

28 August 2016

Rudi Wibowo

" Ramai kalo weekend "

26 August 2016

Yosse Pradikta

" Ikonnya Kota Semarang "

19 August 2016

Ibnu Saefullah

" Sungguh luar bisa. "

07 August 2016

Harjunan Rizky

" Simpang lima(5) is an icon of Semarang city that like heart of the city.. "

06 August 2016

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