Lapangan Lindu Aji is a park, located at 6°59'14.9"S 110°24'01., Jl. Banyu Urip No.6, Kupang Krajan, Kec. Sawahan, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60253, Indonesia
" Tempat latihan bersama burung berkicau, biasanya tiap hari senin dan jumat. "
17 March 2017
Erik Setiawan
" Tempat bertemu tmn satu hobi "
15 March 2017
Evan Smith97
" Sasana luas "
16 February 2017
Wahyu Wibowo Hadi
" This is a field that used for bird competition. Singing bird such as canary and lovebirds are used to compete here. twice a week this place is crowded for regular rehearsal, and became very crowded once a competition held here. "
06 January 2017
Tri Surya Tabso
" Tempat berkumpulnya penggemar kicau mania, pada hari senin dan jumat . "
Ari Dani
" suasana ramee guyub "
18 December 2017Mega Kristanti
" Lumayan "
04 August 2017Mochamad Hartanto
" Tempat mnyalurkan hobi aduan burung. . "
28 June 2017Erick Setiawan
" Tempatnya strategis "
06 June 2017HACKER INDO
" Bagus "
23 April 2017Jason Nugroho
" Mantabbb gan "
25 March 2017Hasan Abdurrahman
" Tempat latihan bersama burung berkicau, biasanya tiap hari senin dan jumat. "
17 March 2017Erik Setiawan
" Tempat bertemu tmn satu hobi "
15 March 2017Evan Smith97
" Sasana luas "
16 February 2017Wahyu Wibowo Hadi
" This is a field that used for bird competition. Singing bird such as canary and lovebirds are used to compete here. twice a week this place is crowded for regular rehearsal, and became very crowded once a competition held here. "
06 January 2017Tri Surya Tabso
" Tempat berkumpulnya penggemar kicau mania, pada hari senin dan jumat . "
04 October 2016