" Kolam renang yang memiliki air yang sangat jernih dan segar karena berasal dari sumber mata air. Ada beberapa kolam yang tersedia, sesuai dengan tinggi badan dan kemampuan berenang. Air yang mengalir terus membuat kolam selalu bersih dan hampir tidak ada kotoran didalam kolam. Sering ada ikan kecil yang berenang di dalam kolam. "
30 May 2018
Toeflina Pr
" Lantai yang di kolan membahayakan. Ada yang lepas dan itu berlumut, yang tajam juga bisa bikin luka "
14 April 2018
Agung Cahyo Nugroho
" Nice place for swimming. With pure water from mountain and its very cold. You can fresh your body on there "
04 March 2018
Bagas Pramuarsa
" Swimming pool with really fresh and clean natutal flowing water, but with somewhat poor supporting facility (the changing room and locker) and the pool build quality is not that good. My foot was injured by a random broken ceramics of the pool's wall. But thats normal considering the inexpensive entrance ticket "
11 February 2018
Ganang Samudra
" The best thing about this pool is that the water is from natural stream of water, so the water is really refreshing, this is the best swimming pool in salatiga "
19 January 2018
Lufthans Arstipendy
" A place where I finally can swim. Clear and clean water, fresh as well. Dressing room is not perfect but clean enough. Separated depth of water make it cozy for those who still practice to swim. Overall is recommended. "
14 January 2018
Wandono Romadhon
" Fresh water, clean, there are 4 pools, including for children. Recommended for swimming, but usually it's crowded when holiday "
16 December 2017
Nabila Dita Arnanda
" This is good swimming poll with clean wather, but the toilet isn't good because not to much "
16 November 2017
Jeni Karay
" I love this swimming pool because the water is so clean and fresh "
14 October 2017
Meilana Meilana
" The spring water is just perfect "
14 September 2017
Muh Handas
" Good natural water for swimmng "
29 August 2017
Slamet Riyadi
" The most clean, clear and fresh water for swimming at Ungaran and Semarang. "
14 July 2017
Yandi Suparji
" Fresh water.. Little crowded "
27 June 2017
Stefanus Roy
" The purest pool in this area "
11 May 2017
Yanuar Hudha
" freshness of the original mountain "
18 April 2017
Joseph Tri Gunadi
" A natural water swimming pool, you will expecting a small fish swimming with you in here. Unique place to visit. Water so clean your eyes can open anytime under the water. "
05 April 2017
Klik Photos_
" Airnya jernih asli ada sumber matairnya trus lebar juga kolamnya, ada juga kusus kolam buat anak-anak ow ya parkiranya juga lumayan luas kok lokasinya di pinggir jalan raya banyubiru salatiga dan pokoknya kalo kalian yang pernah berenang di sini pasti pengen kesini lagi puas dah pokoknya "
23 February 2017
Antonius Tri K
" Brrrrrr . . . . cold and fresh, 3.5K only "
03 January 2017
Ghanez Fandy
" I like the water, so clear and relaxing. But I don't like the bathrooms, filthy. Uninteresting parking men "
14 September 2016
Thiam Hwie
" Ramai sekali "
30 August 2016
Surya Pujoyono
" Fresh water pool "
14 August 2016
" Kolam renang mata air.. "
09 July 2016
Nur Rochman
" Like "
14 June 2016
Oke Sip
" Air melimpah ruah,seger pol dan sejuk,kayak renang dengan air galon,tiket murah..suiip "
21 May 2016
Ronny Ars
" air ter baik ππππππππππ "
Ernist Liyanto
" Kolam renang yang memiliki air yang sangat jernih dan segar karena berasal dari sumber mata air. Ada beberapa kolam yang tersedia, sesuai dengan tinggi badan dan kemampuan berenang. Air yang mengalir terus membuat kolam selalu bersih dan hampir tidak ada kotoran didalam kolam. Sering ada ikan kecil yang berenang di dalam kolam. "
30 May 2018Toeflina Pr
" Lantai yang di kolan membahayakan. Ada yang lepas dan itu berlumut, yang tajam juga bisa bikin luka "
14 April 2018Agung Cahyo Nugroho
" Nice place for swimming. With pure water from mountain and its very cold. You can fresh your body on there "
04 March 2018Bagas Pramuarsa
" Swimming pool with really fresh and clean natutal flowing water, but with somewhat poor supporting facility (the changing room and locker) and the pool build quality is not that good. My foot was injured by a random broken ceramics of the pool's wall. But thats normal considering the inexpensive entrance ticket "
11 February 2018Ganang Samudra
" The best thing about this pool is that the water is from natural stream of water, so the water is really refreshing, this is the best swimming pool in salatiga "
19 January 2018Lufthans Arstipendy
" A place where I finally can swim. Clear and clean water, fresh as well. Dressing room is not perfect but clean enough. Separated depth of water make it cozy for those who still practice to swim. Overall is recommended. "
14 January 2018Wandono Romadhon
" Fresh water, clean, there are 4 pools, including for children. Recommended for swimming, but usually it's crowded when holiday "
16 December 2017Nabila Dita Arnanda
" This is good swimming poll with clean wather, but the toilet isn't good because not to much "
16 November 2017Jeni Karay
" I love this swimming pool because the water is so clean and fresh "
14 October 2017Meilana Meilana
" The spring water is just perfect "
14 September 2017Muh Handas
" Good natural water for swimmng "
29 August 2017Slamet Riyadi
" The most clean, clear and fresh water for swimming at Ungaran and Semarang. "
14 July 2017Yandi Suparji
" Fresh water.. Little crowded "
27 June 2017Stefanus Roy
" The purest pool in this area "
11 May 2017Yanuar Hudha
" freshness of the original mountain "
18 April 2017Joseph Tri Gunadi
" A natural water swimming pool, you will expecting a small fish swimming with you in here. Unique place to visit. Water so clean your eyes can open anytime under the water. "
05 April 2017Klik Photos_
" Airnya jernih asli ada sumber matairnya trus lebar juga kolamnya, ada juga kusus kolam buat anak-anak ow ya parkiranya juga lumayan luas kok lokasinya di pinggir jalan raya banyubiru salatiga dan pokoknya kalo kalian yang pernah berenang di sini pasti pengen kesini lagi puas dah pokoknya "
23 February 2017Antonius Tri K
" Brrrrrr . . . . cold and fresh, 3.5K only "
03 January 2017Ghanez Fandy
" I like the water, so clear and relaxing. But I don't like the bathrooms, filthy. Uninteresting parking men "
14 September 2016Thiam Hwie
" Ramai sekali "
30 August 2016Surya Pujoyono
" Fresh water pool "
" Kolam renang mata air.. "
09 July 2016Nur Rochman
" Like "
14 June 2016Oke Sip
" Air melimpah ruah,seger pol dan sejuk,kayak renang dengan air galon,tiket murah..suiip "
21 May 2016Ronny Ars
" air ter baik ππππππππππ "
28 December 2015Mohammad Adhim
" Dinginnn bingit suegerrr "
22 November 2015