About Baturaden Botanical Gardens
Baturaden Botanical Gardens is a park, located at Jl. Pancurantujuh - Wanawisata Baturraden, Purwokerto, Baturraden, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53151, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 281 681822, visit their website kebunrayadaerah.krbogor.lipi.go.id for more detailed information.
Pratekwo Kurnia Aji
" Good place for save the time but i think this place need a treatment. "
30 May 2018Setyo Widodo
" sahabat tinggal cari saja di google maps atau sahabat tinggal lurus terus kearah utara dari kampus utama unsoed samapai mentok entar kalau udah mentok bisa tanya penduduk sekitar karena lokasinya tidak jauh lagi dari situ. Kebun Raya Baturaden terdapat di lereng Gunung Slamet, berdekatan dengan kawasan Wana Wisata Baturaden dan Bumi Perkemahan Baturaden. Lebih tepatnya terletak di Desa Kemutuk Lor, Kecamatan Baturaden, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah. Kebun Raya yang dikelola Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki luas 143,5 hektar dan berada pada ketinggian antara 600-700 meter dpl.
03 May 2018Sahabat Pembaca pasti bertanya Berapa tiket masuknya ke kebun raya baturaden?. Sahabat pembaca semua tidak boleh panik karena sedang piknik hehhehehhe. Tiket masuknya terjangkau kok bagai seluruh kalangan. Saat itu saya masuk 14.000 untuk dua orang dan satu montor dan untuk parkir montor 2.000. "
Waluyo Setiawan
" A truly comfortable place to unwind with stunning natural scenery and cool and fresh air perfect for you to relax with family. Your friends and close friends "
11 February 2018Bintang Aryananda
" This place is perfect to refresh your mind and relaxing your body. But, the facility need to be fix "
11 February 2018Hepy Satriana
" A nice place to bring your kids. Fresh air. Much flowers. Long enough stairs will keep your healthy trained. Cool enough there better to wear sweater or jacket. Should visit this place if you come to Baturraden. "
08 February 2018Roy Simanjuntak
" Very nice place for weekend, greeny and can see the town of Purwokerto. Nice view "
26 January 2018Rachmat Januar
" actually baturraden botanical garden is very beautiful because it is located on the slopes of the mountain slamet with views of the city of purwokerto and a cool place. but if you visit the botanical gardens are still many shortcomings that need to be improved. for example: a place to relax just for a mat mat while talking to relatives or family, a centralized children's play area or a place to get around on foot. hopefully in the future to come this botanical garden can be more crowded visitors. "
30 December 2017MAMITAKA Gallery
" Relaxing moment in such a beautiful place. This place is located near slamet volcano so that it has cool air. Youa may reach this place by private tranportation. "
24 December 2017Dyahpradita Oktaviany
" If you want to feel the Twilight scene, you have to go there... The mist, the tree, soooo twilight's "
09 December 2017Suyadi Abumuhammad
" Bagus...indah..taman bunganya tertata rapi dan bersih "
03 November 2017Panca Satria
" I really enjoying at here.
27 October 2017There is a clean forest, waterfall, and sulfur waterfall. "
" Large nature botanical garden with great view "
23 October 2017Fathan Rifardi
" Good place for enjoy the nature. "
11 August 2017Astin Soekanto
" Beautiful place "
06 July 2017Hartono Karim
" Nice place to learn.. "
03 July 2017Fitri Mulyati
" Needs to be more organized for the plants and flowers bedding. Needs better management for the operation. "
28 June 2017Imam Sunarko
" great place to learn about natural especially flower and kind of plants also. good vibes because this place is actually in hight point in PUrwokerto CIty. not actually famous because recently opening 2 or 3 years ago . "
12 May 2017KikiAvrile
" Fun place "
18 April 2017Nugroho Danuaji
" Nice place for holiday "
13 February 2017Savira Rahma
" Nice place for recreation "
23 December 2016Ocyid
" This place is amazing! Many sites to visit! So if you want to fully explore this place, you may want to take a longer vacation and it is strongly advised you shouldn't come in weekend or holidays to enjoy this place even better! Have a joyful day in this beautiful place! "
10 September 2016Yusuf Setyadi
" Very beautiful flower garden "
30 August 2016A. Noyara Rahmasary
" Need more collection and better management. Has the potential, though. "
20 July 2016Joseph Fernandez
" Best time to visit between 1-3 PM "
16 July 2016Bagus Sudrajat
" Site wisata terbaru di Baturaden "
12 June 2016Ifan Himawan
" Old style Garden......cool....... "
11 June 2016Ika Wahyu S.
" Wisata dan edukasi "
16 January 2016Bondan Stymulan
" I love it "
06 January 2016Krisna Pamuji
" Bagus "
17 December 2015