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About Jepara Ourland Park

Jepara Ourland Park is an amusement park, located at Pantai Mororejo, RT. 4 / RW. 2, Mlonggo, Bandengan, Kec. Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah 59452, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 291 4260388, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 25

Averus Zaman

" Wahana lengkap dan bersih. Nggak terlalu rame. Cocok buat destinasi keluarga. "

05 May 2018

Zainal Abidin

" Lokasi Asik buat liburan, main air sepuasnya, wahana yang komplit. perlu ditambah warung makan dan minum, toko-toko souvenir dan cinderamata "

05 May 2018

Kenrick Dustin Putra

" Jop ok "

04 May 2018

Christhoper Cristian

" Price is about 120k for basic waterpark.

There are more activity than that semuch as paint ball and vox glide.

For the water slide they have 4 difficulty so all peps can enjoy it.

There are also olympic standard swimming pool, kiddie pool, lazy river, some fun ride, and or course... The sea! "

09 March 2018

Isna Salsabilar

" the architectural form is unique, but there is not much room for shelter, close to the beach, but when it is quiet the atmosphere is creepy, otherwise the service is tolerable, but when the service is quietly underestimated.
overall it's good enough "

04 February 2018

Fanani Bastian

" Nice, because im wong jeporo "

31 December 2017

Nandaa Adriyanii

" i love for go there at the first time they make a nice concept, for swim and another game too, i wish they have regularly event like music stage and food challenge "

06 December 2017

Mr. Khaerun

" This place is so nice... My daughter enjoys visiting this place very much... And do all of my big family from mtsn kedu temanggung. Any time... We will be back here. Tha's all. "

19 November 2017

Oman Kadavi

" nice waterpark and beatiful panorama "

18 November 2017

Edy Cahyono

" wooww beautyful "

13 November 2017

Hamiz Ahnaf

" Go there on weekdays and all in. Sometimes the water pump not working. Not quite living up to my expectation but for the price it worth it. Safe and Suitable for family. "

19 July 2017

Akmal Trisnanta

" Nice place to come, everything has been setup in proper, but some venue seems like unfinished and not working yet.
We can't bring food from outside. Reasonably enough, but foods inside are slightly in high price. "

31 May 2017

Stefan Budhianto

" This place offers so much fun and also near to the beach with plenty fun game "

23 May 2017

Siti Mufita

" I love pool. And JOP gives me much time to swim. "

02 May 2017

Hamiz Ahnaf

" Go there on weekdays and all in. Sometimes the water pump not working. Not quite living up to my expectation but for the price its worth it. Safe Suitable for family. "

03 March 2017

Farid R Doni

" the place is good at first sight but after enter inside feel not so playfull and amaze cause some attraction not finish well "

27 November 2016

Emanuel Anggit

" Still new, but is great for kids. Adult can also enjoy this place. "

26 November 2016

Akmal Trisnanta

" Nice place to come, everything has been setup in proper, although some venue seems like unfinished and not working yet.
We can't bring food from outside. Reasonably enough, but foods inside are slightly in high price. "

27 September 2016

Indrajaya Sartono

" The ticketing service is very satisfying.
The janitors are working well.
I like the lush greenery and how spacious the area is.
The beach is clean as well (cleanest compared to other local beach) keep it up!
Sadly in the hands of irresponsible customers, men changing/shower room door are broken.
The floor can be made less sliperry--I wonder why they didn't choose rougher tiles for the flooring, ceramics: super slippery! You really need to be extra careful walking around! Children and adults are at risk.
The edges of the 'Olympic pool' can be made more rounded, the current one might tear swimming suits or even your back. The pools don't have the ladder to get in/off the pool safely.
Creating "water party" events can work too in this area. "

17 July 2016

Mohamad Iqbal

" Keren... :) Service nya jg ramah "

11 July 2016

Gideon Yonatan

" Nice place for having relaxation and holiday with family "

28 June 2016

Dwi Ryanto

" Apik "

17 May 2016

Abdus Syakur

" Tempatnya bagus, wisata water boom sekaligus wisata pantai. Pemandangan alam indah. Menarik utk dikunjungi "

11 May 2016

Heru Sasongko

" alternatif arena refreshing near pantai bandengan.. recommended 4kids t.o.p. dagh "

01 May 2016

Ibnu Sina

" Kayaknya bgus "

26 March 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM