About Janendra Cafe & Resto
Janendra Cafe & Resto is a cafe, located at JL. Ahmad Yani Dalam 999 Sidomulyo, Sidomulyo, Ungaran, Ungaran Tim., Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50514, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 24 7691062 for more detailed information.
RY Wicaksana
" Good "
08 November 2020AGUSTO TV
" Live musicnya ok... "
10 August 2020MShake Inv
" Cozy place, nice taste and good memories "
12 December 2019N! Vlog
" Ok "
29 November 2019Za Zithym
" Pretty nice, the coffee is good "
15 October 2019Dama Qoriy
" Comfortable place "
09 June 2019Dama Qoriy
" Comfortable place "
09 June 2019Jalu Wibowo
" Cozy, nice place to hang out with friends "
08 June 2019Arie Budie
" Delish "
26 May 2019Desi Febiola
" the place is very comfortable "
19 September 2018Fathur Rahman
" Cozy, Fair Price, good food "
28 May 2018Danang Puspito
" Feel bad for this place "
13 May 2018Marc Laia
" a great place... "
07 May 2018Diajeng Kusuma
" Nice place to sharing with the other friends.. Thankyou for tonight.. ❤ "
19 April 2018Hendra Safa
" Good "
03 February 2018Lista Novia Putri
" Good food, good place "
28 January 2018Tracker G1
" Nice place "
28 January 2018Desy Kurniawan
" The sausage is too small..😥
05 January 2018No live music "
Arif Darminto
" the cozy place to hangout with beautiful view ungaran mount "
17 December 2017Desy Daryanti
" tempatnya enk bgt dgn view gunung, sepi menenangkan.. ada akustik jg.. makanan kebetulan ada bbrp yg kosong, pelayan jg ramah.. harga terjangkau.. "
18 October 2017Nova Kurniawan
" Nice place "
26 September 2017Dyah Agustin Catur Putri
" salah satu tempat hits di ungaran..lokasinya agak masuk ke gang gitu.. pemandangannya bagus (gunung ungaran).. ada live music jam 19.30 "
22 September 2017Dito Mahanaim
" Setiap jumat malam ada live musik, dan pemain nya cukup menghibur untuk menghilangkan lelah dan bersantai sangat cocok, live musik mulai pukul 08.00.. "
29 July 2017Tresno Hariyanto
" Gedung badminton yg lumayan bagus, satu-satunya lap badminton di Ungaran dgn bahan dasar karpet standar nasional. Hanya saja kurang luas dan perlu ditambah lg. "
20 June 2017Amier Nur Khafid
" Sabtu, 17 Juni 2017 datang pkl 17.00 ber7, pesen menu 17.30, pkl 19.00 pramusaji datang, bilang udang habis, ganti ayam bakar. Nasgor 3 saji pkl 19.13, nasgor 3 lagi dateng pkl 19.23, ayam bakar datang pkl 19.53. Hanya utk makan buka puasa butuh waktu lebih dari satu jam... Not recommended... "
17 June 2017Sarifudin MST
" Terlalu sepi "
18 May 2017Sri Nuryati
" Tiap malam selasa ada solo orgent... Kita nyaman bisa menyanyi dan hidangan nya enak enak "
20 February 2017Ulum Siregar
" Makan malam sama pasangan ditempat ini sangat romantis. "
14 February 2017Jaimy Azle
" This is a good romantic place, you'll have a good ungaran mountain view here. "
05 August 2016Sukimin Utomo
" Tempat yg cocok untuk kumpul2 dan lapangan bulutangkisnya oke "
21 February 201619aldie
" P. Har "
17 February 2015