Tegal Ooredoo Indosat (Stand)
About Tegal Ooredoo Indosat (Stand)
Tegal Ooredoo Indosat (Stand) is located at Jl. RA. Kartini, Mangkukusuman, Tegal, Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52123, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 5438888, visit their website www.indosatooredoo.com for more detailed information.
Hendricus Hendrani
" customer service is satisfying enough "
26 February 2020Rosihan Ardianto
" Ok "
25 January 2020Anthony Lexus
" Fast response "
09 October 2019Zack Aria
" Not enough good "
21 September 2019Dien Chan
" The place not too big, the services is just ok. Can't make appointment so you need to waiting around 10-20minutes "
22 July 2019Dien Chan
" The place not too big, the services is just ok. Can't make appointment so you need to waiting around 10-20minutes "
22 July 2019Danny Marliana
" Good services "
12 June 2019Azhari Elkayoethi
" good service "
23 March 2019Mr. Maruapey
" Good customer service, fast too "
10 March 2019Raga Mahendra
" good "
27 September 2018Muthiia Faatin
" Help us if there's mistake or error with our SIM Card, good services, comfortable place. "
14 September 2018Adimaswibi 86
" Excellent services "
05 August 2018Bani Har Hor
" Good service "
22 June 2018Raden Mas Muhammad
" Nice & fast service "
06 June 2018Muhamad Isa
" Top service "
28 March 2018Puger Rahardjo
" Nice CS officers and place "
25 December 2017Hanif Kurniawan
" Mau tanya. Kartu m3 saya kok gak ada sinyal yaa ? Itu kenapa ? Ada solusi biar aktif lg ? "
13 October 2017Asri Septiya Utama
" Sekedar info : Untuk upgrade kartu ke 4g pastikan data sesuai dan membawa ktp + biaya admin 10rb. "
26 August 2017Ara Sabila
" Service is okay "
30 July 2017Azda Fajri-Zaini
" Good cs "
24 June 2017Mang Dodoy
" Saya cek dulu lokasinya sekalian mau upgread kartu ke 4G,,, klo pelayan baik saya kasih hibtang 5 "
06 May 2017Maulana Yusuf
" Pelayanan yg cepat "
24 April 2017Hilmy Alghifari
" nice service, clean and convenient. "
01 April 2017Stanley Wijaya
" parah abis... cs pelayannya cewek jutek ngomongnya ga enak... satpam nya lg ada org lg dongkol ikut2an nasehatin... sampah indosat tegal "
27 February 2017Bayu Herdiyanto
" Bagus pelayanan nya "
15 February 2017Eris Firdaus
" ngantrinya laaaamaa "
25 December 2016Bagus Zakaria
" Tempatnya sempit
11 December 2016Tidak seperti gerai operator yang lain "
Toto Sugiarto
" Mohon agar bisa di cantumkan no telpon yang bisa dihubungi...krn saat ini sepertinya tdk ada no yg bisa dihubungi....tks "
03 October 2016Arif Faiq Muzakki
" CS sangat sedikit meskipun pelayanan lumayan "
21 August 2016Kampus Juragan
" Lambat "
14 July 2016Randi Setiawan
" Gerai Indosat yang melayani wilayah tegal brebes "
17 June 2016M. Sani Habib Mufi
" Best service "
25 April 2016Zufar Ar
" Pelayanan lambat & tidak memuaskan.
18 March 2016Sering terjadi jeda kekosongan yg lama, padahal Customer banyak mengantri. "
Galih Purboyo
" Saya pemakan indosat superwifi. Tapi rumah saya dan area wifi indosat cukup jauh. Saya harap ada area wifi indosat di brebes "
07 November 2015Zaenul Iroqi
" Saya sering kehilangan atau bahkan kerusakan simcard indosat dan berharap bisa berada di brebes supaya lebih dekat "
07 September 2015