About Indomaret Point Pemuda
Indomaret Point Pemuda is a convenience store, located at Jl. Pemuda No.57, Pandansari, Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50139, Indonesia. Visit their website www.duaide.com for more detailed information.
Indomaret Point Pemuda is a convenience store, located at Jl. Pemuda No.57, Pandansari, Semarang Tengah, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50139, Indonesia. Visit their website www.duaide.com for more detailed information.
Daniel Agung Ujianto
" Recommended...
01 June 2018Nice n cozy...
Mi Familia favorita... "
Wahyu Budiono
" Nice place for quick bite "
27 April 2018Suparmi 2505
" Ok "
13 April 2018Albert Andrew
" good enough "
09 January 2018Max Darmawan
" The second floor is now closed, and only one power outlet on the first floor. Better make sure your phone is charged before hanging out in here, or brace yourself in the (much larger) smoking area "
21 November 2017Syaiful Rahman
" Good place for resting or just buy some stuff,, "
28 October 2017A. Anugrahni
" Banyak pilihan minuman dan makanannya. Harga standar saja. Tersedia banyak kursi untuk nongkrong. Sayang non smoking areanya tidak terlalu luas. Colokannya banyak yang tidak berfungsi. Wifi super lemot. Kebersihan masih perlu diperhatikan oleh pengelola. Di dalam tersedia atm bni dan atm maybank. "
06 October 2017Max Darmawan
" The second floor is now closed, and only one power outlet on the first floor. Better make sure your phone is charged before hanging out in here "
28 September 2017Daniel Agung Ujianto
" Nice n cozy... "
21 August 2017K Aini
" Lot choice to choose wether to eat or drink "
22 May 2017Shaliq Fauzan
" tempat nobar MU. Glory Glory Manchester United! "
18 May 2017Adel Desi
" The best place to spend your time with coffee and rice box "
30 April 2017Mudzakir 5758
" Slalu rame apa lagi kalo pas nobar joozzz "
06 April 2017Indira Poedtry
" Tempat nya keren, tpi koneksi WiFi jelek "
02 March 2017Gunawan
" tempat nyaman ☺ cocok untuk tongkrong anak muda.. "
26 February 2017Moeslim Ahimsa
" Tempat nyaman buat bikin tugas, nongkrong murah, dan nobar "
24 January 2017Indira Poedtry
" Tempat nya keren "
29 December 2016