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About Losmen Budjono

Losmen Budjono is a lodging, located at Jl. Raya Dieng KM.27, Dieng, Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah 56354, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-2664-5669, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 40

Muhammad Riandy

" This place is just awesome. Very cheap price for the room and super friendly staff. The food is quite okay with not-so-expensive price. They also provide a tour guide to help you explore Dieng. This place is more than just a homestay but also kinda tourist information. "

01 April 2018

Ruby Tuesday

" Nice and cheap homestay. Close to the base camp "

31 March 2018

Ferry Malirano

" Cheap losmen. Minimalis room. Free wifi. Hot water. Strategic place. Need reservation for the room. "

20 March 2018

Imam Santosa

" Damp. Shabby. Hardly able to sleep with the mouse Running around on the roof. "

28 February 2018

Djoko Cty

" oh my God, i cant believe that they serve the most perfect french fries. the drink also very unique and tasty. absolutely will miss this restaurant . "

26 December 2017

Yogyakarta Tour Driver

" Low cost but Nice "

11 September 2017

Herman Kusuma

" We only eat there. Good food. Like home. "

23 August 2017

M Ihsan Novandika

" Nice place with less price, the innkeeper is friendly and helpful when asked about Dieng's tourist attractions "

29 July 2017

Irham Anshar

" Nice cheap place with humble service.. "

18 July 2017


" Good place "

27 June 2017

Ferry Pradana

" Penginapan dengan harga paling terjangkau di dieng, tersedia wifii, air panas, satu kamar maksimal 4 orang, tersedia ruang makan dengan menu makanan yang enak, tersedia sewa motor, lokasi paling strategis, tepat di depan landmark dieng plateu, pelayanan friendly, selalu ramai. "

19 June 2017

Channel Unique

" Tempat favorit dah menurut gw, sperti di rumah sendiri "

06 May 2017


" The food is very tasty and must try their homemade French Fries.. "

01 March 2017

Cynthia Sari

" Rekomended bgt dah, tempatnya nyaman aman murah lg.. "

24 February 2017

Cynthia Sari

" Tempat paling rekomended buat backpacker, harganya murah pelayanannya jg ramah seperti dirumah sendiri.. "

24 February 2017

Dilla Zahara Putri

" Pertama ke Dieng dan pertama tanya ke abang gorengan dijalan, tempat menginap murah dan nyaman, langsung ditunjukin ke Bu Djono.
Gak bakal nyesel pernah mampir dan menginap disini.
Ramah pake banget pemiliknya, serasa dirumah 'nenek', ngobrol hangat ngelor ngidul sm pemiliknya.
Kalau balik ke Dieng mesti mampir lagi kesini, ajak temen nih. Wajib !!!
Recomended buat para backpacker "

31 January 2017

Adam Maulana

" Tempatnya asik dan cukup terjangkau , recommended deh "

28 January 2017

Wage Raka Pratama

" Recommended banget dah... Tidur nyenyak makan enak "

23 January 2017

Denis Da

" Good located, a bus stop directly in front of the homestay. Payable rooms, good food if you are lazy or too tired to go out. Good coffee too. From there you can easily reach the basecamp and start the Mt Prau hike. "

04 December 2016

Irham Anshar

" Cheap prices, Massive hospitality. "

20 October 2016

Android Indonesia

" Rekomended buat para backpacker, murah, aman, nyaman jg bersih..
Wifi nya jg kuenceng top dah "

19 October 2016

Aman Santosa

" Recomended tuk backpaker dieng servis n pelayanan yang welcome "

08 October 2016

James Santoso

" Harga yg diberikan paling bersahabat di lingkungan hotel sekitarnya. Walaupun bangunannya kecil dan tua, tapi kamarnya cukup bersih dan tempat tidurnya nyaman. Pelayanan sangat ramah dan bersahabat. "

27 September 2016

Syaukani Okan

" Homestay ini letaknya sangat strategis berada di tepi jln utama kawasan wisata dataran tinggi dieng.. rate kamar relatif murah yaitu :
Type standard Rp. 100.000,-/mlm
Type vip Rp. 200.000,-/mlm
(Update harga per 4 sep 2016)
Cocok sekali untuk para backpaker. "

10 September 2016

Rendi Kurniawan

" Tarif permlem brapane klo hri lbur.. "

09 September 2016

Setiyawan Agus

" Penginapan paling murah di Dieng IDR 75K (2 orang,standart room) 100K 3 orang & IDR 150K (VIP room 2 orang) "

06 September 2016

Syaukani Okan

" Lokasi nya yg strategis dan rate nya yg relatif murah membuat hotel ini menjadi salah satu tujuan utama menginap bagi para pelancong terutama backpaker yg ingin ke dieng "

04 September 2016

Karya Ndolo

" tempat paling favorit untuk backpacker,murah,nyaman dan pelayanannya ramah "

26 August 2016

I Ketut Dharmayasa

" Hallo, this place is a recommended place for you, yes my fellow backpacker, their owner is the most kind person i've met, Om Kelik is his name, the place consist of a shared bathroom place and private bathroom, also this place is very cheap and feels like i had family here, because this place has a small fireplace downstairs for everyone to share their stories. "

19 August 2016

Robbe Vangheluwe

" The owner is probably the friendliest person in Dieng. The place to go to for info about Dieng. Very friendly, honest, giving lots of good tips, etc. We didn't stay here but were here more than in our homestay next door. Good food too! "

19 July 2016

Loulou Herman

" People here are very helpful and nice, they gave us a lot of information about the neighbourhood. Food is also good and the price is fair. "

19 July 2016

Dalailul Huda

" 👌 "

16 July 2016

Dedi Irawan

" Lumayan "

03 July 2016

Endy Prayudi

" Tmpt tidur murah "

21 June 2016

Tika Oktavia

" Tempat yg nyaman dan murah, jg sangat strategis dekat dengan obyek2 wisata yg ada di dieng
Pelayanan yg ramah seperti dirubah sendiri "

27 May 2016

Dayath Wklan

" Nyaman "

18 May 2016

Suyandi Liyis

" I never forget the potatoes fry "

15 May 2016

Rieswin R

" One of the best homestay I stayed in recent vacation. Hostnya ramah banget, servicenya bagus seperti nginep di rumah teman sendiri. Great foods on the restaurant too. "

13 May 2016

Oscar Pamungkas

" Lumayan untuk penginapan seharga 75... "

25 March 2016

Sewa Mobil Yogyakarta 7EFA3DE1, 082145250866

" Tour yogyakarta transit hotel "

12 January 2016

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