About Mang Engking Putra Gombong
Mang Engking Putra Gombong is a restaurant, located at Jl. Yos Sudarso KM. 07, Desa Kretek, Gombong, Rowokele, Kretek, Rowokele, Kabupaten Kebumen, Jawa Tengah 54472, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-2666-2424, visit their website mangengkingputragombong.blogspot.co.id for more detailed information.
Dian Sofiana Puspitahati
" Have a good view, especially at night. "
13 May 2018Bayu Akbar
" Very good place for take some rest while in long trip. It has a good taste of food that we can enjoy it in a good place with a good view, fresh air, comfortable situation. Very recommended place. You can feed the fishes while you waiting the food ready. "
06 May 2018Eza Hazami
" Great food, great atmosphere, great facilities ! Really worth the price, perfect place for having weekends with family. "
12 April 2018Troy Purtama
" Great place to eat. Udang bakar madu so yummy.. "
05 April 2018Rudi Arcade
" Best place to take a rest...nice view n food "
31 March 2018Yunita Prasetyani
" Good food, nice place "
31 March 2018Mardlo Zulkarnain
" Better Reserve first before dine in to get best gubug, especially in the weekend. "
22 March 2018Olivia Mahalani
" A very good place to stop for lunch/meal. Green surroundings, very clean and very relaxing for a quick stop from Jogja to Jakarta on trans-Java Southern Route #3. "
21 March 2018Jimmy Pinarta
" Nice, big and clean place. Good for rest if u are at Kebumen. But pricey! "
10 March 2018Amalia Febri
" Nice food n calm..relax..n windy place "
22 February 2018Hafiizh A. Pratama
" The cuisines are delicious, the nuance and its environment are comfortable for your family to gather...the price goes with the service "
07 February 2018Ganda Satria Sikstianto
" The taste is very good but the price is little bit expensive "
28 November 2017Marcella Inggrid
" Love the area and also the food my kid had a very enjoyable time spent here "
18 November 2017Ciacia Riaty
" the food quality is excelent, im in love with its grilled shrimp glazed with honey... oh so yummy!!! "
28 September 2017Citta Flora Gijarno
" Good food, spacious place, friendly staffs, very relaxing "
03 September 2017Maulana Kurniawansyah
" We have the place for ourself today🤣🤣🤣
22 August 2017Clean and neat. Food was good also. Kids love the fish pond area. "
Ferry Malirano
" Delicious food and relaxing place "
05 July 2017Farhan Denigi
" The best places for spending time with your family. Dimanapun cabang mang engking berada, sejauh mencoba rasa mang engking selalu enak. Tempatnya nyaman, dan masjidnya pun bagus. I give 5 stars and i can guarantee it. "
01 July 2017Fajar Andi Kuncoro
" Terletak di ds kretek, rowokele jalan utama gombong purwokerto..tempatnya asri..bagus utk refresh keluarga...parkir luas.makananya enak..recomended "
06 May 2017Nndoro Bey
" Hmmmm... "
27 March 2017Irfany Phalita
" Suitable for family, wide area, the food same with another mang engking branch "
07 February 2017Mala Ratina
" Gurame bakar madu, gurame cobek, gurame saus padang mantap semua. Harga pun wajar. Ada terapi ikan & sepeda air. Bakal mampir lagi kalo lewat "
07 January 2017Adhim Adhila
" Restoran yang memiliki nuansa alam tradisional & menu yang Muatabbb hasil olahan tangan nagari Parahyangan, cocok untuk semua event, baik Family, Gathring, Meeting, Wedding, Ulang Tahun, dll. "
30 December 2016Muhammad Happizh
" Nice mosque.. and good place for me time with family.. "
08 September 2016SURKAM SSi
" Tempat makannya nyaman dan makanan enak standar seluruh cabang mang engking "
08 September 2016Ahmad Naelun Najah
" Keren suasananya "
15 July 2016Ahmad Supriyanto
" My base camp "
27 May 2016Santi Cipto Cahyono
" tempat nyaman... makanan oke...pas buat istirahat di tengah perjalanan panjang... "
07 February 2016Utama Prakarsa Mandiri
" Mantab dah tempatnya asik banget...bisa ngasih makan ikan buat ngilangin capek "
13 January 2016Yosi Azwan
" suasa adem sejuk angin sepoi2, wlaupun dluar pnas. mantap lah buat rest area mlepas lelah. "
12 December 2015Bagus Kelana
" mbah Martoprawiro Harsono.. :) "
17 August 2015Ary PiN PaY
" Bgus.. "
15 July 2015