About Godhong Pring
Godhong Pring is a restaurant, located at Jalan Merbabu, Gang 1 No. 3, Kalicacing, Sidomukti, Kalicacing, Sidomukti, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50724, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-3313-3343, visit their website www.facebook.com for more detailed information.
Dimas Pramudana
" Kafenya buja 24 jam. Cocok buat nongkrong, kerja dan bersenda gurau dengan para pengunjung. "
02 June 2018Florentino Bintang Abdi Nugraha
" Great place to hang out with friends ! "
08 May 2018Sri Lestari
" Pelayanan agak lama "
13 April 2018Andy Kusnandar
" tempat nongkrong nyaman utk anak2 muda..harga makanan terjangkau dan unik. Makanan bervariasi...snack bervariasi...minuman mulai dari teh buah..kopi...soklat dll komplit. tersedia wifi juga...sehingga banyak yang betah ditempat ini...utk akses masuk mobil yg sdkt susah...motor lbh enak... "
10 April 2018Rainold Swastara
" Nice place to hangout, teenage style "
23 March 2018Michelin Sallata
" Try the teh coklat. It is really nice there :) "
08 March 2018Kenan Mandawa
" Buka 24 jam ....available hot spot ...what i like the most is teh coklat...ueeeeeennaaakk tenaaaaann "
10 January 2018Thedashdam
" The coffee you must try! 24hours "
25 October 2017Hari Satria
" Good place, good food, good price. "
21 September 2017Khodian Irfa Daroja
" Bring here with your friends "
29 May 2017Shandy Eksani Putra
" It's place to get some coffe and some traditional food. This place open for 24 hours "
24 April 2017Astaria Eka
" Good place, they have lot kind of tea "
14 January 2017Odjar Sarbono
" Top list for hangout and bussiness meeting in easy way,,the owner is very humble and friendly "
10 January 2017Valentino Bahari
" Indobarca homebase, yang nge-fans sama FC Barcelona bisa ikut joint nobar ke Godhong Pring 🍻 "
15 December 2016Afif Halimi
" Cheap and comfort "
06 December 2016Lyla Lhala
" Sangat cocok untuk tempat nongkrong,menu makanan bervariasi,tersedia wifie,musik, "
14 November 2016Ephgenifhu@gmail.com Efry
" Nyaman buat nongky" "
28 October 2016Rizky Meilano
" Buka 24 jam, tempatnya lumayan, cocok buat nongkrong "
10 September 2016Evans Andre
" 24jam wifi cafe "
23 August 2016Fajar Kurniawan
" Terakhir kesana ada tikus di dekat dapurnya. "
15 July 2016Mohammed Habibie
" Pertama diajak kesana gara-gara ketemu temen,muter2 masuk gang ternyata lewat jalan besar harusnya bisa,tapi krn pake mobil harus muter dlu.
29 June 2016Tempatnya asyik seperti tempat ngopi + nongkrong di jogja tapi tempatnya di kota salatiga.
Sering buat nobar juga lho ! Madritista "