" It's a big stadium. With football field. And plenty of food "
12 May 2018
Prijanto Ahmad
" Center Sport in the middle of Surakarta city. Soccer, athletic, swimming, tennis and also other sport point
Easy place to find.
On every Sunday was held for Car Free Day.
Citizens are visiting to enjoy the day.
So many souvenir, some "jajanan local" (local foods) will be find.
Family with the children can around by becak or dokar to sightseeing.
Some people can do jogging or only see around. Relaxing and meet and greet with old friend.
It was really nice place and people can make interrelationship. "
09 May 2018
Nabila Eka
" Dojang koguryo manahan b8. "
07 May 2018
Rose _Indonesia
" This is stadium in solo city. Clean, nice building very recommended for jogging. Come on sunday there is Sunday market (very busy but still nice)..good to be stadium with international standards :) "
05 May 2018
Mukti Bisri
" Kuliner lengkap. Bubur manado sampai padang. Pijat refleksi juga "
03 May 2018
Joe Sadinoe
" Manahan Stadium's the biggest stadium in Central Java with many great sport arenas. Also this place has beautiful views. U can spend ur timd for doing sport like jogging, running, swiming and many more. Many food corners here with great taste. And in every sunday u can enjoy the sunday market here, u can buy everything "
06 April 2018
Haris Amrulloh
" Nonton bola di solo harus kesini 😎😎 "
06 April 2018
Handarini Cintawati
" Tiap ke solo mesti mampir kulineran di sini sorenya "
05 April 2018
Misbakhul Anwar
" setiap minggu pagi sempatkanlah berkunjung di stadion manahan surakarta ini, untuk sekedar mencari keramaian sambil berbelanja barang - barang murah yang mungkin tidak bisa kita temui di sembarang tempat, jajanan - jajanan tradisional dan unik juga tersedia di sini, buruan ajak temen - temen jalan ke Stadion manahan surakarta.
pokoknya rekomendasi deh buat nemenin jalan - jalan kamu di kota solo. "
05 April 2018
Yasta Mardika
" Nice place to have many kind of activity there such as skate, freerun, jogging, nunchaku freestyle, etc "
23 March 2018
Angga Djaya
" It's a great place for sport, big parking, on sunday have manahan market so cheap, near to the city, stations bus and train, have a stadium "
11 March 2018
Rizky Adrian
" Great football stadium, have velodrome too and lots of sports community places here. Best place for work out, community gathering, hangout with friends, even for culinary here is good, if you haven't here, are you even claiming you have been visiting solo? "
09 February 2018
Andri Setyawan
" Great stadium with good facilities, have historical stories, have large area around it with fresh air because there are many old big trees. Have large parking, often held many events. But not clean because the trash and almost every corner in building so smell bad. "
28 November 2017
Gusta Irfan
" Stadion Manahan Khasnya itu Sunday Market. Cuma skrng sunday marketnya sudah jadi kecil separo gak kayak dulu yg full sampe capek muter2nya kalau mau jajan.
Dulu sekitaran stadion utama sama veledrom dipakai tapi sekarang cuma veledrom nya aja. "
24 November 2017
Bimo Hakito
" Good place.. jangan lupa mampir di Vellvia Photography @vellviaphotography Manahan Solo 😊😘 "
22 November 2017
3 Murti
" If only there's smoking area so I still can breathe the fresh air "
18 November 2017
Naili H. Dewi
" Nice whether when i went there. It's good and clean "
16 November 2017
Arief Setyo
" Lovely place for any activities, you can running, cycling, etc... and the most popular, every Sunday morning they are so many sellers who selling their wares. Interesting! "
15 November 2017
S.Little.P Apriel
" Love this place.. really good place for doing sport, like running, walking, soccer, basketball,a lot of thing you can do here "
29 October 2017
Anto Martanto
" Crowded, Trash everywhere. The stadium is not all coverage by the sunroof. So get ready to be tanned "
27 August 2017
Donny Setiawan
" This place a good for doing some sport and joging on the morning and on the afternoon "
27 August 2017
" The town City beautification in Solo City. If night come these place is more interesting due to water dancing with art lighting. "
20 August 2017
Wahyu Setyawan
" One of best stadium in indonesia. A Homebase of Persis Solo FC "
16 July 2017
Raden Abiemanjoe
" Seru ni klo sore ada road race... Hahahaaaaaaaa "
05 July 2017
Erkham Fatho
" One stop serfice for fitnes body health "
23 June 2017
Pongky Hananta
" Great place to do sport (jogg, walk, exercise) "
13 June 2017
Erlian Zakia Ayu Anggarani
" Pretty good place to do sport and there are various type of street foods that you can find outside the area. "
30 May 2017
Barita Siregar
" A place for exercising, and meeting with friends and other good activities with communities. Unfortunately in rainy season was very floody cause the poor sewage system cause all garbages and occasionally dead animal floats on street. Parking was very hard to find, and if you buy food from food stand, people will run to your car asking for parking fee...although you only stop for a second "
23 May 2017
Okky Ardiansyah
" Lovely fishing pond, ever ❤. Either to improve your fishing skills, in here we can learn to respect about nature. "
21 May 2017
Farah Zulfa
" The place is clean and well organized. Almost-full covered by tree canopy so make it a cool place even in the hot weather. "
19 May 2017
Nabila Rosa Damayanti
" A cozy place to do sport that located in the center of the city, it's pretty clean. And it also provides various kind of street food outside the arena 👍 "
13 May 2017
Clara Azelia
" Football stadium √
Jogging track √
Easy access √
Parking lot √
Sport center √
Fitness center √
Basketball field √
Tennis field √
Reflexion space √
Green public space √
Toilet √
Wifi connection × "
11 May 2017
Awmahendra 17
" You can get full package if you love sport activity, especially in football. You can walk, jogging or just chillin with your family here, also you can watch the match from Persis Solo (Football club from Solo city) "
03 May 2017
Putra Ryan
" Tempat olahraga murah meriah disolo,,bisa buat jogging yg pas deket dengan bnyk jajanan solo "
27 April 2017
Septian Nugroho
" Banyak orang yang olah raga disini... Jadi tambah semangat buat olahraganya... "
27 April 2017
Shodiq Hadi
" Good place for exercise "
23 April 2017
Guntur Djawari
" Nice area to do sport "
18 April 2017
Marsya Wulandari
" My children always going to manahan on sunday morning "
10 April 2017
Bayu Priyambodo
" You can do lot of things, its facilities are pretty good "
26 March 2017
Herry Santoso
" Sometimes many cars stay there when there is an event took place. And the polution, the smell of gasoline its just annoying "
23 March 2017
Farika Rahmania
" Good place to do sport and so many cheap food around it "
12 March 2017
Yoseph Khartiko
" A good place to do sports (jogging, cycling, basketball, rollerskating, badminton, tennis, etc.) "
03 March 2017
Muzaki Yafi
" Sangat kotor. Fasilitas sangat tak terawat.
Jika kebersihan dan fasilitas bisa dilestarikan, Manahan akan makin jadi tempat favorit untuk olahraga. "
28 February 2017
Costa Yoz
" Nice place to do some sports activity or just walking around. The entrance tickets also cheap "
18 February 2017
Pais Rebotak
" exercise, run, basket or soccer, besr place to grab some fun or just chill out on the city park. "
09 February 2017
" These is the favorite stadium for nationaly and international football event... "
05 February 2017
Dhany Eko Aprilin
" Serasa menemani Bung Karno membaca😍 "
30 January 2017
Husni Arifin
" nice place to sport: jogging. many place to F&B too. "
01 January 2017
Abdul Rakhman
" Tempat melakukan aktivitas olahraga yg murah "
20 December 2016
Ardha Shohib
" like this "
16 December 2016
Agus Tjipto Djati
" Located at Solo downtown. You can work here with the family. a place to exercise in the morning and evening "
16 October 2016
Don Agusta
" Went to see a friendly between Indonesia and Malaysia, great atmosphere but the stadium needs major rennovation "
09 September 2016
" Belum tertata bagud "
24 August 2016
Chika Ingin DiManjha
" Tempat asik disolo "
20 August 2016
الفن فطرني
" Fasilitas olah raga lengkap "
04 August 2016
Radhea Permata Dewi
" This is a greeny and very comfy stadium in Surakarta. It is not that crowded. You can spend your time here to chit chat with friends, especially when you plan to do sport together. "
13 July 2016
Naufal Yazid
" good place for jogging afternoon or morning "
21 June 2016
Edhy Sulistyarso
" complete facility "
10 June 2016
Shafa Azzahra
" Buat tempat olahraga, jogging juga. Kalo minggu minggu pagi gitu rame. Banyak yg jualan di dalam nya. Pokoknya is the best deh buat stadion manahan Solo "
22 May 2016
Imam Ma'ruf Fuady
" The one and only stadium in Solo City. Homebase for Pasoepati Persis Solo FC and Fansclub. Sometimes also held national or international match. "
18 March 2016
Vincent Na
" A good place for running, basketball, or soccer. Also there is a swimming pool on the outside. "
13 March 2016
Gabriel Imung
" Lokasi favorit warga Solo untuk menikmati minggu pagi, dan malam minggu. Ada pasar dadakan yang menjual berbagai barang dan jajanan, permainan anak, dan sebagainya. Untuk hari biasa bisa dipakai buat jogging, malam harinya ada becak wisata. "
02 February 2016
Aryo Wibowo
" Its Very crowded sunday market. Its right place for family time. A lot of toys and merchant. "
28 January 2016
Hafidz Alhaq
" Hidup kota solo! "
27 November 2015
Sangwang Amarapati
" Complete facilities, poorly managed. The main stadium doesn't even have a canopy for regular class. Nice place for skateboarders, bikers, or even those who just want to do a jog or enjoying the fresh air in the middle of the city "
25 August 2015
Lela Amrina
" pelcis solo "
09 November 2014
Nanda Yulian
" Awsm "
01 September 2014
" Sip "
10 August 2014
Rinto Glad
" manaaa "
09 March 2014
Iqbal Prayuda Aditya
" Banyak angkringan... "
24 January 2014
Jericho Bullecer
" the name is cool! it was named after a filipina actress janelle manhan raped by ram revilla in her ass "
Anturangga Tantra
" It's a big stadium. With football field. And plenty of food "
12 May 2018Prijanto Ahmad
" Center Sport in the middle of Surakarta city. Soccer, athletic, swimming, tennis and also other sport point
09 May 2018Easy place to find.
On every Sunday was held for Car Free Day.
Citizens are visiting to enjoy the day.
So many souvenir, some "jajanan local" (local foods) will be find.
Family with the children can around by becak or dokar to sightseeing.
Some people can do jogging or only see around. Relaxing and meet and greet with old friend.
It was really nice place and people can make interrelationship. "
Nabila Eka
" Dojang koguryo manahan b8. "
07 May 2018Rose _Indonesia
" This is stadium in solo city. Clean, nice building very recommended for jogging. Come on sunday there is Sunday market (very busy but still nice)..good to be stadium with international standards :) "
05 May 2018Mukti Bisri
" Kuliner lengkap. Bubur manado sampai padang. Pijat refleksi juga "
03 May 2018Joe Sadinoe
" Manahan Stadium's the biggest stadium in Central Java with many great sport arenas. Also this place has beautiful views. U can spend ur timd for doing sport like jogging, running, swiming and many more. Many food corners here with great taste. And in every sunday u can enjoy the sunday market here, u can buy everything "
06 April 2018Haris Amrulloh
" Nonton bola di solo harus kesini 😎😎 "
06 April 2018Handarini Cintawati
" Tiap ke solo mesti mampir kulineran di sini sorenya "
05 April 2018Misbakhul Anwar
" setiap minggu pagi sempatkanlah berkunjung di stadion manahan surakarta ini, untuk sekedar mencari keramaian sambil berbelanja barang - barang murah yang mungkin tidak bisa kita temui di sembarang tempat, jajanan - jajanan tradisional dan unik juga tersedia di sini, buruan ajak temen - temen jalan ke Stadion manahan surakarta.
05 April 2018pokoknya rekomendasi deh buat nemenin jalan - jalan kamu di kota solo. "
Yasta Mardika
" Nice place to have many kind of activity there such as skate, freerun, jogging, nunchaku freestyle, etc "
23 March 2018Angga Djaya
" It's a great place for sport, big parking, on sunday have manahan market so cheap, near to the city, stations bus and train, have a stadium "
11 March 2018Rizky Adrian
" Great football stadium, have velodrome too and lots of sports community places here. Best place for work out, community gathering, hangout with friends, even for culinary here is good, if you haven't here, are you even claiming you have been visiting solo? "
09 February 2018Andri Setyawan
" Great stadium with good facilities, have historical stories, have large area around it with fresh air because there are many old big trees. Have large parking, often held many events. But not clean because the trash and almost every corner in building so smell bad. "
28 November 2017Gusta Irfan
" Stadion Manahan Khasnya itu Sunday Market. Cuma skrng sunday marketnya sudah jadi kecil separo gak kayak dulu yg full sampe capek muter2nya kalau mau jajan.
24 November 2017Dulu sekitaran stadion utama sama veledrom dipakai tapi sekarang cuma veledrom nya aja. "
Bimo Hakito
" Good place.. jangan lupa mampir di Vellvia Photography @vellviaphotography Manahan Solo 😊😘 "
22 November 20173 Murti
" If only there's smoking area so I still can breathe the fresh air "
18 November 2017Naili H. Dewi
" Nice whether when i went there. It's good and clean "
16 November 2017Arief Setyo
" Lovely place for any activities, you can running, cycling, etc... and the most popular, every Sunday morning they are so many sellers who selling their wares. Interesting! "
15 November 2017S.Little.P Apriel
" Love this place.. really good place for doing sport, like running, walking, soccer, basketball,a lot of thing you can do here "
29 October 2017Anto Martanto
" Crowded, Trash everywhere. The stadium is not all coverage by the sunroof. So get ready to be tanned "
27 August 2017Donny Setiawan
" This place a good for doing some sport and joging on the morning and on the afternoon "
27 August 2017Joni ATMOWIREJO
" The town City beautification in Solo City. If night come these place is more interesting due to water dancing with art lighting. "
20 August 2017Wahyu Setyawan
" One of best stadium in indonesia. A Homebase of Persis Solo FC "
16 July 2017Raden Abiemanjoe
" Seru ni klo sore ada road race... Hahahaaaaaaaa "
05 July 2017Erkham Fatho
" One stop serfice for fitnes body health "
23 June 2017Pongky Hananta
" Great place to do sport (jogg, walk, exercise) "
13 June 2017Erlian Zakia Ayu Anggarani
" Pretty good place to do sport and there are various type of street foods that you can find outside the area. "
30 May 2017Barita Siregar
" A place for exercising, and meeting with friends and other good activities with communities. Unfortunately in rainy season was very floody cause the poor sewage system cause all garbages and occasionally dead animal floats on street. Parking was very hard to find, and if you buy food from food stand, people will run to your car asking for parking fee...although you only stop for a second "
23 May 2017Okky Ardiansyah
" Lovely fishing pond, ever ❤. Either to improve your fishing skills, in here we can learn to respect about nature. "
21 May 2017Farah Zulfa
" The place is clean and well organized. Almost-full covered by tree canopy so make it a cool place even in the hot weather. "
19 May 2017Nabila Rosa Damayanti
" A cozy place to do sport that located in the center of the city, it's pretty clean. And it also provides various kind of street food outside the arena 👍 "
13 May 2017Clara Azelia
" Football stadium √
11 May 2017Jogging track √
Easy access √
Parking lot √
Sport center √
Fitness center √
Basketball field √
Tennis field √
Reflexion space √
Green public space √
Toilet √
Wifi connection × "
Awmahendra 17
" You can get full package if you love sport activity, especially in football. You can walk, jogging or just chillin with your family here, also you can watch the match from Persis Solo (Football club from Solo city) "
03 May 2017Putra Ryan
" Tempat olahraga murah meriah disolo,,bisa buat jogging yg pas deket dengan bnyk jajanan solo "
27 April 2017Septian Nugroho
" Banyak orang yang olah raga disini... Jadi tambah semangat buat olahraganya... "
27 April 2017Shodiq Hadi
" Good place for exercise "
23 April 2017Guntur Djawari
" Nice area to do sport "
18 April 2017Marsya Wulandari
" My children always going to manahan on sunday morning "
10 April 2017Bayu Priyambodo
" You can do lot of things, its facilities are pretty good "
26 March 2017Herry Santoso
" Sometimes many cars stay there when there is an event took place. And the polution, the smell of gasoline its just annoying "
23 March 2017Farika Rahmania
" Good place to do sport and so many cheap food around it "
12 March 2017Yoseph Khartiko
" A good place to do sports (jogging, cycling, basketball, rollerskating, badminton, tennis, etc.) "
03 March 2017Muzaki Yafi
" Sangat kotor. Fasilitas sangat tak terawat.
28 February 2017Jika kebersihan dan fasilitas bisa dilestarikan, Manahan akan makin jadi tempat favorit untuk olahraga. "
Costa Yoz
" Nice place to do some sports activity or just walking around. The entrance tickets also cheap "
18 February 2017Pais Rebotak
" exercise, run, basket or soccer, besr place to grab some fun or just chill out on the city park. "
09 February 2017Joni ATMOWIREJO
" These is the favorite stadium for nationaly and international football event... "
05 February 2017Dhany Eko Aprilin
" Serasa menemani Bung Karno membaca😍 "
30 January 2017Husni Arifin
" nice place to sport: jogging. many place to F&B too. "
01 January 2017Abdul Rakhman
" Tempat melakukan aktivitas olahraga yg murah "
20 December 2016Ardha Shohib
" like this "
16 December 2016Agus Tjipto Djati
" Located at Solo downtown. You can work here with the family. a place to exercise in the morning and evening "
16 October 2016Don Agusta
" Went to see a friendly between Indonesia and Malaysia, great atmosphere but the stadium needs major rennovation "
09 September 2016SYAMSUL, KOMAR
" Belum tertata bagud "
24 August 2016Chika Ingin DiManjha
" Tempat asik disolo "
20 August 2016الفن فطرني
" Fasilitas olah raga lengkap "
04 August 2016Radhea Permata Dewi
" This is a greeny and very comfy stadium in Surakarta. It is not that crowded. You can spend your time here to chit chat with friends, especially when you plan to do sport together. "
13 July 2016Naufal Yazid
" good place for jogging afternoon or morning "
21 June 2016Edhy Sulistyarso
" complete facility "
10 June 2016Shafa Azzahra
" Buat tempat olahraga, jogging juga. Kalo minggu minggu pagi gitu rame. Banyak yg jualan di dalam nya. Pokoknya is the best deh buat stadion manahan Solo "
22 May 2016Imam Ma'ruf Fuady
" The one and only stadium in Solo City. Homebase for Pasoepati Persis Solo FC and Fansclub. Sometimes also held national or international match. "
18 March 2016Vincent Na
" A good place for running, basketball, or soccer. Also there is a swimming pool on the outside. "
13 March 2016Gabriel Imung
" Lokasi favorit warga Solo untuk menikmati minggu pagi, dan malam minggu. Ada pasar dadakan yang menjual berbagai barang dan jajanan, permainan anak, dan sebagainya. Untuk hari biasa bisa dipakai buat jogging, malam harinya ada becak wisata. "
02 February 2016Aryo Wibowo
" Its Very crowded sunday market. Its right place for family time. A lot of toys and merchant. "
28 January 2016Hafidz Alhaq
" Hidup kota solo! "
27 November 2015Sangwang Amarapati
" Complete facilities, poorly managed. The main stadium doesn't even have a canopy for regular class. Nice place for skateboarders, bikers, or even those who just want to do a jog or enjoying the fresh air in the middle of the city "
25 August 2015Lela Amrina
" pelcis solo "
09 November 2014Nanda Yulian
" Awsm "
01 September 2014MOena
" Sip "
10 August 2014Rinto Glad
" manaaa "
09 March 2014Iqbal Prayuda Aditya
" Banyak angkringan... "
24 January 2014Jericho Bullecer
" the name is cool! it was named after a filipina actress janelle manhan raped by ram revilla in her ass "
30 August 2013