" Good place to relax, but foods can be quite expensive for most people. "
15 March 2018
Rifqi Habibie
" Great place to get some dinner, place a little bit quite and good ambience "
26 January 2018
Muhammad Anis
" Beautiful place with delicious food and beverage "
31 December 2017
Amalsa Fitri
" Really love this place "
19 December 2017
Eka Sismadi
" I would say this place is nice, but its not.. view in not good, food are exspensive, and i really think there is nothing special here "
16 July 2017
Agus Wibowo
" Nice place "
11 July 2017
Ayah Tsaqiif
" Ayoo kunjungi galery kami.... "
19 May 2017
Lei Roy Wisanggeni
" Nyaman untuk bersantai sambil menikmati menu-menu istimewa dan sajian live music serta aneka kerajinan batik dengan motif khas Madoong "
06 May 2017
Milata Khanifah
" Nice place, walaupun harga makanan dan minuman agak mahal "
27 March 2017
Sofiyan Nahdi
" Cozy Place.... "
13 March 2017
Nabil Taher
" Tempat yang mewah dan ada karaoke room nya.. "
30 November 2016
Odeyn Fakhru
" Batiknya bagus-bagus model naturalis, dijamin beda dengan yang lain. Tempatnya rada serem auranya "
19 August 2016
Erikus Arifudzaki
" tempat yang bagus untuk hangout....cuma makanan agak mahal untuk kelas masyarakat pekalongan, kalo buat pacaran sekedar minum duduk lama boleh lah...dekat sawah juga "
13 July 2016
Sony Satria
" Tempat yang layak di kunjungi salah satu ikon kota pekalongan "
21 June 2016
Heru Prastya
" Tempatnya enak buat ngabuburit apalagi mlm minggu
Bukber bersama MP3BAND "
18 June 2016
Hudan Se
" hmmmm "
05 May 2016
Ainunnisa Paradistya
" It's a good place to hang out with your friends, it has a cool design, and you can buy "batik" here 👕👖👗👚 "
Zahra Abdullah
" Good place, good food. "
12 May 2018Kev
" Good place to relax, but foods can be quite expensive for most people. "
15 March 2018Rifqi Habibie
" Great place to get some dinner, place a little bit quite and good ambience "
26 January 2018Muhammad Anis
" Beautiful place with delicious food and beverage "
31 December 2017Amalsa Fitri
" Really love this place "
19 December 2017Eka Sismadi
" I would say this place is nice, but its not.. view in not good, food are exspensive, and i really think there is nothing special here "
16 July 2017Agus Wibowo
" Nice place "
11 July 2017Ayah Tsaqiif
" Ayoo kunjungi galery kami.... "
19 May 2017Lei Roy Wisanggeni
" Nyaman untuk bersantai sambil menikmati menu-menu istimewa dan sajian live music serta aneka kerajinan batik dengan motif khas Madoong "
06 May 2017Milata Khanifah
" Nice place, walaupun harga makanan dan minuman agak mahal "
27 March 2017Sofiyan Nahdi
" Cozy Place.... "
13 March 2017Nabil Taher
" Tempat yang mewah dan ada karaoke room nya.. "
30 November 2016Odeyn Fakhru
" Batiknya bagus-bagus model naturalis, dijamin beda dengan yang lain. Tempatnya rada serem auranya "
19 August 2016Erikus Arifudzaki
" tempat yang bagus untuk hangout....cuma makanan agak mahal untuk kelas masyarakat pekalongan, kalo buat pacaran sekedar minum duduk lama boleh lah...dekat sawah juga "
13 July 2016Sony Satria
" Tempat yang layak di kunjungi salah satu ikon kota pekalongan "
21 June 2016Heru Prastya
" Tempatnya enak buat ngabuburit apalagi mlm minggu
18 June 2016Bukber bersama MP3BAND "
Hudan Se
" hmmmm "
05 May 2016Ainunnisa Paradistya
" It's a good place to hang out with your friends, it has a cool design, and you can buy "batik" here 👕👖👗👚 "
27 April 2016