" Doc, want to ask how to clean the boils that have ruptured, how do you dock, but the feet are still swollen, does the blood inside have to be removed first? "
28 June 2020
Ukhtisia Ummu Albab
" The doctor and the staff are very friendly :) "
28 May 2020
DiFaz Channel
" Spesialis dokter anak dan ada spa buat bayi "
19 February 2020
" nomor telponnya berapa yaaa "
13 January 2020
Dian Arta
" Dokterny dan staffny ramah, dan anak sy cocok berobat kesinj "
31 October 2019
Agus Andoep
" Dokternya ramah, enak di ajak konsultasi
Makasi dokter😊 "
Ayu Amel
" Doc, want to ask how to clean the boils that have ruptured, how do you dock, but the feet are still swollen, does the blood inside have to be removed first? "
28 June 2020Ukhtisia Ummu Albab
" The doctor and the staff are very friendly :) "
28 May 2020DiFaz Channel
" Spesialis dokter anak dan ada spa buat bayi "
19 February 2020BUNDA FELDA
" nomor telponnya berapa yaaa "
13 January 2020Dian Arta
" Dokterny dan staffny ramah, dan anak sy cocok berobat kesinj "
31 October 2019Agus Andoep
" Dokternya ramah, enak di ajak konsultasi
02 October 2019Makasi dokter😊 "
Sekar Asokawati
" Dr dan para staffnya ramah dan baik "
15 August 2019Agustinus Setyo Widi
" Dokternya ramah "
02 December 2018Agustinus Setyo Widi
" Dokternya ramah "
02 December 2018