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About Hotel Dewi Ratih

Hotel Dewi Ratih is a lodging, located at Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Sambong, Kandeman, Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah 51216, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 285 392223 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 26

Tato Saputra

" Not bad hotel "

10 July 2020

Doni Van Coolen

" Just a little hotel but with warm service....good one "

12 March 2020

Jason Bourne

" Good only for travelling "

15 February 2020

Opankz Sisansen

" The door lock is really hard to use, the bath room awful, brownish stain every where, shower broken, instead they provide bucket to bath, tv broke everything is not working properly even the pillow is Soo thin that I have to fold it into two to support my head "

12 November 2019

Cholishna Aulia L

" Good "

12 October 2019

Koh Handoyo

" Clean cozy and the price is reasonable "

03 October 2019

Ari Pambudi

" Vintage hotel with adorable services and prices near North Costal Road (Pantura) "

31 August 2019

Idris Digital

" Not recomended "

14 June 2019

Gaurav Naidu

" Too classy but the food is totally horrible. You will find insects and plastic of the sausages and unhygenic food "

18 October 2018

Mas Choe

" Rockin' noizee disini "

21 March 2018

Yan Sonyardhi

" Nice "

03 March 2018

Yo Ana

" This location very good and silent,and rooms its very good,service good for employee the hotel.friendly "

08 January 2018

Aditya Wicaksono

" Lumayan bagus untuk di Kota Batang. Namun harap direnovasi agar semakin modern tidak tertinggal jaman. Bosen 3 hari menu breakfastnya itu itu aja, kalau gak nasi goreng ya gudeg "

23 September 2017

Dicky Satria

" Fasilitas kamar memadai..disediakan jg kopi atau teh..dan jg ada fasilitas untuk kelas ac yg biasa..shower gak dilengkapi air hangat "

11 September 2017

Bhimawan Aditya Juniardi

" Kamarnya kuno tp luas dan terlalu banyak space kosong jadi agak sedikit horor.. Klosetnya kotor, ga ada water heater, ga ada teko air panas, ga ada minum, ga ada wifi, colokan cuma 1, saluran tv cuma net, tvri, sama indosiar.. Wkwkwk.. Kamar mandi kotor, pegawai cukup ramah "

02 July 2017


" Untuk Room Deluxe dgn tarif 450.000 lumayan dan di nihari libur dan lebaran walaupun naik tetap terasa murah, tarif liburan berbagai jenis kamar antara 200.000 s.d 600.000. dekat dengan lokasi wisata pantai Sigandu dan Ujung Negoro arah utara dan dekat dengan alun alun Batang untuk wisata kuliner di sore dan malam hari dgn makanan khasnya Sego Megono, Lontong opor, dll. "

28 June 2017


" Aman dan nyaman "

20 May 2017

Achmad Adif

" Banyak bgt nyamuk nya, kurang nyaman jg kamar mandi nya.. "

16 May 2017

Asmetd Asume

" Tempat tidurnya kurang nyaman. Kamar mandi dan kloset kurang ok. Sarapan terlalu sederhana. Wifi buruk. "

11 February 2017

Wahyu Wibowo Hadi

" So so "

31 January 2017

Sabnawa Putra

" Woke joss "

31 August 2016

DOT Productions

" Cafetarianya cocok buat meeting kecil - kecilan bareng komunitas. suasananya relax namuntetap tidak berisik. tanpa penyekat tembok maupun kaca, jadi udaranya lebih segar. disamping nya ada lahan parkir yang luas. jadi kalau ada teman yang datang bisa langsung ke lokasi tanpa haru muter - muter nyari tempatnya. "

20 August 2016

Hendry Britano

" BRITANO Sandals "

26 March 2016

Budi Priatna

" Nginep "

18 September 2013

Jahja Omar Fritz Usmany

" Intercom device not working properly at room 106. Breakfast held at the restaurant, well, most obliged, otherwise there is a supplement charge.Hot water usually not available due to technical problems. Cockroaches. Parking lot officer not friendly. Price quality - relationship = too expensive "

13 August 2013

Ad Muharom

" ngantuuk "

01 December 2012

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