DUE CAFE is a cafe, located at Jalan K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, Kalierang, Bumiayu, Kalierang, Bumiayu, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52273, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-1293-1293 for more detailed information.
DUE CAFE is a cafe, located at Jalan K.H. Ahmad Dahlan, Kalierang, Bumiayu, Kalierang, Bumiayu, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah 52273, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-1293-1293 for more detailed information.
Kansya Kansya
" cozy place n deliciuss food "
08 September 2020Amalia Afdhilla
" Cozy, not expensive, delicious and excellent.. ???????????? "
06 September 2020Iik Ramadhan
" Nice place "
21 June 2020Rivi Lazuardi
" The service is very good "
08 March 2020Dwi Novia Vitaloka
" Best moment ???? "
07 January 2020Ammar Annahdi
" Very best best cafe and roastery???????????? "
30 December 2019Khozin Hidayat
" Nice place "
25 November 2019Clone 5510
" Best cafe in the area! "
12 November 2019Ardo Priangga
" Great coffee, tasty menu and cozy place.. "
27 October 2019Dwi Novia Vitaloka
" Best moment 😂 "
12 September 2019Koko Naas
" Nice place "
30 May 2019Andrie Sustanto
" Nice place, good food, live music ???? "
16 February 2019Andrie Sustanto
" Nice place, good food, live music 👍 "
16 February 2019Hey Rin
" nice place:) "
21 January 2019Moh Khoerun
" Enjoy the coffee in a good looking place, join me here ! "
29 July 2018Den Bagus
" Not recommended for coffee lovers,
14 July 2018Just for newbie. "
Ulum Dewa
" pengalaman ngopi disini di tanah kelahiran beta lumayan sreg. dekorasi cafe instagramable. konsep kekinian anak jaman now. lokasi sangat strategis, tepi jalan, belakang terminal Bumiayu. ada mushola, toilet, dan waitress cantik aduhai. bikin betah dan baru sadar kalau ternyata aku due budget pas-pasan. emang aku ini gak cocok tongkrong di cafe, cocoknya di masjid, hehehe... "
04 June 2018Unggul Wicaksono
" Baristanya cakep !
05 May 2018Ditambah dong. Biar enak liatnya. "
Sigid Widyantoro
" Not bad "
12 April 2018Mulhadi Santoso
" Klasik tapi Menarik "
08 April 2018Rendy Fajar
" Ya penak bae nggo ngopi, ndopok, dkk. "
30 March 2018Dwi Jaya Febriansyah
" Salah pakem boss cold drip coffee nya, harusnya diseduh pake air dingin/biasa. Koq malah pake air panas & manis lagi :( , konsepnya ini cold brew/drip kan..? Tp utk espresso based-nya enak lho disamping pake mesin Simonelli... "
30 December 2017Heri Mahfiyanto
" Tempatnya asik "
27 November 2017Lekhatul Winta
" Buat yg suka kopi. Kalian bisa nyoba disini. "
02 November 2017Alif Sudibyo
" Good cafe with nice atmosphere "
21 October 2017Aqiel Elbandawie
" Cocok nih, apalagi tiap malem minggu ada hiburan musiknya "
16 September 2017Arif Romadhon
" Medang karo madang full musij kaya bus pariwisata "
04 September 2017Mwirawan Bayuadi
" Kalo pas di bumiayu pengen nobar dan nongkrong pasti larinya ksini "
03 September 2017Eko Dwi Suryantoro
" This place is comfortable for discuss.free wifi "
30 August 2017Fitri Nurfianah
" Nongkrong nongkrong, nemenin yg lg galau 😂😂😂 "
25 August 2017Arie Widhiyanto
" harga kaki lima rasa bintang 5 :) "
03 July 2017Syahirul Alim
" Rekomended buat nongkrong sambil diskusi "
29 June 2017Alvis Nabeel
" Tempat nongkrong yang nyaman dengan berbagai menu pilihan, dan surga bagi pecinta kopi "
27 April 2017Azimbae
" Jos "
05 March 2017