About Christal Computer
Christal Computer is an electronics store, located at Jalan Kemiri Raya, Gang Rambutan No.42, Salatiga, Sidorejo, Salatiga, Sidorejo, Kota Salatiga, Jawa Tengah 50711, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 298 328787 for more detailed information.
Sidiq Eko Prasetyo
" At first I didn't believe that in the middle of the village there was a computer shop which was quite complete and cheap and parking the car was very difficult hehehe "
12 September 2020Aku Itu
" Tempat nyaman buat konsultasi masalah leptop, komputer, notebook dll langganan sejak 2010 "
06 August 2020Meiryana Dwiwijayanti
" Pelayanannya lama cuma rusak keybord bisa sampe berbulan2, mas2 nya gak ramah sama sekali "
08 July 2020Nur Muthmainnah
" toko perlengkapan komputer, audio, laptop dll...cukup lengkap di salatiga.. harga gk terlalu jauh dari harga kota besar.. kalau barang kosong bisa diorderkan terlebih dahulu. "
27 December 2019MAS MEONG
" Mas mbak mau tanya harga
20 September 2019SSD VGen M2 128 GB Sata 3 berapa ya "
Suprianto Wila
" I totally recommend this place if you're looking for laptop/notebook, and other devices, parts, also accessories related to computer because they offer cheaper price. I've been here myself so many times, even have taken many people to fix their stuff, such as screens and printers. Their services are great. Mbak Iko is my favorite clerk, because she's really informative and friendly. She's on the afternoon-night shift by the way. "
25 July 2019Steaven Octavianus
" Harga murah tp kualitas lumayan bagus "
19 May 2019Muhammad Maghfur Syafrudin
" Toko komputer salatiga termurah di banding dengan toko lainnya.. Parkir mobil susah. Karena masuk gang tokonya.. "
06 February 2019Aditya Herman Rosadi
" Harga bersahabat bisa diadu sama toko komputer lain disalatiga, asesoris n sperpart komputer/laptop untuk kebutuhan pribadi/kantor lengkap banget "
05 September 2018Budhi Prasetyo
" Italian food. Good taste. Various menu. But No playground for kids 😀 "
08 July 2018Abet Nego Adikaswi
" high price "
28 June 2018Alam Surjadi
" Pelayanan ramah, sy beli speaker NIKO 👍 sabar melayani nya "
04 April 2018Dhani Brahmantoro
" Mas Budi ikon "
12 February 2018Ayub Hacked
" Baranh cukup murah "
18 December 2017Aditya Wardana
" Even Though Cristal Comp is not the most complete computer store, but this place is the cheapest one in town. You won't regret. "
18 November 2017Ferry Fadjar
" Barangnya komplit dan harganya sangat kompetitif di wilayah ini, bener2 recomended bagi yang cari kebutuhan komputer, laptop dan pernak perniknya "
14 August 2017Gigih Wicaksono
" Mantafff jewaaa
13 June 2017Recomend "
Har Yanti
" Toko computer lengkap,murah bnyk variasi model dan jenis brngnya "
03 May 2017Jeremiah Handz
" Tempatnya nyaman, barangnya lengkap, harganya murah, pelayanannya ramah, pokoknya luar biasa 👍👍👍👍👍 "
30 April 2017Patria Wisu
" Lengkap, pelayaran ramah, harga bersahabat, cocok buat kantong mahasiswa :D "
28 April 2017Must Buddy
" Murah dan komplit "
28 April 2017Hanny Agoes
" Toko komputer dan aksesoris nya dengan harga ekonomis "
26 December 2016Alfaliyan Banumeko
" Cheaper price "
17 December 2016Krishna Murti
" belanja acc komp :) "
12 September 2016Rizky Meilano
" Lumayan murah "
10 September 2016