About Boldiest Casual Espresso Bar
Boldiest Casual Espresso Bar is a cafe, located at Jl. Tirto Agung No.12, Pedalangan, Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50268, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-2032-4777, visit their website www.instagram.com for more detailed information.
Restiana Eka Febrita
" Fall in love w/ this place ♡ "
05 February 2018Shovie Thalia
" Suasananya enak. Tapi entah pas itu yang salah mesen ato gimana tapi dapet kopi yang gak enak. Red velvet churros nya juga b aja "
08 January 2018Tesalonika Isra
" Suka Vietnam drip nya "
09 December 2017Vinia Esti Damaryanti
" I personally love this place ambience and its milk based coffee. But sadly, I don't really like the food served here, yet the croissant is my favorite, since I always croissant. I recommend to go at night, as you can see the lamp of traffic from upstairs floor. Good place to talk, but not so good for working or group studying place. "
23 October 2017Alfin Faidz
" cozy and quiet cafe "
11 October 2017Anastasia Yulianti
" Comfy place to drink coffee with friends or colleague. Good service. Wifi + electric plug available. There are smoking and non smoking room. "
24 September 2017Gracia Rosa Setya Putri
" Pelayanannya bagus, waitersnya ramah. Tapi yg pasti ada kopi kesukaan gw disini 😁 "
23 September 2017Nuril Safitri
" Buat nongkrog sama teman cocok banget tempatnya. Wajib mengunjungi lagi ke tempat ini. "
12 September 2017Jimmy Stefanus
" Good cappucino with good price "
08 September 2017Aprilisha Safitri
" not just casual, but also comfortable. popular with the coffee geek in town. better to extend the operational hours. "
20 August 2017Tira Puspita
" Kafe simpel tapi keren, beans oke, servis oke, barista oke, penjelasannya lengkap, hasil kopinya sesuai dengan review barista, recommended.. "
29 July 2017Aprilisha Safitri
" not just casual, but also comfortable. quiet popular for the coffee geek in town. better to extend the operational hours. "
09 July 2017Kris 5217
" Tempatnya nyaman, parkirnya luas.. menu food n beveragenya variatif.. harganya pas di kantong (apalagi mahasiswa kekinian yak) hehehe... Interiornya menarik, jadi cocok buat berfoto ria saudara-saudara... hehehe... 😛😘☺ "
30 June 2017Arief Hadinata
" Espresso nya nendang banget, dan kamu harus coba menu andalan mereka, hhmmm yummy "
13 June 2017Ismi Ismiyati
" Suasana nyaman, lokasi strategis, deket banget dari kampus jd ga usah cari tmpt nongkrong jauh2 deh.. "
24 April 2017Hary Aria
" Excellent service, suasananya enak banget buat nongkrong, nyaman banget pokoknya "
24 April 2017Denni Ardian
" kopinya enk banget.. banyak variasinya..
24 April 2017makanannya jg enak.. "
Yonatan Budiarto
" Tempatnya cozy abis.. pelayanannya memuaskan, kopinya mantab.. "
24 April 2017GM Blues
" Great Place for Hangout!! Kopinya enak.. makanannya juga enak2.. "
24 April 2017