About BLIA YAD Central Java
BLIA YAD Central Java
Buddha's Light International Association Young Adult Division of Central Java (Asosiasi Pemuda Sinar Buddha Internasional Subdivisi Jawa Tengah)
Apa itu BLIA YAD?
Buddha’s Light International Association Young Adult Division (BLIA YAD) adalah organisasi Pemuda Buddhis Internasional yang didirikan oleh Master Hsing Yun (Pendiri Fo Guang Shan) tahun 1996 dan telah mempunyai lebih dari 200 cabang di seluruh dunia. BLIA YAD didirikan sebgai wadah bagi para pemuda Buddhis di seluruh dunia untuk turut aktif mengembangkan Buddhisme Humanistik. BLIA YAD Subdivisi Jawa Tengah – Indonesia secara resmi menjadi cabang BLIA YAD pada 12 Juli 2012 saat Konferensi Pemuda Buddhis Internasional (2012 IBLYAC) di Fo Guang Shan, Taiwan.
Memberikan kesempatan bagi para pemuda untuk hidup secara Buddhisme
1. Mempelajari Buddhisme
2. Mengembangkan pemimpin Buddhis
3. Mengembangkan persahabatan internasional
4. Mengembangkan semangat pelayanan
1. Mengikuti ajaran Buddha
2. Meningkatkan kualitas Buddhis
3. Memainkan karakter internasional
4. Kegiatan yang memurnikan pikiran
1. Pembinaan Sekolah Minggu
2. Dharmaduta
3. Bimbingan Belajar
4. Pemandian Buddha Rupang
5. Pelatihan Diri
6. Waisak Inspiration
7. Study Tour
8. Pentas Seni
9. Kegiatan Olahraga
1. Tersedia beasiswa untuk anggota yang berprestasi
2. Persekutuan perusahaan menyediakan kesempatan kerja
3. Pengalaman hidup melalui kegiatan sukarelawan ke luar negeri
4. Berkesempatan hadir dalam kegiatan internasional
5. Mempelajari Buddhisme secara mendalam dan berlatih menjadi Dharmaduta
6. Berkesempatan melakukan penelitian akademis dan melanjutkan pendidikan
7. Pelatihan kepemimpinan untuk anggota eksekutif yang berprestasi
8. Sumber daya tersedia untuk pengembangan tim/kelompok
9. Rencana kegiatan dan pelatihan yang kreatif
10. Memurnikan hati dan jiwa melalui hadir dalam berbagai kegiatan dan aktivitas
BLIA YAD Central Java, located in Indonesia, stands out as a significant beacon for the local Buddhist community. This center is actively involved in promoting cultural and spiritual activities that not only deepen religious understanding but also foster a sense of community among its members. The blend of traditional practices with modern teachings makes it an appealing destination for both seasoned practitioners and newcomers alike. With regular meditation sessions, educational workshops, and community outreach programs, it provides a well-rounded approach to spiritual growth.
The architecture of BLIA YAD Central Java embodies a tranquil and welcoming atmosphere. Visitors often remark on the serenity of the grounds, which are meticulously maintained, offering a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This environment allows individuals to engage more meaningfully with their spiritual practice and connect with others who share similar beliefs. You might find it refreshing to participate in group meditations or discussions that deepen your understanding of Buddhist philosophies.
Community engagement is a core focus here. The center works tirelessly to involve local residents through various initiative programs aimed at social welfare and environmental sustainability. You will see events that encourage volunteerism and collective efforts, driving meaningful change in both the immediate community and beyond. This not only strengthens bonds among participants but also emphasizes the principles of compassion and altruism central to Buddhist teachings.
Real visitors have left positive impressions about their experiences at BLIA YAD Central Java, often mentioning the enriching atmosphere and supportive community. One participant highlighted, "It's more than just a place of worship; it feels like a family where everyone is ready to help each other grow." Another mentioned the programs, saying, "The workshops have opened my mind to new perspectives, and I truly appreciate the diversity of thought here." Such feedback underscores the vibrant and inclusive nature of the center, making it a valuable resource for anyone looking to explore Buddhism in depth.