Bengawan Bowling Centre
About Bengawan Bowling Centre
Bengawan Bowling Centre is a bowling alley, located at Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No.55, Jebres, Kota Surakarta, Jawa Tengah 57126, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 271 636766 for more detailed information.
" "
23 March 2020Faiz Alwan Tagar
" Great bowling place with affordable price for students. "
12 March 2020Alda Dkc
" Best place, very cheap price, nice for student. "
15 January 2020Shia_ Roon
" Seems overpiced and some score machienes and lane number 10 are broken. sometimes it doesn't put the right amount of pin. The shoes are vary from size. You must use socks when enter here. you can rent their shoes for free. The seats are a bit lacking and the other was fine. I think the ball should get more attention. They look like in a poor condition "
28 December 2019Bayu Alam Putra
" Nice place, unfortunately only 10 lanes available from 20 lanes and the place is hot as hell, only depend on electric fan. Cheap, only 20k rupiah per game "
23 November 2019Dionykn
" Not the best bowling centre. Sometimes the pins would fall or get swept off. It's still was great fun tho "
29 April 2019Dionykn
" Not the best bowling centre. Sometimes the pins would fall or get swept off. It's still was great fun tho "
29 April 2019Laras A Abida
" nice place to hang out with friends, you can pay 18k-ish for a round (which is quite affordable) or use your student card to get a discount. the downside, though, is that the area is really hot, the aircon doesn't seem to be working :( "
09 April 2019Niken Larasati
" Fun, interesting, and most addictive place ever (in Solo, surely) to hangout with your pals! Since it's the only one bowling center in this town so... my complain about the place overall would be useless except you're planning to build one with more fan/airconditioner that works well, better shoes, balls, and pins. But go give it a try!!! Bring your student/college card for cheaper price than normal (12k) and a pair of socks that will rescue you from buying it here. "
02 April 2019Enda Kalyana Putri
" So much fun in here! But unfortunatelly it opened at afternoon meanwhile I came from Jogja "
24 March 2019Enda Kalyana Putri
" So much fun in here! But unfortunatelly it opened at afternoon meanwhile I came from Jogja "
24 March 2019Yusuf Aziz
" cool place, its my first time playing bowling "
12 November 2018Abirafdi Darutama
" Well, overall okay but a little bit quiet "
10 November 2018Imas Indra Hapsari
" Kinda old building and equipment. There are some area which already cannot be played. Very cheap. But, also very hot inside cause the air cond didn't work optimally. Even there are signs: do not smoke, people still smoke inside. Sad :( "
06 November 2018Heri Gunawan
" The only one bowling place in solo. Not bad "
23 July 2018Yanuar _
" Old equipment but still good. The only place we can play bowling in Yogya-Solo. AFAIK "
30 May 2018Faizal Dony
" Best place in Solo city for playing bowling, also have swimming pool and karaokr "
25 May 2018Zana Zuhudy
" One and only bowling center in central Java and DIY "
30 March 2018Irhash Putra
" i come from jogja. first, it was really cheap! it looks old but its a pretty straight forward place, a good, simple bowling alley. shoes are rented, and bring your own pair of socks. and lastly, DID I SAID THAT IT IS REALLY CHEAP?!?! "
24 January 2018Muhammad Arzy
" Don't forget to bring your own socks because you will end up buying a new pair of socks if you don't bring it. The place is quite classic but still a good choice to have fun with friends. "
22 January 2018Fadhila Hasna Athaya
" Played bowling here. Cheap price if you are a student, 15K only per game! "
11 January 2018Lucia Geohazard
" It was really fun.The price rent is not so expensive "
19 November 2017Taufik Nur Alamsyah
" spacy sport center. old-school but still nice place to play bowling with good price. "
19 November 2017Astaria Eka
" Baru tau ada tempat bowling di solo, murah bangeeett. Worth it lah. Buat pemula silahkan coba 2 atau 3 ronde kamu udah mahir deh "
23 June 2017Farid Hibatullah
" Satu satunya bowling di jawa tengah
21 June 2017Main bowling dari semarang atau jogja harus kesini dulu
Murah, tempat dingin ber ac, parkiran luas
Buka terlalu sebentar, banyak line yg tidak terpakai, bola sudah tidak bulat sempurna "
Bogi Wibowo
" Pretty straightforward place to go bowling, had my first bowling attempt here and won against 5 other people. Highly recommended "
26 May 2017Rafi Fs
" main bolwling "
19 March 2017Adhya Hanafi
" tempat yg berkonsep serba ada untuk olahraga "
14 March 2017Bisri Hadi
" 1 game 14rb, kalau pakai KTM 10rb "
16 February 2017Alvin Arkansas
" New experience! Good price! Cuma 10rb/game buat pelajar. Recommended "
11 February 2017Adinda Astuti Astaning Widhi
" Harga cukup ramah untuk kantong pelajar. Tapi lane nya sering eror ya "
28 January 2017Indra Gautama
" 1 1 nya d solo, dan perlu peremejaan mesin "
15 December 2015Dewa Komun
" Bagus "
16 August 2015