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About Befree Tour

Befree Tour is a company, located at 158 Jalan Yosodipuro, Jawa Tengah 57139, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62//081393915790, visit their website or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

Befree Tour is a Korea-Indonesian travel booking Platform based in Seoul, South Korea and Solo, Indonesia. Cooperates with various famous destination providers around the world, Befree Tour gives freedom to the travellers to freely choose their dream vacations. Befree Tour believes that an easy, fast, and secure reservation system with guaranteed instant booking confirmation would make your dream vacations easily come true.Founded in May 2017, Befree Tour is dynamic and exclusively designed for free travellers. Available in 3 languages and 7 different currencies, Befree Tour offers various best activities, attractions, and tours around the world such as Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong and many more.Click – Book – Enjoy – Just be free with Befree Tour



Item Reviews - 5

Pratiwi Marsiyani

" Pelayanannya memuaskan, harga terjangkau sudah termasuk bbm + driver dan proses pemesannya sangat cepat. "

24 January 2017

Noviani Dwijayanti

" supirnya tepat waktu, saya yang sama sekali gak tau tentang solo diberi informasi yang sangat memuaskan. bapaknya asli kekeluargaan banget! makasih ya atas pelayanannya, tingkatkan lagi!! "

24 January 2017

Ikka Septia

" Suka suka ^^ harga murah mobil bagus pelayanan baik... puas dech.. pakai ini lagi kalau mau sewa mobil ... yeeyy "

24 January 2017

Sabrilla Utami

" memuaskan sekali, pelayanannya baik dan harganya terjangkau, setiap pergi ke solo selalu memakai jasa ini, terima kasih Korina :) "

24 January 2017

Raditya Dharmawan

" Sewa mobil terpercaya. Booking gampang. Driver handal. Mantap pokoknya. Serahkan semua sama Korina Tour "

23 January 2017

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