About Bebek Goreng H Slamet
Bebek Goreng H Slamet is a restaurant, located at Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.52, Berkoh, Purwokerto Sel., Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53146, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 851-0078-1199, visit their website bebekgorengslamet.com for more detailed information.
Bambang Haryono
" Ok "
09 July 2020Roy Desimilana
" Ok deh "
04 February 2020Ratna Garalt Setyawan
" Always satified with the menu "
26 January 2020Kurniawan Tri Wibowo
" Good place for family recreation "
07 January 2020Wihandono Yogo
" Recommended for alone or group "
11 August 2019Ira Mulki
" Nice place and recomended "
08 August 2019Wakhyu Budi
" This place can suit many occassions; family gathering, reunion, and business meeting. The main dish is traditional fried duck but you can find chicken, stir fried veggies, and other typical Javanese food as well. The service is quite fast and the staffs are friendly and helpful. There are some meeting room in the back and a small mosque. They also provide catering service. "
07 May 2019Wakhyu Budi
" This place can suit many occassions; family gathering, reunion, and business meeting. The main dish is traditional fried duck but you can find chicken, stir fried veggies, and other typical Javanese food as well. The service is quite fast and the staffs are friendly and helpful. There are some meeting room in the back and a small mosque. They also provide catering service. "
07 May 2019Zaniar Anton
" Ok "
01 May 2019Albazars Id
" Restaurant with natural concepts.. Large and calm . the kind of menu is indonesian food in any variety like fish , duck chicken and many more .. And the taste so delicious and good.. Have a good service and have a large parking area.. U can choose to eat in any angle spot. From the garden till above a fish pool .. That's restaurant i recommended for u . let's visit and try by urself. "
02 April 2019Albazars Id
" Restaurant with natural concepts.. Large and calm . the kind of menu is indonesian food in any variety like fish , duck chicken and many more .. And the taste so delicious and good.. Have a good service and have a large parking area.. U can choose to eat in any angle spot. From the garden till above a fish pool .. That's restaurant i recommended for u . let's visit and try by urself. "
02 April 2019Banata Wachid Ridwan
" Complete duck menus..... And cheap "
08 February 2019Densha Otoko Entertain
" Ok "
09 December 2018Kukuh Indra Kusuma
" It's an okay place, can't say it's good since no outstanding feature, but can't say it's bad either. "
16 October 2018Yany Prastiyo
" Ok mayn "
14 September 2018Obin Napitupulu
" Nice taste "
20 July 2018Gunawan Sungkar
" clean restorant. food is ok "
18 July 2018Ndoro Thenol
" Good place for lunch and dinner "
13 June 2018Ferrica Maniezt
" Sambalnya mantap "
11 June 2018Anwar Khoeroni
" Enaak maknyus "
10 June 2018Arendra Haryo
" Fried Duck with signature sambal korek sauce "
01 June 2018Kurnia Wijaya
" Sambel bawang plus bebek yg empuk... "
31 May 2018Gisma Wandira
" Enak pokoknya hheee "
26 May 2018Raka Pandya
" Nice place good sambal "
26 May 2018Raja Purba
" Great food.. "
24 May 2018Anton Wijoyo
" Good food.. yummy "
20 May 2018Anda Chang
" Good taste and serve as Indonesian food, close to BCS, must try! "
20 May 2018Sitti Rokhmah
" Rasanya agak berbeda dr yg di sby... Trus playanannya agak minus "
20 May 2018Fatur Liftco
" Paket komplit bebeknya dijamin kenyang, kombinasi bebek, sambel, dan tempe ala Banyumas...mas nyusul mak nyuz!!! "
19 May 2018Yermias Triaviatta
" Good taste and reasonable price! #LetsGuide "
18 May 2018Anofan Shoidal Nur
" Enough space for about 100. A bit pricey though. "
18 May 2018Gallant Prakoso
" Nice but, they aren't provide the sambal ijo. "
17 May 2018Rian Oktavian Putra
" Sip "
" Untuk kuliner bebek empuk dengan bumbu yang meresap sampai ke dalam, tempat ini layak banget untuk dicoba. Apalagi dengan sambal koreknya, pedasnya mantap banget.
14 May 2018Selain bebek, juga sedia menu ayam goreng. Untuk minuman, beras kencurnya mantap.
Hanya saja, lokasi untuk parkir terbatas dan terlalu miring. "
Dicky Arie
" Enak juga gak jauh beda sama yang lainya "
14 May 2018Mascucu Sagita
" Super enak bebek, tempat makannya kurang nyaman. Selalu makan dirumah "
11 May 2018Syafiq Dz
" Covet udah di samperin ke sono tempatnya kagak ada "
11 May 2018Stephen Herbert
" Clean and awesome food. "
10 May 2018Dony Marpaung
" delicious "
10 May 2018Antun Muwuri Heratanti
" always be my favorite fried duck aka 'bebek goreng' "
08 May 2018IbLis KeCe
" Recomended banget nih...
08 May 2018Tempat nyaman, pelayanan ramah, rasanya juga mantaaapp...
Untuk parkir mobil masih bisa dibahu jalan, untuk motor bisa diparkir di trotoar...
Pas banget buat ngumpul bareng temen" / keluarga besar... "
Ahmad Yusran
" Gooodddd taste.. Bebek kremes nya the best "
05 May 2018Faisal Rahmat
" A nice place for family time "
04 May 2018Bonaventura Krisnawan Anditya
" Good "
04 May 2018Sasha Syaukany
" Rasa enak namun menu belum selengkap bebek slamet di kota lainnya. Harga relatif sama dengan di cabang lain, tapi sepertinya harga segitu relatif mahal untuk di Purwakarta "
02 May 2018Danang Osstem
" Bebeknya uenaaak... "
01 May 2018Zulham Azmil
" Makanannya enak "
29 April 2018Abdurrohman Fisika
" Enak dan mantap "
29 April 2018T Arji
" bagi pecinta kuliner tidak asing lagi dengan RM ini, karena banyak cabangnya "
28 April 2018Thebackpackescapes
" Affordable and good location. Duck is a bit too salty and Chendol is too sweet. Overall, is good though. "
28 April 2018Priyanto Tamami
" bebeknya enak.. gurih. empuk.. tapi aga asin bumbunya.. sambel nya ok punya.. nasi goreng porsi nya besar.. "
26 April 2018Hasta Invarian
" enak sih tp lumayan mahal "
25 April 2018Rezq Mauludeen
" Bebeknya gede, sambelnya mantep, tempatnya bagus, cuma aroma gorengan bebeknya masuk, jadi baju pulang bau gorengan bebek, terus, saya pas beli dibawa pulang sambelnya kok ngga ada ya? "
24 April 2018Citra Dewi
" Lokasi strategis pinggir jln. Parkir mbl krg luas. Playanan ramah,cpt. Slm jelajah bebek grg slamet kmn2 yg ni bumbu bebek pas & sambel korek mantab bgt. Recomended skali "
22 April 2018Akah Rubi
" Good tastes "
20 April 2018Ronaldo Latumanuwy
" Nice atmosphere.. different menu than any other H. Slamet, but good after all "
19 April 2018Mya Cherio
" Bebek goreng yang lezat plus sambal korek yang pedas "
18 April 2018Ahmad Indonesia
" Harganya lumayan sedang. Tidak terlalu mahal. Namun sebaiknya Anda bawa uang pas kalau kesana. Karena biasanya mereka ga ada yang receh jadinya perlu waktu lama untuk menukar uang dll. Ruangan nya nyaman walaupun tidak ada kipas anginya. "
15 April 2018Miftahul Jannah
" The food are nice especially the sambal. "
14 April 2018Mahfirohman
" One of the best Indonesian traditional fried duck restaurant. All food from fried duck and chicken with very spicy "sambal" they call it "sambal korek". If you're not fond of spicy food this "sambal" will literally kill you with deep pain in your stomach. Don't you dare to try it I'm warning you. But if you're a spicy food monster then you'll be fascinating to try this kinda "sambal" it's different level and it's such a wonderful experience. It also suitable for prank your goofy friends. "
13 April 2018Joshua Eka Pramudya
" Nice duck "
12 April 2018Galih Pradana Ramadhan
" Salah satu franchise yang sudah tersohor di Indonesia, dengan menu khas bebek goreng. Di cabang kota Batu tempatnya cukup strategis, dekat dengan alun-alun KWB. Dengan sambel spesial yang cukup pedas dan cita rasa bebek goreng yang gurih memang cukup spesial. Namun, untuk porsi nasinya menurut saya kurang. Untuk harga standar rata-rata 25 ribu. "
11 April 2018Anice Nice
" Sama sekali tidak recommended..judulnya bebek slamet rasanya jauh beda sama bebek2 slamet ditempat lain.g empuk, sayur pait 👎👎👎👎👎👎 "
08 April 2018Umam Prabangkit
" good "
08 April 2018Irfan Ipanase
" Sambal tidak terlalu pedas
06 April 2018Bebek gorengnya terlalu garing
Rada berbeda dengan di kartosuro karena sering kesana
Mungkin disesuaikan dengan lidah orang jogja
Pertamax7 menganggap makanan ini mewah dan cocok untuk kalangan menengah atas, perporsi rata2 30 ribuan..... "
Amien Jusuf
" This is not like an original Bebek Slamet "
06 April 2018Trisno Ary Budi
" Bebeknya enak, gurih, bumbunya pas.
05 April 2018Pelayanan cepat, ramah, lokasi strategis, parkir kurang luas. "
Soegiarto Ms
" rumah makan sederhana tp bebek goreng nya empuk cuma sambelnya kurang banyak "
04 April 2018Fabyan Alexa
" Enak sambelnya. 👍🏻 "
02 April 2018Anwar Hidayat
" Even its share location with other overall its a great place for having traditional frying duck c/w spice sambal "
01 April 2018Utadi Okke Triana
" Ok "
01 April 2018Fear News
" Ok "
31 March 2018Dwi Putro S Setyohadi
" food are delecious "
31 March 2018Anwar Hidayat
" Great place for hanging out, delicious food and reasonable price, but consider the traffic on jalan kesehatan, sometimes parking is not a simply problems "
30 March 2018Hendrik Abung Somantri
" Salah satu makanan favorite..bebek goreng sambal korek.parkiran luas lokasi sebelah hotel Sabil.jadi kalau nginap transit di hotel nah bebek selamet ini sebelah baratnya.minuman banyak pilihan juga.nasi juga bisa porsi vesar..tahu tempe juga ada.bonus lalapan. "
30 March 2018Nuria Zakiya
" Lokasi tepi jalan raya, tidak ada halaman parkir. Jadi parkir di tepi jalan. Tempat bersih, menu enak, sambel mantafff. Sayurnya pahittt, minuman pass banget. "
27 March 2018Fadhil Arshila
" Bebek goreng nya garing banget sampai ke tulang.. Sambel nya juga nikmat banget pokok ya puas "
25 March 2018Hadmo Saksono
" Best fried duck restaurant ever!
23 March 2018The duck and its sambel are awesome "
Mulyadi M. Hamzah
" One of a recommended place to have bebek goreng "
22 March 2018Surya Samudera Giamsjah
" this legendary restaurant is one of the most famous place that sell the best fried duck with javanese taste... unfortunately, when we were there, the claws had sold out... "
20 March 2018Putra Dana Kusuma
" Smooth,juicy and spicy "
20 March 2018Angga M
" always had a great experience here. nice juicy fried duck with their own ingredients, cheap price, nice lace, not too crowded, and this one we love from this place.....you can ask for more "sambal korek" without any charge. that's great, we will back here regulary "
19 March 2018Bram Badonx
" Ok Lah, chain restaurant.. i like it better in java tho "
19 March 2018Indra Sudarsono
" The taste is delicious with the package from the cuisine had "
19 March 2018Ina Rahmawati
" Love the sambal. Nice place "
18 March 2018Dea Vania Clarissa
" Ok place. Crowded. Taste was great. Price was good "
18 March 2018Novita Feliyanti
" Nice place for everybody feels hungry 😻 "
16 March 2018Fauzip
" Delicious duck free spice sauce the red one is very good but the price is not cheap "
14 March 2018Didit Primantoro
" tempatnya enak , parkirnya luas dan saya suka bebek sambel ijo nya , dada Rp 25.000 enaakkk ... "
09 March 2018Dewi Tri Hastuti
" Sambalnya 👍👍 "
07 March 2018Ahmad Zafrullah
" Food fried duck dan chicken "
06 March 2018Dhea Nelinda
" Ntaap soul "
01 March 2018Ricky Tanudibrata
" OK lah. "
01 March 2018Michael Fransisco
" Food is spicy and delicious taste, places is comfortable and clean. "
01 March 2018Ilham Novan P. Prakoso
" Sudah tersebar hingga ke jawa barat. Sayang, tempatnya ngga terlihat. Jika dari arah purwakarta, terletak.di sisi kiri.jalan menuju sadang.
28 February 2018Sepi, cuma rasa oke, sama saja. "
Alfian Jr
" Ok "
25 February 2018Leonard Santoso
" One of the famous restaurant that serve bebek goreng.
24 February 2018Taste of the food is not that special..but worth to try. "
" Nice "
23 February 2018Jurita Permata Sari
" The "sambal" here is the best! Very yummy and makes you cant stop eating. The fried duck also taste great
21 February 2018Duck lover will have a great day here :) the price is around 25k for each duck, and 5k for white rice. The food is very recommended, but the place is standard. "
Zahro Kariima
" I have eaten at H. Slamet on countless occasions now and I have ordered the Bebek Remuk every time. It is amazing!! The duck is cooked to perfection - crispy on the outside and not fatty - perfectly seasoned. Definitely worth the crazy waiting time because the duck was seriously to die for!
20 February 2018However, I once came about two hours before stated closing time and ordered Bebek Remuk as usual. What I got was just a bunch of bones and very little meat. :'(( "
" Bebek bakar goreng H.Slamet sampang mantap with artis Drakopak chanel youtube Pisang imoet entertement "
19 February 2018Eva Prestistia
" The food taste was no doubt. Everyone also knows. There are many branches in some cities in Indonesia, try yourself "
18 February 2018Yanu Baswanta
" Top "
17 February 2018Daeng Ngopa
" Good place to go "
16 February 2018Adhie Wijaya
" The best bebek goreng always "
16 February 2018Heri Krisdiyanto
" Bit quite place, but the duck taste remain the same awesome "
13 February 2018Taufiq Muhammad
" i think the best restaurant that serves typical fried duck food, with its trademark krispi outside and soft juicy inside, for the price is included in the standard price, the place is spacious and comfortable, and the service is friendly .. "
08 February 2018Erwin Santoso
" Famous culinary from Solo. I have been a customer from the very first outlet, when they serve only from 6 AM till around 9-10AM. Famous for bebek remuk (crushed duck) where you can eat bite-size duck meat with spicy sambal korek. For pricing, a little bit too high but still within acceptable range. "
08 February 2018Leo Sumampouw
" A clean place , good service with reasonable price . "
07 February 2018Diah Purnaningsih
" Favorite eating place for fried duck menu "
04 February 2018Christin Devina
" Really good food. Bebek kremes and ayam kremes. Free sambal refill "
04 February 2018Mariani Pabetteng
" Good food "
02 February 2018Yodha Muhdiya
" The taste is good "
31 January 2018Wahyudi Si Beseck Kurniawan
" Ok "
30 January 2018Iqbal Ashari
" ntappp delivery order "
29 January 2018Bayu Wicaksono
" The food is so delicious.....so tasty and spicy.... "
28 January 2018Eka Putra Radian
" one of the best choice for having lunch around Wonosobo city "
26 January 2018Adi Prastiyo
" Top "
26 January 2018Rifqi Habibie
" They have a good sambal "
26 January 2018Diva Novieta
" Harga recommended..yg bikin ketagihan adalah sambel bawang ala h.slamet ny...hhmmmm sangat endulllll "
24 January 2018Rataela Andum
" Rasanya enak dan harganya terjangkau "
24 January 2018Jenny Sri
" Ok very delicious n yummi "
23 January 2018Nessa Sarun
" Started fall in love with duck after eating here! Sambal korek is so delicious here "
22 January 2018Rabindra Wicaksana
" Legendary place for fried duck lover... "
22 January 2018Jean-Claude Stuyck
" Great duck. No beer "
21 January 2018Liesya Kuza
" Bebeknya empuk..sambelnya puedes bnget..dower dah bibir..hehe "
20 January 2018Arjo Bawonk
" Tempatny lumayan tp tdk begitu luas. Peutayanan bgus ramah dan sopan2 . Bisam pesan nasi kotak dgn menunya bebek atw ayam . Tempat parkirny tdak ada, lsg bhu jalan kalau mbil, tp sda mtor bs naik trotoar. "
20 January 2018Barry Lastky
" taste Ok, price are reasonable. "
15 January 2018AlexSandy Pranata
" If you like spicy food..you must try haji slamet duck "
15 January 2018Happy Yudika
" I love its bebek goreng since i was a kid. The taste haven't changed and the sambal is very good. "
14 January 2018Heny Suryaningsih
" Authentic fried duck (bebek goreng) + sambal korek, so delicious, you must try once you're visiting Jogja. "
14 January 2018Arie Wijanarko
" Dari dulu emang enak "
14 January 2018Mustika Yuliastuti
" The most favourite bebek goreng seller in Solo. Provides not only bebek goreng but also ceker bebek, the most challenging yummy part of bebek. "
12 January 2018Almira Hasna
" Good "
11 January 2018Hafidz Malkan Chaironi
" delicious and cheap "
09 January 2018Dimas Permadhi
" Niceee "
07 January 2018Yanks Ardha
" Yumi.... Nyam nyam nyam "
06 January 2018ILa Chan
" Worth it "
06 January 2018Putri Minangsari
" Food was tasty but place is rundown and rather dirty. Friendly and fast service. Really wish they pay more attention to interior cleanliness and aesthetics. "
06 January 2018Kuwowo Pamungkas
" fast service, clean "
06 January 2018Astuti Tute
" Pernah makan di sini nasi ny blm begitu masak,
05 January 2018Bebek goreng sm sambelny enak & tempat ny bersih.. "
Kusuma Yudha
" My favorite food "
02 January 2018Julvan Nainggolan
" Ok "
02 January 2018Aulya Luthfitasari
" Kuliner Purwodadi "
02 January 2018Dessy Abutry
" Bagus "
01 January 2018Gunawan Mr
" Mak nyosss "
01 January 2018Adin Prakosantoro
" Enaks ... "
01 January 2018Chairul Mustafid
" Like "
31 December 2017Yudhistira Mauris
" Comfy place, great food, one of the best bebek goreng in Sidoarjo. "
30 December 2017Rio Alfajri
" Bebek Goreng (Fried duck) is delicious here in Grobogan. The price is also affordable. :) But, when I arrive at 18.37 p.m., the Chest part of duck is not available anymore. "
29 December 2017Nicko Yanuar
" Tasty fried duck "
27 December 2017Anna Wonder
" the fried duck is delicious but the cleanliness of the room is rather dirty, what a shame "
27 December 2017Ristica Tyas
" Good place "
27 December 2017Diah Cahyani
" Standard "
26 December 2017Sherly Rangkuman Alam
" Good place for eating bebek "
22 December 2017Arief Hardiyanto
" sambal is the best..!! 👍👍👍 "
20 December 2017Arief Khoiruddin
" Best duck ever. "
16 December 2017Vania Chung
" love the food. definitely one of the best crispy fried duck in Indonesia. "
15 December 2017Bubu Dibz
" Good food, great taste, affordable price "
12 December 2017Maria Ina
" Love the taste..... Fried duck and lemon tea👍 "
10 December 2017Dindin R
" Great fried ducks with incredible but tiny sambal "
09 December 2017Ryan Dwi Wahyu Ardi
" Far too expensive than their stores in East and Central Java "
08 December 2017Dena Tandyo
" I give Bebek Goreng H. Slamet 5 Stars it's not bcos they have the best food in town, but they have the best duck meat fried in town w/ it sambal ijo.
04 December 2017😄
If you starving when at the mid day, evening or night (I don't recomend that meals for breakfast) and you want to eat duck meat, then you should find this place. I believe Bebek Goreng H. Slamet had opened their branch store in every big city, Indonesia (feeling).
They have the best duct meat and the best sambal ijo.
It's very tasty, yummy, could make your belly looks tummy but very spicy (that's why I don't recomend you to have this meals in early morning). "
Hesti Luh
" Good for the price "
03 December 2017BestoftheBest Terbaik
" Don't believe the good review, the food is health hazard, believe the bad review because it's so true that rats infested there, live and eating there 24 hours, I am shock once order there, hope I not get rats bacteria or other nasty stuff from the plate :( "
01 December 2017Malreen Kaur
" Not recommended at all, super bad service ! If can I wouldn't even give a star, super not friendly cashier lady who even scolds her customers, like seriously ? Even made us pay for the food we did not even eat 😫 "
29 November 2017Slamet Ari Wibowo
" Bebek H. Slamet di purwakarta ini kok ga seramai di kota lain yg pernah saya kunjungi. Tempatnya pinggir jalan sih. Penataan tempatnya jg biasa2 aja. Ga kaya di kota lain. Menunya apalagi..... Biasa aja. Cuma bebek sama ayam. Ga ada menu paket. Ga ada tahu tempe nya. Ga ada minuman yg bervariasi. Walaupun rasa makanannya disini lumayan, tapi sepertinya perlu lebih ditingkatkan lagi variasi menunya, penataan tempatnya. Supaya lebih ramai. Tapi pekerjanya ramah ramah lho. "
28 November 2017Eryka Bagus
" Enak bebek nya dan pedasnya nendang abis "
26 November 2017Ghulam Al Aufa
" Best fried duck ever! "
23 November 2017Ahmad Zulkarnain
" Bebeknya gurih tp dagingnya agak keras "
23 November 2017Benediktus Galih Pradipta
" Awesome taste, not for healthy food addict though. Bit Pricey, but its worth to buy, 1 rice is never enough. "
22 November 2017Johannes Sidharta
" Standard Fried Duck Resto with (very) spicy sauce. "
22 November 2017Hario Purbaseno
" 25k rupiahs for a slice of 'bebek goreng' or 'tulangan'. "
22 November 2017Erwin Sidarta
" Great taste of duck with enormous size as well.. Great parking space and huge dining area made us not to worry about not having a seat "
21 November 2017Neo Official
" Menu sepesial masakan berbahan dasar bebek, bagi para pecinta bebek diainilah sirga kalian. tapi tenang menu pendamping lain juga siap tersedia di sini "
19 November 2017Mr Badhog Channel
" Salah satu cabangnya di depan BCS Mall. "
15 November 2017Utie Respati
" Try their " bebek remuk" the best marinated crispy duck ever "
11 November 2017Ceko Aryandi
" bebeknya mantab.. tapi banyak menu selain bebek juga kok.. harganya g terlalu mahal.. cocok lah buat yg lagi kelaperan.. "
08 November 2017Romie Mocka
" rasa masakannya tidak terlalu sama dengan yang aslinya.
08 November 2017tapi overall masih acceptable dan lumayan enak kok. "
" Entah kenapa rasanya beda sama yang di Solo... agak hambar dan kurang garing.. "
07 November 2017Marcus Gunawan
" Pelayanan ramah dan cepat... Sayang lokasi kurang tertata apik bila dibandingkan cabang Bebek Goreng Slamet yang lainnya.
26 October 2017Rasa enak... Menu Bebek kurang banyak variasi.... "
Danny Andrianto
" It's so delicious and yummy 😋 "
14 October 2017Mutia Pratiwi
" Bebeknya enak, sambalnya pedas. Susah parkir mobil jika Rumah makannya sedang penuh, tidak ada akses pengguna kursi roda "
12 October 2017Anom Suratno
" Special for its Duck and Chicken, fried dry but rather salty with special sambal. "
12 October 2017Erny Ruslan
" The chilly is very spicy.the duck is so crispy. "
08 October 2017Mega Putri
" Gampang cari tempatnya, ada hiburan kroncong juga, aku nyobain bebek goreng dada remuk, ukuranya terlalu kecil dan asin,, kalo *remuk* jadinya malah kaya krupuk, kurang cocok,, "
08 October 2017AdenNeda TMDMW
" Fantastic duck, totally not greasy and price easily within Budget 😘😘😘 "
05 October 2017Sinto Amijoyo Chandra
" Bebek remuknya sedeepp... "
03 October 2017Anyung Chan
" This is so delicious, sambelnya juaraaaa "
30 September 2017Ira Ernawati
" Pas mkn menu yg pngen d.psan hbis smua jdi bikin kecewa truz pas d.ksih mnu lain mlah trlalu krispy jdi rsa.y agak gosong "
30 September 2017Soerya Laras
" Ok "
28 September 2017Taufiq Nur Hidayanto Ramadhani
" Recommended
26 September 2017Bebek gorengnya enak, gurih, lezat, renyah dan daging bebeknya teksturnya empuk banget
Pelayanannya sangat ramah, tanggap dan responnya juga cepat
Harganya terjangkau sekali serta murah meriah dan satu yang pasti nggak bakalan bikin kantong kering "
Khansa Adila
" Ada yang paket murah loh. Ennak "
23 September 2017Yudhi Pranata
" The taste is just moderate, not too special "
22 September 2017Gusri 2017
" Bebek goreng Slamet is always be the best albeit many duck restaurants come and go. The location is perfect only 100 meters from jatiwaringin tollway's exit. "
21 September 2017Antonius Tri K
" Recomended "
14 September 2017Rayi Muhammad
" I love the sambal. The duck also tender and good. But still needs improvement for the place. Looks old. "
14 September 2017Handoko Widjaja
" Ke toko alat tulis Andini di sblh Bebek Goreng Pak Slamet "
13 September 2017Yuliesta Ferline
" Very disapointed.. high price low quality of food. Fried duck is getting smaller. Ayam remuk is filled with chicken bones, no meat. How can we eat bones? "
11 September 2017Sangulas 1319
" Tempat enak dekat jln rayasukowati.... "
11 September 2017Ribka Rukmanto
" sambal koreknya terlalu encer dan berminyak . bebeknya kadang sedep kadang juga biasa aja .. g konstan enak terus "
08 September 2017Ahsin Gani
" The duck meat with sambal iso so tender and delicious, absolutely signature of original bebek goreng H Slamet, but the place is not comfortable for hanging out, need to be improved "
07 September 2017Fransiska Cecilia Arumnita
" Dulu enggak suka makan bebek goreng karena amis, sekarang jadi suka gara-gara makan disini karena memang rasa dan cara masaknya berbeda. Tidak amis lagi! Tapi harganya tidak ramah dompet. ada rasa ada harga. "
07 September 2017Triyoga AP.
" The price is so good, nice place because near alun-alun. This place have 2 warung. Steak and Bebek Goreng H. Slamet. :) "
06 September 2017Husen Chehab
" Not recommended "
04 September 2017F. Diana Febrihatin
" If you feel like throwing out money, go there. For me there food is overpriced compared to other places, especially when none of the service or the food is extraordinary or anything. I'm skeptical about the hygiene tho. I decided to get a take home food due to the cleanliness and I ain't come back there. "
02 September 2017Jolie Pinavinada
" Good taste but don't really like to eat in. "
01 September 2017Kaekaha Rockerz
" Bebek goreng H Slamet yang asalnya dari Jawa Tengah agak berbeda dengan bebek goreng Jawa Timuran yang biasa cenderung bercitarasa asin-gurih dan pedas!
31 August 2017Sepertinya kurang nendang bagi penikmat bebek goreng jawa timur. Tapi tetap saja recomended kok! "
Monique Lieliana
" I loved their "bebek crispy" with sambal matah "
31 August 2017Andri Nugroho
" Nyaman dan asik buat rest area.. "
30 August 2017Ardhita Zulhis Prihandini
" So crispy duck 😀👍 "
30 August 2017Permana Eka Satria
" The food has a good taste, but there is not much available food from the menu. "
29 August 2017Putri Tania
" cukup, harganya memang agak tinggi..
29 August 2017tp mslhnya satu, kurang nyaman dgn pelayanan kasirnya, judes, jutek, gak ramah,... cukup skali aja kyknya...😂 "
Irawadi Driver
" Sambelnya keterlaluan.masa secuil aja..brapalah hrga cabe "
28 August 2017Rio Naldi
" Republic kito "
27 August 2017Axiom Kosasih
" The restaurant has a wide variety of deep fried food, including fried chicken and duck. It also has a self-service counter for chilli sauces cooked in traditional Indonesian ways. It was very crowded when I came a few days ago such that it ran out of food by 8pm. "
24 August 2017Dwi Ayu Lestari
" Enak, murah dan nyaman. Disini tersedia aneka olahan bebek, ayam, dan ikan. Harga yang dibandrol juga murah. Es teh disini gelasnya berukuran jumbo yang bikin kita lama - lama betah apalagi ditambah adanya WIFI FREE dan colokan. Yakin belum mau kesini? 😄 "
24 August 2017Novrendi Saragih
" good local taste. fried duck "
23 August 2017Mas Abdullah
" Bebek yang empuk ditambah sambal korek yg nendang, para pecinta masakan bebek goreng yg pedas jgn lewatkan mampir untuk menikmati makanan disini "
22 August 2017Erna Jhonnie
" Tempat enak dan pelayanan gofood y ramah . Trs ada tempat buat ngecasy hp. "
17 August 2017Charles -
" Bebek Goreng H. Slamet started from this place, the taste is really good, just loved it... "
17 August 2017Jemmy Setiawan
" Lokasi strategis tepi jalan jalur utama
17 August 2017Sambal koreknya jossss
Bebeknya garing diluar lembut di dalam "
Fresnel Zone
" Recomended "
16 August 2017Rian Pamungkas Rahmatulloh
" Good price!! "
15 August 2017Joel Saor
" Rumah makan ini pelit. Masa beli teh obeng 3 gelas... G ada rasanya sama sekali. Payah "
14 August 2017Afiq Ahmad
" Awesome authentic Jawa food.. spicy and delicious "
14 August 2017Annisa Andryani99
" Letak tempatnya strategis karena di pinggir jalan lintas provinsi, bebeknya kaya akan bumbu dan sambel gosreknya yang pedes, bisa untuk delivery order gratis ongkir. Kekurangan hanya pada pelayanan saja, terkadang sangat lama pesanan diantar. "
13 August 2017A Google User
" Lokasi bagus, parkir mudah, hrg lumayan, sambal dan bebeknya enak "
09 August 2017Liem Hansen
" Best place to eat fried ducks "
08 August 2017Ardian Sukoco
" Like it "
07 August 2017Fauziyyah Haqqi
" The most famous and delicious fried duck in solo city "
07 August 2017Gilang Mantara Putra
" yang kremes enak :D "
07 August 2017Arman Asmara
" Rumah makan dengan pengaturan meja makan yang unik mengikuti kontur peil lantai rumahnya, ada di teras depan di dlam rumha dan ada di teras belakang🍽😎
06 August 20174 Agustus 2017 makan sore bersama tim👌
6 Agustus 2017 makan sore alone 🍽 "
Sulhani Hermawan
" The most delicious duck here "
29 July 2017Hannafi Ariyadi
" try their "crushed fried duck" with very spicy chili sauce.. that's great!!
27 July 2017please "light up" your place.. it's quite dark.. "
Riza Hadi Saputra
" The food is good and the price is "
26 July 2017Sabrina Amelia
" Yummy food, wide parking area, recommended bebek h slamet store!! "
21 July 2017Muhammad Wyndham Haryata Permana
" Taste good, fairly quick serving, average prices, lastly have decent and free wifi "
20 July 2017Bayu Sapto Kurniawan
" Delicious and the spicy sauce very tasty. I love it "
16 July 2017Dinda Faridha
" Absolutely paradise for fried duck lover. Best sambal I ever experience too. "
14 July 2017Arie Purnama
" good `BEBEK'... tasty and spicy souce "
12 July 2017Fuad Muzaki
" Dari tahun ke tahun sejak kuliah ke jogja....sambalnya semakin sedikit saja "
11 July 2017Habib Mustofa
" The chicken here is delicious but sometimes it takes time to prepare the food... "
11 July 2017Fery Chandra
" The bebek goreng is highly recommended. "
08 July 2017Lupi Siswanto
" Ngga enak "
07 July 2017Reno Rocky
" Lumayan rame, cuma tmpt parkir mobil sering mengganggu lalu lintas, jam 21.00 wib sdh tutup,
06 July 2017Kalo sdh tutup, lokasi terlalu gelap, terkesan angker... "
Erick Arifin
" Waralaba bebek yang sudah lumayan terkenal, parkir cukup luas..hanya tempatnya persis di tikungan sehingga perlu ekstra hati hati saat masuk dan keluar karena berada di jalur utama solo semarang... "
05 July 2017Gustono Sugastian
" The best duck food "
05 July 2017Iwan Sumarto
" Bebek nya beda "
02 July 2017Akhmad Belasting
" pesanan cepat datang, parkir luas, tersedia toilet dan mushola "
01 July 2017Firdaus Firdaus
" Mahal harganya "
30 June 2017Vinolia Bramantio
" Lumayan Enak "
24 June 2017Aji Jaya
" sambal jos "
23 June 2017Arsyadani Ahmad
" Bebeknya gurih dan enak "
20 June 2017Riny Antika
" Bebek gorengx mantepppp, renyah kriukkk, sambalx apalg... tmpx cozy bgt... "
20 June 2017Revika Nurul Fadillah
" Im starving :))) "
19 June 2017Ukm Bandung
" Makanann bebeknya ok.. Enak.. Parkir lumayan. "
18 June 2017Nur'Azmi Ayuningtyas
" They had a very delicious duck yummm "
17 June 2017Crea Teak
" Good n nice "
16 June 2017Robet Cappucino
" Bebek goreng Hj. Slamet cabang Tamanan Jl. Yos Sudarso Tulungagung "
16 June 2017Bobby Prindra
" Enaaak dan cepat "
15 June 2017Gwen White
" The only reason I visit this place is because their condiments. But last time I visited they had limited the one and only condiment that I liked. It was sambal korek. So they would give it when the food arrive. And only in very small portion, very small it was like one tea spoon! I love spicy condiment why you gotta limit it? The sambal korek one???? Your food's price is enough to fund the chili. Don't be so cheap! You cheap skate! "
14 June 2017Immanuel Adventura
" Relaxed and pleasant place. The waiters are friendly and the service is excellent. You get to pick your own sambal for how much you like them. "
14 June 2017Prasetyanto Wibowo
" Crispy duck and chili sauce "
11 June 2017Nugraha Dewantara
" Bebeknya khas, namun sayang agak sedikit asin. Parkir luas, namun perlu sedikit waspada saat keluar atau masuk karena terletak di tikungan. "
10 June 2017DaNi Thata
" Mantap and delicious food for my tongue "
09 June 2017Anif 168
" Temoat makan satu ini ada dimana mana dengan rasa yg terjamin, cocok untuk yg bingung cari pilihan makanan "
08 June 2017Naufal Arinafril
" Food was great. Duck was more than delicious. but when it gets early mosquitoes are taking over the place having us as dinner "
06 June 2017Zeimy Noerthanio Angkasa Lima Ankasa Lima
" Lumayan "
30 May 2017Amiruddin -
" Badly, the sambal portion was small and the services was bad. Does any branch of h. Slamet is different for the taste? "
28 May 2017Indra Saputra MH
" Ok "
28 May 2017Ramara Paramayoga
" The taste was so good. But the place was too dark. "
27 May 2017Wompy Pratomo
" Tempat luas, namun kebersihan kurang maksimal, untuk rasa juga tidak sama dengan bebek slamet yg di Jawa. "
27 May 2017Snifla NuGraHa
" Bebek nya maknyus, sambel korek juga sip, menu lain juga ada "
26 May 2017Edo Azhima
" Mantap lah "
22 May 2017Asep Achmad Furkon
" Sambel nya mantap "
22 May 2017Dwiswat Paradiso
" guriiiih... bikin ketagihan, tp jgn tiap hari mkn disitu ntr duit gaji ga cukup sebulan hahaha "
21 May 2017Octaf Afin
" Best friend duck in town "
20 May 2017Nazgul Nightmare
" Murah, enak, banyak pilihan menu gak cuma bebek, paket jumbo nya sangat membantu orang2 yg dompetnya mulai menipis tapi pengen makan enak... lesehan ada, yg pakai kursi juga ada, gak jauh dari masjid, mudah di lihat dari jalan, untuk parkir mobilnya aja kayaknya yg agak becek kalau sedang atau habis hujan... "
16 May 2017Ahif Febrian97
" Murah dan enak "
15 May 2017Rais M. Fadhila
" If you love to eat ducks, you must try it here. You can also choose your own sambal. "
13 May 2017Ghozali Qodratullah
" Pernah beli, dibungkus, sampai rumah eh gak ada sambalnya. Masak iya harus mbalik buat minta sambal "
09 May 2017Wiwid
" Pernah di traktir sama WOM,tapi masakannnya memang enak "
09 May 2017Saif Fajri Ahmad
" Strategis komplit menunya ada meeting room "
08 May 2017Markus Heri Prasetyo
" Lumayan seperti cabang2 yg lain. Sayang tempatnya kurang bersih. "
08 May 2017Ikhsan Hadi Nugroho
" Harga terjangkau, tempat bersih, makanan tentu enak. Recommended "
06 May 2017Steffanus Jeffry
" Good food, but as open air restaurant should attention with cleaness "
05 May 2017Canon Brother
" Tempatnya luas dan nyaman. Sayang bebek gorengnya cenderung terlalu asin "
05 May 2017Kopi Lopy
" Recomended "
03 May 2017Richard Ntoy
" Bebek Goreng terenyah dan yang paling enak dengan sambal dan lalapan yang selalu bikin kangen kalau berlibur ke Balikpapan, tidak hanya itu tulang2nya pun bisa di makan haha, oia jangan lupa untuk pesan Risolesnya juga ya #yummy "
03 May 2017Daceu Wirasasmita
" ok "
02 May 2017Faisal Kamal
" Beberapa kali saya kesana, rasa lumayan. Hanya harga menunya lumayan tinggi (mahal) dibandingkan dengan tempat makan yang lain yg ada diwonosobo. Apalagi untuk ukuran kota wonosobo... "
30 April 2017Archadius Budi Adi Santosa
" Sajian bebek goreng, ayam kampung dengan sambel korek yg pedas. "
29 April 2017Miftah Ahmad
" Bebek goreng H.slamet . . . masakannya rasanya mak.yus . . . bikin ketagihan . . . hehehe "
28 April 2017Ardantus Safirius
" Rasanya lumayan. Pernah mampir sewaktu dari salatiga "
27 April 2017Riandik Mujib
" Mantap "
25 April 2017Sahrul Rul
" Restoran miskin cabe "
21 April 2017Dony Wbs
" Bebeknya gurih, sambal congeknya maknyus... cuma sayang area parkirnya agak sulit. "
18 April 2017Jeni Mukti
" Lumayan kalau yg mau makan bebek, tapi untuk menu bakar nya agak sedikit gosong "
18 April 2017Dwi Wiji Lestari
" Seperti bebek goreng H Slamet di kota lainnya, rasanya sudah terjamin enak..
18 April 2017Bebek goreng remuk nya endess.. sambel bawangnya yg paling 👍👍.
Selamat datang di Wonosobo gaiiss.. jangan lupa cobain kuliner khas wonosobo juga yaa.. 🤗👌🙋 "
Anton Priyo
" Bebek empuk, lebih enak dari pada yg dijogja "
16 April 2017Fietry Mfp
" D'best lah pokoknya. Mau dimanapun lokasinya. Rasa tetap sama. "
16 April 2017Arief Hakim
" Bebeknya masih ada bulu saat digoreng utuh.
12 April 2017Sambalnya ok. "
Dinda Nur Viranti
" Rasa bumbu dari bebeknya ini enak bgt bikin ketagihan pengen nambah trs 😁 "
09 April 2017Anjas Surya Dharma
" Bebeknya empuk sampai ke tulang, gurihnya merata smp ke dlm sumsum, sambelnya jos, es gula asemnya bikin ketagihan. "
04 April 2017Riezka Astatin
" Sambal nya nendang.... yummy bebeknya empuk... "
03 April 2017Yusuf Asli
" Ndak cuma bebek, ayam juga ada. Rasa nikmat namun harga cukup mahal "
02 April 2017Purnama TS
" pernah makan disitu buat saya bumbu kurang meresap dan kurang mantab rasanya "
01 April 2017Ferry Krisnamurti
" Isinya sih sama aja kayak bebek slametyang deket PIM. Cuma gak tau kenapa kurang mantap. Kalo dari aegi tempat sih lebih luas, dingin, dan gak crowded "
30 March 2017Bambang Masdar
" Kenapa tutp. "
30 March 2017Abee Sin
" Enak tenan bebek e "
29 March 2017Puriza Exsis
" bebeknya enak diiringi lagu pengamen lebih nikmat " jos .jempol .. "
28 March 2017Abraham Patty
" Delicious "
28 March 2017Hendrick Lodewyck
" Bebek goreng n sambalnya...wadezigh!!! Andalan "
23 March 2017Habibi Habibi
" bebek goreng pak slamet
21 March 2017spesial bebek empuk . . .
spesial sambal korek
spesial minuman beras kencur "
Gojek Palembang Driver
" Tempat yg sejuk,penyajian yg nyaman,pelayanannya ramah,makanannya enak gila,maknyus habis "
18 March 2017Anni Susanti
" lumayan mahal "
16 March 2017Pak Toni
" Jos.... mak nyus..... "
16 March 2017Felisiana Tukau
" bebek goreng paling enak di Samarinda. kalo suka pedes pasti ketagihan sama sambelnya, harganya juga masih terjangkau. stafnya jarang senyum sih, tapi minta tolong tambah ini itu tetap dilayanin kok.
16 March 2017Ps: nama tempatnya sudah berubah jadi bebek pawon "
Asep Suseno
" Uenak tenan pokoke "
15 March 2017Edysusanto Susanto
" Kami berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk konsumen. terimakasi atas kunjungan anda . "
15 March 2017Dewa Dony
" Tipikal bebeknya digoreng kering. Disatu sisi ada struktur tulang yg bisa digigit, disisi lain bebeknya cenderung keset, jadinya mengurangi sensasi makan daging bebek. Sambal oke, tp porsinya sdkit bgt mnrt saya 😀 "
04 March 2017Fera Pratiwi Suhendro
" Awal nta bebek kecil tapi srkarang sudah lebih sedang.. cuma goreng nya terlalu kriuk klo saya krg suka bisa request jangan terlalu garing gorengnyq. "
04 March 2017Adny Nizomi
" Good. Itik renyah "
04 March 2017Azusa Nakano
" Bebek goreng H Slamet tempatnya penikmat bebek mania
28 February 2017dijamin bakal ketagihan.. Murmer aja gan, di jamin sesuai sama isi kantong "
Mohammad Idhom
" Joss "
27 February 2017Win No
" Bebek gorengnya sangat lezat, tempatnya juga nyaman dan santai buat kumpul kumpul "
25 February 2017Burit Prakoso
" Salah Satu referensi tempat makan yang enak di purwodadi dengan harga yang terjangkau. "
25 February 2017ALi And SoLikhiN
" Di daerah Rumah makan ini biasa saja tapi jikalau di jakarta luar biasa rasanya "
23 February 2017Lutfi Khaerudin
" tempat agak horor dan kurang enak kaya dicabang lain "
22 February 2017Dhanar Adi Dewandaru
" Good fried duck. Good price. Ample parking space. "
20 February 2017Assidiq Zidane
" Delish "
16 February 2017Anthony Wibowo
" Pegawai nya tolol ga ada obat. Pesen nasi, ayam, tahu 2 sama kol goreng. Yg di kirim cuma nasi sama ayam, alasannya yg lain habis.
13 February 2017Klo emg habis knpa ga ada konfirmasi dulu. Trus klo lauk nya ga cukup, gw makan nasi sama kertas??
Mudah-mudahan cepet bangkrut biar pegawe nya pengangguran semua. "
Dewa Prasada
" Penyajiannya tdk sesuai standart ; ga dikasih minyak bebek ; bebeknya kurang sip "
13 February 2017Tamie Pramudito
" Affordable, quick service, duck meat quite hard but taste nice "
11 February 2017Ahli Kunci 081327331754
" Sekarang mantap tempatnya "
08 February 2017Widi Ng
" delicious "
08 February 2017Rashid Abdul
" Great food. Beware of the chili lol "
01 February 2017Purwoko Joko Prawoko
" Bebeknya lezat, tidak amis, harga sangat terjangkau, tempat nyaman, ada mainan anak, samba koreknya joss. "
29 January 2017Aminuddin Perencana Keuangan
" Yang bikin saya bertanya tanya.setelah saya amati kenapa di waktu resto ini sangat ramai dihari libur.menawarkan bebek utuh.dg alasan potongan bebek sdh habis??? "
28 January 2017Nur Hamidah
" Murah dan bersih "
26 January 2017Matius Cahyadi
" pelayannya kurang tanggap, sambelnya sangat berminyak "
22 January 2017Erwin Theking
" Gk boleh nmbh sambel restoran begooooo "
15 January 2017Pasha Mudra
" Makanan nya enak "
15 January 2017Midi Rendezvous
" Rasanya enak murah...lokasinya mudah dijangkau...bangunannya seperti rumah jaman belanda "
14 January 2017Anwar Yusran
" Bebek Goreng H. Slamet empuk, renyah dengan sambal korek yg top markotop "
14 January 2017Fathih Ali
" Sambalnya juara "
11 January 2017Muhammad Nizar
" Rajanya bebek. Saya suka dengan sambalnya. "
11 January 2017Tri Subagyo
" Selain menikmati lezatnya rasa khas bebek H Slamet, bisa juga menikmati menu lokal disini mis: dawet ayu banjarnegara, tempe mendoan.. "
07 January 2017Setiawan Panca
" Apa cuma bbk goreng h slamet wsb yg ketika minta pesan antar gak bisa, alasannya lg ramai. Kl udah ada service delivery ya apapun kndisinya bs ready. Kecewa aja dg layanannya cab wsb. Mending ke kaki 5 rasa jg ga kalah. Nyebelin. Boro2 kukasih bintang,,,,,,,,, "
25 December 2016Yitno Bms
" Selamat datang di Wonosobo, tujuan wisata yang bisa anda kunjungi antaranya Komplek Candi Dieng, Telaga Warna, Sunrise Bukit Sikunir, Kawah Sikidang, Pendakian Gunung Prau dsb. Terimakasih sudah berkunjung. Have A Nice Holiday "
25 December 2016Bellagio Smg
" Enak dan murah "
25 December 2016Kartika Julianti
" You wanna try? I recommended it! Don't judge before you try it. Be smart people 😊😊 "
24 December 2016Ben Slamet
" Pertama Kali makan disini terasa enak menunya, Yang kedua kali semua terasa asin. Yang ketiga belum pernah coba lagi,, "
22 December 2016Bagas Fernanda
" Bebek lezaaaat... Pak h. Slamet... Maknyuusssss..... "
21 December 2016Ari Susanto
" Ok "
20 December 2016Ari Susanto
" Sipp.. "
20 December 2016Oki Yudhantoro
" Good food great time... "
18 December 2016Ardi Ferdian
" Not bad lah "
18 December 2016Alfaliyan Banumeko
" Great food "
17 December 2016Syarifah Dhira
" Sometime they run out of lalapan. I hate it. Worst beslam ever. "
15 December 2016Aidilindah Zaki
" Sangat terkenal masakan lauk bebek "
11 December 2016Audy Surya
" I love this place.. esp with their fry duck called bebek remuk.. so crispy n juicy (they claimed that it less cholestrol) and nice sambal.. "
01 December 2016AR Sugeng Riyadi
" The real Bebek Goreng, since I was single and always after going from Swimming Pool at Kopassus Kandang Menjangan ... "
01 December 2016Aryadi Darwanto
" Ayam goreng enak. Sambel nya sedikit, jika penyuka pedas, gak akan puas. Harus pesan sambel lagi. "
28 November 2016Rico Bachtiar
" The original "
21 November 2016Setyo Nugroho
" Tempatnya nyaman, ada live music "
18 November 2016Hery Anno
" Top...bebeknya...lumer ...dagingnya "
13 November 2016Luqman Pandey
" 😂😂😂😂 "
10 November 2016Agus Hadi Prayitno
" 😂😂😂 "
09 November 2016Naomi Chrysantia
" Sambelnya enak. Datang sore tapi banyak menu yang sudah habis. Di bebeknya masih banyak bulu menempel. Tempat remang-remang dan kebersihannya kurang "
05 November 2016Siscar Argo
" Enak masakannya.. klo ga pesen paket hemat menunya ada.. klo pas mesen menunya kosong.. ga ada bebek supernya 😅 "
03 November 2016Muhammad Kartono
" Makanan nya enak "
02 November 2016Azya Shuwaeba
" Menunya enak enak...... Minumanya bikin seger..... Cocokkah buat santai santai "
30 October 2016Priyo Prasetyo
" Makan malam "
13 October 2016Joko Purnomo
" Ok "
10 October 2016Arum Noerlianty
" Eunakkkk, empukkk dagingnya, gurihh, pedess. Pokoke mantappp "
09 October 2016Arum Noerlianty
" Bebeknya mantapppp rasanya "
08 October 2016Eryka Bagus
" Mantapppp pedasss, enakkkk bebeknya "
08 October 2016Eryka Bagus
" Jauuh perjalanan... Ada tempat yg nyaman buat transit, istirahat, sholat sambil makan, enakkkkk bebeknya sama seperti yg di purwokerto "
08 October 2016Eryka Bagus
" Rajanya bebek, empuk didalam, garing diluar. Semoga selalu stabil rasanya.. Jossss rasanya "
08 October 2016Gilang Synyster Gates
" Belum nyoba "
06 October 2016Joko Tri S
" Salah satu menu favorit saya. Bebek Goreng slamet. Mantab... "
05 October 2016Agung Priyanto
" Sambalnya istimewa "
05 October 2016Hera Wati
" Enak bebeknya.... "
20 September 2016Ivan Fadhil
" Go food "
19 September 2016Septie Yan
" rasa sambel kurang berasa, untuk tempat parkir lumayan mudah, mudah ditemui karena berada di jalan utama a. yani "
13 September 2016Rizky Meilano
" Sambel e top! :) "
10 September 2016Mohammad Bagus Sasmita
" Menu lezat bebek di mana-mana, hny es jeruknya kurang ok "
09 September 2016Joko Tri S
" Enak dan pedes... "
07 September 2016Imam Sutrisno
" rasa khas adalah sambalnya, enak, menu cukup lengkap, suasana nyaman...parkir cukup "
27 August 2016Felisiana Tukau
" bebek goreng paling enak di Samarinda. kalo suka pedes pasti ketagihan sama sambelnya, harganya juga masih terjangkau. stafnya jarang senyum sih, tapi minta tolong tambah ini itu tetap dilayanin kok. "
26 August 2016Lutfi Fatofani
" Bebek nya mak nyus "
19 August 2016Mohamad Ridho
" tempat makan uenak "
13 August 2016Kevin Yoasman Tupu
" Pelayanan asal asal, bebek nya banyak bulu yg masih nempel, pelayan susah di cari karna ga stand by di tempat "
05 August 2016Yusuf Lukmanto
" Tempat bersih, menu variatif. Cocok u/ kelg. "
02 August 2016Fadjari Wibowo
" Karena lapar Jadi enak "
30 July 2016Jeff Yeoh
" Enak banget "
24 July 2016Wawan 80
" Maknyuslah,... "
23 July 2016Fernati Purnomo
" Khas bebek gorengnya..harganya lebih murah dibanding di Jakarta..tapi tempat parkir mobilnya terbatas.. "
19 July 2016Setyo Adi Nugroho
" All hail to the real Bebek Goreng Haji Slamet kertosura. Fried duck crispy with sambal make you satisfied your tongue "
19 July 2016Zulfiana Shalihah
" Lumayan "
16 July 2016Roy Saripandang
" Kuliner "
15 July 2016Fakhri Alkhairi
" Tempat Makan dengan Harga Pas dikantong dan Enak "
11 July 2016Irvin Shandy
" They serve great fried duck with various tasty sambals. "
07 July 2016Nyonya Iskandar
" Enakkkk "
03 July 2016Linda Kumayasari
" Ditelpon gak diangkat pdhal Mau reserved.. kecewa "
28 June 2016Fajar Hadi Pratama
" Enak. Tp pelayanan perlu ditingkatkan "
22 June 2016Bambang Purnomo
" Various 'sambal' available.
17 June 2016Crispy fried duck and chicken.
Don't forget the coconut orange... "
Antok Suryaden
" rasanya mantab "
16 June 2016Mister Mahmud
" Assalamu'alaikum..
28 May 2016Nama saya :mister mahmud
Alamat :Badakarya rt01/01
Saya punya peternakan bebek hibrida usaha kecil. Jumlah bebek saya 200 ekor
saya mau nawarin bebek saya ke restoran bebek bapak. terimakasih. "
Aurora Ribka Marbun
" Crispy fried duck was very delicious. "
07 May 2016Puji Meilawati
" Rasa nya manyoss,bkin ketagihan "
06 May 2016Ida TaufikTb2
" Sambelnyoooo😢😢😢 puedes sangat "
30 April 2016Agungdian Rengganis
" Enak. Cuma sayang akses jalannya yang terlalu padat "
27 April 2016Vic Easter
" A must visit for bebek and sambal korek lovers! The weird thing is, they open early in the morning and close after lunch. "
24 April 2016Hardi Agunadi
" Ayo coba.. "
05 April 2016Irsyad Jelang
" Wajib nyoba bebek disini!!!!
20 March 2016Harga : terjangkau
Rasa : maknyus
Staff : ramah
Parkir : luas
Bebek goreng mantap. "
Zidan Yasrah
" Masih buka apa gk? "
28 February 2016Wimar EN
" Nomer telphonnya yg bisa dihubungi gak ada yah "
15 February 2016Sumantri Nurdarma
" Untuk rasa bebek goreng tetap konsisten sejak merasakan di jalan gejayan jogja.
14 February 2016Saya ambil paket hemat "nasi+bebek goreng + minum" cukup bayar Rp.24000 saja.
Ada toilet dan mushola cocok buat istirahat keluarga yg sedang perjalanan jauh karena ada tempat lesehan nya juga "
Narisa Tour
" Sepertinya sudah tutup "
30 January 2016Rifqi Pradana Putra
" Bebek gorengnya mantaap 👍 "
18 January 2016Ronny Isnuwardana
" Closed, moved to Jalan Abdul Wahab Sjahranie. Nonetheless, this is the best taste compared to any other ducks restaurants. "
13 January 2016Andhi Mancho
" Weeeehh.....penak tenan bro "
01 January 2016Pinasti Wiji Adhitama
" Bebek goreng nya authentic! Garing diluar, lembut didalam! "
15 December 2015Gojek Bandung
" Jooosss "
01 November 2015Agung Hery
" Bebeknya guriiiihhhh ga alot... "
12 October 2015Aditya Dwi
" Saya pesan paha "
01 August 2015Tiar Prayoga
" Sambelnya...... Hi tension pedassssnya.... "
26 July 2015Sony Ringgo
" makan dulu yuk..!! "
21 July 2015Rianto Saputra
" Mkn "
08 July 2015Ria Aja
" Rasanya endos bikin nagih "
08 July 2015Brasukra G Sudjana
" Very good fried duck. Crispy but not too dry. One among many in Kartasura, but this is the best. "
13 June 2015Syarifah Aminah
" Keren "
11 March 2015Nur Rachmat
" RM. K-Visit "
04 January 2015Ngadiyono Agus
" Kapan ada diskon ya "
31 May 2014PAMULA
" Urutan dan ampelanya gak cukup 1 "
01 April 2014