About Beatrice's Cuisine House
Beatrice's Cuisine House is a restaurant, located at Jl. Sukarno Hatta, Tahunan, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah 59451, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 291 593880, visit their website www.instagram.com for more detailed information.
" Ok "
17 March 2018Wonseok Choi
" Many kinds of food and beer... Like this place "
03 March 2018Anjar Sapu Jagad
" Nice atmosphere !. There is a bar and pizza. 😄 "
09 February 2018Daniel Garlick
" Great meals with my friends. Eclectic decor and attentive but unobtrusive staff made for a lovely lunch. A wide selection of food and drink is available. "
09 January 2018Esther Irene Purba
" Recomended food and place "
14 October 2017Connor Hughes
" Good food and nice cold beers "
13 October 2017Bagoz Bagaz
" Quick delivery "
26 July 2017Lailatul Fitriyah
" Untuk yang suka makanan barat disini tempat yang cocok dan suasananya pun mendukung. Untuk anak-anak muda tempat ini kurang terjangkau harganya tapi masakannnya enak. "
19 July 2017Veronica Rompies
" Good food, reasonable price, okay service, nice n cozy interior, one disturbing thing is sometime the sound from the mosque is very loud, when you sitting at the smoking area outside, you just cannot make any conversation as it is too loud. "
11 July 2017Andy Andy
" Don't have air conditioner, price range quite high and average taste of food. "
05 July 2017Sih Riniwati
" Good place, good food, homey "
30 June 2017Panji Fardiansyah
" Nice food and cozy place... and I like virgin mujito from here "
15 June 2017Masageng Satrio Subiakto
" Not expected high quality western food in Jepara. First time to eat Beef Carpacio, it was awesome.. The pizza, could be better. But, for Jepara, it's superb! "
27 April 2017Alif Lifa
" Pizzanya endesss ,harga agak teriak sih tapi sebanding sama pelayanan dan kualitas makanannya tasty banget,ga bakal nyesel deh.ojo lali mampir pokoke nik awakmu ring jeporo "
01 March 2017Adhianta Prematico
" good place good food good coffee "
22 February 2017Hesti Prihandari
" BBQ Ribs-nya OK. "
19 February 2017Dima Furniture
" Kopinya mantap, pizza juga enak, dan makanan yang lainnya pun enak. Harga agak sedikit mahal tapi berimbang dengan pelayanan, tempat, fasilitas, dan menu makanan yang disajikan. "
23 January 2017D'SIGN Let's Colour
" Cozy cafe "
22 January 2017Diana Doubova
" Best one so far in Jepara "
21 November 2016Beatrices Cuisine House
" exited "
15 November 2016Eko Siswanto
" capuccinonya enak banget "
05 November 2016Gudang Krapyak
" wow, restaurant bertemakan colonial latin di jepara ini memang sangat istimewa, apalagi pizza buatan khas pangganga dari beatrice's cuisine house, bikin ngangenin pingin mencoba lagi.
05 November 2016rekomendasi kepada teman teman adventure yang suka berjelajah kota, kalau kalian ke jepara silahakan mampir ke restaurant dan bar Baetrice' Cuisine House, ada berbagai macam masakan eropa, timur tengah dan asia tentunya, pizza nya cukup bisa diperhitungkan rasanya dan tempatnya yang berkonsep kolonial bikin betah dan lupa waktu deh, hehehe "