About Apotek Jaten
Apotek Jaten is a pharmacy, located at Jl. Raya Solo-Tawangmangu KM.8,1, Dusun V, Jaten, Karanganyar, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57554, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 271 827677 for more detailed information.
Anjar P Handoyo
" Experience to the obstetrician
09 September 2020Doctor: tasty, friendly
The queue: opens at 6pm
Starting practice: 8.30pm (waiting 2.5 hours, not waiting for the doctor queue again)
Waiting room: comfortable, TV broadcasts are complicated, there are toilets & prayer rooms "
Melanie Ragil Pawestri
" ?????? ????? ????? ???? ???????
21 August 2020for customer service, the service is not friendly and impatient, not polite either ???? "
Aisyah Channel
" Complaints from me to no satisfaction with the pharmacist who served me ...
14 June 2020Yesterday Saturday I checked the ENT to the doctor Iwan Cost 100 thousand and redeem the medicine 350. Because I only brought a little money so I took half the drug ... I also made an agreement with the doctor tomorrow, the medicine that was not taken is worth 200 thousand, rather take it tomorrow morning .. After the morning did not take the word pharmacist said the price of drugs went up 230. I was surprised to cook only last night the price could go up even though yesterday afternoon you paid 200 ... I was disappointed with the pharmacist at the Jaten Pharmacy ... And I don't know whose name it is. repeat again as I experienced .. mature Suwun "
Scarlita Kusumawati
" Cuma mau sharing pelayanan di apotek jaten,Dokter kandunganya memang datangnya lama . Tapi mungkin dokter sedang ada sesuatu jadi terlambat cukup lama. Tapi saya sangat nyaman dengan dokternya,enak untuk sharing,vitaminnya bagus,dan yg saya suka dokternya sangat ramah. Untuk biaya usg 2dm/transV berkisar 200an. Untuk vitamin sekitar 150an juga,tergantuan keluhan. Tapi menurut saya,sangat bagus vitaminnya. Saran untuk lebih tepat waktu. Terimakasih. Semoga infonya bermanfaat ya "
17 January 2020Sudarsono Nugroho
" Tempat praktek dr. THT, Mata, penyakit dalam, kandungan dan ortopedi "
05 December 2019Rima Noermastuti
" Parkirnya sih kurang luas, karena mepet jalan raya jadi kalo pas rame parkir mobil bisa sampai timur bgt. Bagusnya di apotek ini ada dokter praktek tht, kandungan, mata, penyakit dalam. Obat lumayan lengkap dan kalo mau sholat ada kok mushollanya. "
24 October 2019Setya Rini
" Obat lumayan lengkap, praktek dokternya di papan jm 5 datengnya jm 7kurang.. Lama bngt nunggunyaaa... "
29 July 2019Kasani Abdulhadi
" Really helpful for the people live in the surroundings of Apotek Jaten , due to the availability and completeness of the medicine in this pharmacy . Beside that this pharmacy keeps open during holidays , while usually the other is not , moreover the service is quite friendly . There are rooms that are used by specialist doctors (several kinds) practicing during evening till night time . Good ! ! "
23 April 2019Kasani Abdulhadi
" Really helpful for the people live in the surroundings of Apotek Jaten , due to the availability and completeness of the medicine in this pharmacy . Beside that this pharmacy keeps open during holidays , while usually the other is not , moreover the service is quite friendly . There are rooms that are used by specialist doctors (several kinds) practicing during evening till night time . Good ! ! "
23 April 2019Kharir Anisa
" Obatnya cukup komplit dan juga tempatnya praktik dokter2 yg berpengalaman dalam ahlinya... "
09 January 2019Budhi Rosliandi Nugraha
" Apotek Jaten, Jl. Solo-Tawangmangu, Jaten, Karanganyar ini berada di jalur yang lumayan ramai dan tidak pernah sepi karena merupakan jalan menuju tempat wisata favorit warga Solo Raya yaitu Tawangmangu.
10 September 2018Area parkir Apotek Jaten tidaklah cukup memadai kalau dipakai kendaraan roda empat, mungkin hanya cukup untuk 4-5 mobil saja. Tetapi jika untuk motor atau roda dua cukup luas.
Selain itu ada juga Praktek sore Dokter Spesialis yang cukup bagus.
Jagalah Kesehatan Anda dan Salam Sehat Selalu! "
Herdika Thio
" Ramah dokternya "
29 August 2018Heri Susanto
" Penampilan pelayan nya menarik "
11 March 2018Sovie Budiarti
" Lumayan lengkap. Harga terjangkau. Tempat straregis. Ada praktik dokter spesialis di malam hari. Pelayanan ramah. "
20 February 2018Nuri Anida
" Apotik dgn obat''an yg lengkap serta menyediakan praktek dokter "
18 November 2017Ash Ismia
" Pelayannya ramah tempatnya jg bersih.... "
27 September 2017Pak Sunarso
" Komplit.... "
29 June 2017A Irawan Eko Sulistyo
" Apotik dengan Fasilitas Praktek Dokter Bersama "
02 May 2017Tofan Ariesmana
" Apotek terlengkap di jaten.... walaupun harganya menegah ke atas.... praktek dokter juga banyak.... "
13 April 2017Ferry Dputra
" Apotik idola, ada saat diperlukan. Obat juga cukup lengkap, dan mau membantu kalau misal minta dokumen2 buat claim ke asuransi. "
04 March 2017Vie Keys
" tempat bersih,rapi dan ada pelayanan periksa dokter juga "
02 February 2017Riyan
" Pelayanannya bagus. Dokter prakter juga lengkap. "
19 January 2017Aslabar Official
" Good respons "
30 October 2016Gunung Harjanto
" tempat beli obat "
13 July 2016Mochamad Nugroho
" Tempat buat nyari obat di sekitar jaten. Ramai pengunjung juga "
05 July 2016