About Angkringan Cekli
Angkringan Cekli is a cafe, located at Mlati Kidul, Kota Kudus, Mlati Kidul, Kota Kudus, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah 59319, Indonesia. Visit their website fiforlifhargamurah.com for more detailed information.
Angkringan Cekli is a cafe, located at Mlati Kidul, Kota Kudus, Mlati Kidul, Kota Kudus, Kabupaten Kudus, Jawa Tengah 59319, Indonesia. Visit their website fiforlifhargamurah.com for more detailed information.
Bastian Prayoga
" Good for night only "
16 October 2017Ameera Lakeisha
" Cozy place for hangout "
01 September 2017Ricky Fajar
" Quite pricey "
29 August 2017Ahmad Syafiq
" Ok "
04 July 2017Galuh Ristyanto
" Ke Cekli pasti pesen Kopi Joss "
19 December 2016Luqman Pandey
" 😂😂😂 "
19 September 2016Hape Kece
" Santai untuk nongkrong bareng "
06 September 2016Kotak Susu
" The best place to nangkring in Kudus, Central Java "
24 August 2016Surya Pujoyono
" It's has local foods to serve by yourself "
03 July 2016Danang Sucahyo
" Live accoustic on every night "
18 December 2015Budi Wicaksono
" Kafe recommended nih buat meet up atau date 😍 "
01 February 2015