" what a strategic place, you can find a great mosque near this square, you can find a lot of food with low price around this area "
08 May 2018
Fatimah Nurhijanah
" The best place to find anything, entertaining, to run out the money "
05 May 2018
Rafika Farah
" Find your fav street foods here! "
29 April 2018
Afiq Herdika Sulistya
" A lot of delicious budget meals at night. Iconic place of the town. "
13 April 2018
Nanang Sa'dullah
" Pengemisnya udah berkurang, tp pengamennya masih banyak, sekarang masyarakat yg buang sampah di tengah lapangan sudah berkurang drastis, tempat sampahnya buanyak, lapangan pun bersih, good job! "
09 April 2018
Yola Triana
" Alun-alun yang rapi dan terawat. Kalau malam terdapat pasar kuliner dan berbagai penjual mainan serta penjual hewan peliharaan dan terdapat sarana permainan anak. "
08 April 2018
Aan Kent
" Tempat yang bagus untuk menghabiskan waktu santai diakhir pekan bersama keluarga, teman, pacar, ataupun kluarga. "
05 April 2018
MTegar RSaputra
" Public Place, a good place to have a jog and relax with family and friends. There's a big mosque and people are selling quick bite around. "
17 March 2018
Su Marno
" Ramai "
17 February 2018
Putri Ra
" Simpang Lima itu Bagus.sekaliiii "
03 January 2018
Ayu Bachtiar
" ππππππ "
25 December 2017
Didik Harianto
" 7 month ago I was here for first time. 2nd time this place has new atractive spot for selvie. Clean although many food stand here. "
25 December 2017
Pa Soe
" This is a good place to refreshing, usually crowd at night,and has many kind of local food ,,, nice "
10 December 2017
Apit [Elevenation]
" Good place for "Jalan-jalan Sore" "
10 September 2017
Jo N
" Just like other place in other city... it is a mater of center of the Pati city. There are so many flickering bicycles and some food stalls. "
13 August 2017
" You could see the lively view at night and a good place to jog in the morning "
11 August 2017
Bagus Painting
" Beautiful square and so green.. Only need public toilet.. πβΊπππβββ "
30 July 2017
Hario Rahadi
" Public spaces. Authorities need to remind public about littering "
23 July 2017
Hayu Andarwati
" Harga lebih mahal dibanding tempat lain. Pengamennya buanyaakk,jadi males kl makan di tempat. Bisa untuk kumpul keluarga krn luas n opsi makanan banyak. "
03 July 2017
Kirana Cipta
" There are a lot of street food arround this area, you can enjoy your food while sitting on the park. "
01 July 2017
Naufal Putra Dea Pramudya
" Has a lot of range of food and entertainment at night "
25 June 2017
Prasetyo Riyadi
" A lot of people gathering in the evening also local Street market "
14 May 2017
Pt Bsa
" Ok for village "
19 March 2017
Ry0 Saeba
" Place for Sport in the morning...
N culinary at afternoon... "
Eka Melalita
" Keren dan menyenangkan "
17 May 2018Raffa Cahya
" ππ "
10 May 2018Abdullah Mazeed
" what a strategic place, you can find a great mosque near this square, you can find a lot of food with low price around this area "
08 May 2018Fatimah Nurhijanah
" The best place to find anything, entertaining, to run out the money "
05 May 2018Rafika Farah
" Find your fav street foods here! "
29 April 2018Afiq Herdika Sulistya
" A lot of delicious budget meals at night. Iconic place of the town. "
13 April 2018Nanang Sa'dullah
" Pengemisnya udah berkurang, tp pengamennya masih banyak, sekarang masyarakat yg buang sampah di tengah lapangan sudah berkurang drastis, tempat sampahnya buanyak, lapangan pun bersih, good job! "
09 April 2018Yola Triana
" Alun-alun yang rapi dan terawat. Kalau malam terdapat pasar kuliner dan berbagai penjual mainan serta penjual hewan peliharaan dan terdapat sarana permainan anak. "
08 April 2018Aan Kent
" Tempat yang bagus untuk menghabiskan waktu santai diakhir pekan bersama keluarga, teman, pacar, ataupun kluarga. "
05 April 2018MTegar RSaputra
" Public Place, a good place to have a jog and relax with family and friends. There's a big mosque and people are selling quick bite around. "
17 March 2018Su Marno
" Ramai "
17 February 2018Putri Ra
" Simpang Lima itu Bagus.sekaliiii "
03 January 2018Ayu Bachtiar
" ππππππ "
25 December 2017Didik Harianto
" 7 month ago I was here for first time. 2nd time this place has new atractive spot for selvie. Clean although many food stand here. "
25 December 2017Pa Soe
" This is a good place to refreshing, usually crowd at night,and has many kind of local food ,,, nice "
10 December 2017Apit [Elevenation]
" Good place for "Jalan-jalan Sore" "
10 September 2017Jo N
" Just like other place in other city... it is a mater of center of the Pati city. There are so many flickering bicycles and some food stalls. "
13 August 2017IAN GREEN
" You could see the lively view at night and a good place to jog in the morning "
11 August 2017Bagus Painting
" Beautiful square and so green.. Only need public toilet.. πβΊπππβββ "
30 July 2017Hario Rahadi
" Public spaces. Authorities need to remind public about littering "
23 July 2017Hayu Andarwati
" Harga lebih mahal dibanding tempat lain. Pengamennya buanyaakk,jadi males kl makan di tempat. Bisa untuk kumpul keluarga krn luas n opsi makanan banyak. "
03 July 2017Kirana Cipta
" There are a lot of street food arround this area, you can enjoy your food while sitting on the park. "
01 July 2017Naufal Putra Dea Pramudya
" Has a lot of range of food and entertainment at night "
25 June 2017Prasetyo Riyadi
" A lot of people gathering in the evening also local Street market "
14 May 2017Pt Bsa
" Ok for village "
19 March 2017Ry0 Saeba
" Place for Sport in the morning...
06 March 2017N culinary at afternoon... "
Udien Rastafara
" Ok "
21 February 2017Widyo Purwanto
" Playground place...
08 December 2016Food n foods... "
Landung Kautsar
" Lovable place "
06 September 2016