About Alun Alun Kota Magelang
Alun Alun Kota Magelang is a park, located at Jalan Alun-Alun Utara, Magelang Tengah, Kemirirejo, Magelang Tengah, Kota Magelang, Jawa Tengah 56117, Indonesia. Visit their website www.magelangkota.go.id for more detailed information.
Surya Handika Putratama
" Alun-alun paling bersih dan rapi yang pernah saya kunjungi. Tempat ini bisa dijadikan alternatif tempat bersantai bersama keluarga atau pasangan. Kebersihannya terjaga, ada toilet umum yang juga bersih, kran air siap minum dari PDAM, dan berbagai macam pilihan kuliner khas Magelang dari siang sampai malam hari. Ada pula atraksi air mancur yang diselenggarakan setiap malam akhir pekan dan malam liburan. "
01 May 2018Fahmi Amhar
" Nice public square for relax. Free view to 3 surrounding vulcans (Merapi, Merbabu and Sumbing) and many historical buildings (200 years old Mosque, 150 years old church and 100 years old water torn. "
28 April 2018Dynamic Autotech
" Nice place to spent night and get dinner with your family.
08 April 2018You can take good time here where much good spot to take some picture and selfies "
Azalia Faozanudin
" A good place to stroll around. There's a food court in which has so many food and beverage choices. A potential tourist site. "
06 April 2018Riana Puspa
" Public park for everyone who came to Magelang. You can see "air mancur menari" every Saturday night live at 08.00 pm and Monday at 04.00 pm.
31 March 2018Just for fun with your children or your loved ones. "
Ignatius Yudistira
" Nice public space, nice food vendors nearby mostly average in taste. A good place to socialize and to meet the locals. Located in the heart of Magelang and surrounded with the town landmarks. The new dancing fountain is an interesting feat. Can be overcrowded during weekends and holidays. "
12 March 2018Eik Sitindaon
" The heart of the city. Have a big statue of Prince Diponegoro, one of Indonesia greatest hero. Lately there's also fountain dance. "
01 March 2018Inezfebianka
" Food here is affordable. Parking lot here convinced. There's a big mosque here so you don't have to worry you'd missed your pray. "
26 January 2018Antonius Jeffry
" Its a place that not much to see tho. A Diponegoro statue (local heroes), temple, water tower, mosque, church, shopping area, bank and police station are around this park. At afternoon, some skateboarders are practicing there. Pedicab are around and china town are next to park. "
05 December 2017Tri Lestari Puspitaningrum
" It is located in the heart of Magelang city. In every Sunday morning, alot of people are doing exercise and selling household meals and utilities. Parking your vehicle will serve in the spot that it is managed by the residents. This place is suitable for families and individuals visiting. "
07 November 2017Elizabeth Lius
" A wide open area at the center of Magelang city. At night, you could enjoy some traditional snacks (like roasted corn) there. But all in all, not much to see in this area. "
15 October 2017Rieke Givani
" At night there were many food stall..but still clean in the morning..it was nice.. "
21 September 2017Nethen Christian
" I'm here just looking food court nice place.
16 September 2017So clean many kind people "
Christiana Rukmanto
" Often have dinner there in Tuin van Java, with my family. Nice place. But some foods are bad / not interesting. So I only buy certain foods. Never want to try all. "
16 September 2017Ardi Magara
" Alun-alum Kota Magelang is the main place of Magelang's people. The place where some people meets, gatheres, and hold events. Alun-alun Kota Magelang was child-friendly place. Culinary stalls stood there, in the north side of Alun-alun. It was provided by government. You can order some snack or foods and beverages. Please visit Magelang and enjoy it. "
06 September 2017Sodiq Sulistiyanto
" Lovely simple ancient place that I always love...please come and feel the simplicity "
02 September 2017Muhdi Anto
" good place for enjoy magelang with family. Complete foodcourt. "
11 August 2017Zunaidy Rakhmad
" Nice place to refreshing, but need particular additional like playground and another facilities... the grassroots needs maintenance .. "
27 July 2017Agung Satriya Wibowo
" Turned into a better public space recently. But still lack of public restroom and cleanliness caused by littering visitors. Various streetfood selection at northern corner near this town's landmark "the watertower". Disgusting pee smell in many spots around the field and building.. "
16 July 2017Yustinia Kusumastuti
" This place has a row of local foodstalls in one side and good space for selfies 😄 "
07 July 2017Raden Agoes Wirjawan
" Nice place to visit by walking from your home, a cool place, many foods are offered to you from javanese food to asian food ... "
30 June 2017Ornas Raditya
" "Alun-alun" is considered as the center of town. You will find lots street vendor and traditional food vendor "
28 June 2017Zaenal Amin
" Alun2 Magelang is my home town, nice place, wide field for kids to play around and for doing sport like jogging and biking, there is statue of Pangeran Diponegoro "
26 June 2017H. Mudjiono
" Located in the center of Magelang city.
12 June 2017There are many delicious food street, it's okey for quality time with family "
Ryon Ryon
" The Grand Mosque of Bandung (Indonesian Masjid Raya Bandung), previously known as the Great Mosque of Bandung (Indonesian Great Mosque of Bandung), is a mosque in Bandung, the provincial capital of West Java, Indonesia. The mosque received the status of provincial mosque of West Java Province in 2004. It is located on the east side of the alun-alun of Bandung. "
27 April 2017Wikan Yekti
" Magelang street food available to enjoy nice mountain air here. (My fav grilled sweet chicken skin available in a orange tent called kucingan every evening) Fav place to its people to spent time with their fams and friends in a low budget "
18 April 2017Sia Dai
" In the morning you can jogging with another people, in the night you can spend your time with magelang night view, magelang people, and eat traditional food in there.. such a good place to go "
18 March 2017Jodhie Panggalih
" Perfect place to get some traditional coffee. The place is already well arranged by the government. "
03 March 2017Tidar Darma
" Nice place to hang out to... now there re foodcourt round it. Close to public restroom too!.. "
23 February 2017Sagara Tirta
" it nice, comfortable, with a green grass. but it lack facilities. there is no toilet, playground area, sport facilities, literally it just like a football field. at least a lot of foodstore near by and at night "
08 February 2017Iman Prastyo
" Fresh air. Kind people and nice city with awesome panoramas "
26 January 2017Daniel Kurniawan
" Don't forget to visit the townsquare. Take photos of the famous landscape: Diponegoro statue and water tower. "
24 January 2017Rigel Centauri
" One of the best alun2 compared to other cities alun2. Second only to Simpang Lima, Semarang. "
27 December 2016Rifki Putra
" Kota sejuta bunga "
16 September 2016Yogi Heart
" Halan2 dolo wkwk 😄 "
10 September 2016Andre Haykal
" Nice kerennn jam 12an sepi wkwk "
29 August 2016Cigaret KretekCom
" The best place for spending time with family on the weekend. I love my city "
19 August 2016Darto S
" kucingane kok ilang "
27 July 2016Candra Aji Setiawan
" Lumayan sih, cm masih kurang rapi dan bersih.. terutama masih banyak kabel listrik yg bergelantungan jd kurang indah. Tiang2 benderanya miring2 dan ga ada bendera apapun yg dipasang. Tenda2 foodcourt gmn kalo dijadikan bangunan semi permanen berbahan alumimum supaya lbh enak dipandang dan lbh ikonik. "
27 June 2016Arif Fauzan
" Rollerblade! "
16 June 2016Alief Alif
" Lumayanlah... "
05 April 2016Theresia Yessi
" Selalu ada hiburan tiap weekend "
08 March 2016