Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu
About Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu
Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu is a park, located at Tawangmangu, Kabupaten Karanganyar, Jawa Tengah 57792, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 271 697051 for more detailed information.
MirzZa Kidnap
" Tempat wisata yang indah bertema taman alam pegunungan & air terjun. Tempat nya sangat sejuk, bersih, fasilitas juga sudah lengkap. Ada warung makan, musholla, WC umum, kolam renang, flying fox, tempat lesehan buat beristirahat. Jalan tracking juga sudah cukup baik, cuma agak sedikit licin saat basah. Air terjunnya memukau, sangat tinggi & debit airnya cukup deras. Ada juga monyet ekor panjang yg jumlahnya cukup banyak. Sangat recommended buat dikunjungi. Wisata menikmati keindahan alam sambil berolahraga. "
03 June 2018Ellfa Disti Yulianti Kertamuda
" This place is good for family. You can enjoy the waterfall, eat a rabbit satay, feed the monkey, and kids enjoy swimming in the pool. Pleas prepare yourselves because there are too much stairs to step on. Also please keep your belongings especially foods and beverages or camera because monkey will take them from you. "
05 May 2018Aan Eko Saputro
" Been a while from the last time visit this place. The authority makes a lot of improvements for this place. They serves better now, cleaner, and good services. Definitely comeback. "
29 April 2018Tri Setiawan
" Nice place to relax and enjoy fresh air and water, surrounded by many tall and beautiful big trees. A very healthy long walk through the 1250 stairstep to the waterfall from the parking lot but it's worth it as the view is gorgeous although in peak season the place will be flooded with people. The ticket price is reasonable for local but more pricy for foreigners by a lot... A good place though, a very good places "
15 April 2018Nei Mbem
" Suasananya sejuk, banyak pohon, banyak penjual dan sate kelinci. Fasilitas lengkap dari parkir, sewa kuda, kamar mandi dan toilet yang bersih, hingga kolam renang dengan air yang bening.
14 April 2018Sayangnya banyak sekali monyet yang cukup ganas. Jadi barang-barang bawaan terutama yang ditenteng seperti tas, plastik, kamera, ataupun hape harus dijaga baik baik biar g diambil monyet.
Kalau sedang musim durian, ada baiknya untuk menyempatkan waktu untuk mencicipi. Durennya wangi karena tua dan matang pohon. "
John Harris Nadeak
" Awesome waterfall , high as 81 meters..... must have good phisical health to visit this place . It is located in a valley around 100 meters down. "
12 April 2018Wisnu Triaji
" Lokasi wisata dibTawangmangu yg cukup baik. Kita bisa menikmati udara segar sekaligus berolah raga karena naik turun tangga sejumlah 1250. Ada lokasi utk bermain air or berenang bagi anak and dewasa. Hati2 terhadap monyet yang ada, jaga barang bawaan seperti topi, kacamata and benda2 yang dapat menarik perhatian monyet. "
04 April 2018Abee Sukarna
" Grojogan Sewu Waterfall is the most popular waterfall in Central Java. Before we get the location we've to go down through hundreds of stairs. The monkeys will welcome us. Love very fresh weather here. After we've enjoyed the waterfall we can visit the food stalls to eat some Rabbit satay. Very delicious. "
19 February 2018Rvy Tan
" If you are a fan of nature, this place is highly recommended. Enjoy the natural "face mist" by standing near the waterfall. "
13 February 2018Kalila Risqia
" It was really nice place to enjoy the hiking and to see the thousand waterfall... And very fresh the air.. My kids and family really love this place. "
10 February 2018Fadhila Hasna Athaya
" You'll go through 1250 stairs! Watch your legs, but it's really worth it. Beware of the monkeys, you'll find them mingling in groups here and there. Nice view and really calming. There're several food stalls that serve relatively same menu, which I suggest you to order fried noodle! Don't forget to use jackets because it's somewhat cold there. Also bring umbrella if you want to go near the waterfall. "
09 January 2018Stefino Anggara
" Prepare yourself for walking through a series of stone stairs. A good view of waterfall and it have a public swimming poll near the location. Be aware of monkeys. "
27 December 2017Khaerudin Fikri
" Meski perlu tenaga ekstra utk mencapainya tapi terbayar lunas dengan keindahan ciptaanNya "
16 October 2017Ari Priyanto
" Sejuk damai "
11 October 2017Bob Rachman
" See the beautiful waterfall, capture the moment and enjoy the situation, play with monkey around it, and watch your belongings cause it can steal by the monkey haha. "
07 October 2017Siswanto Agus
" Let's come here and look at the beautiful scene of water fall. Remember to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala who made it. We must just worship to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala. "
07 October 2017Arvin Namaku
" Tempat sejuk "
07 October 2017Fathoni Akhmad
" Beautiful place. If you want to go to the waterfall you must pass 1000 levels of stairs. "
30 September 2017Mashab Channel
" Bagus sekali "
27 September 2017Nadia Coorniawan
" It will be insane workout... if u can do 2 laps without rest, trust urself, and just do it.
21 September 2017Work harder then u will get better "
Mamba Raya
" Grojokan sewu tawangmangu "
17 September 2017Nie Nonny
" If u wanna go to this beautiful place with walked down, u have to be carefull nd i dont suggest using high heels. Use comfort shoes! Nd be watch monkey will grab ur bag. "
23 August 2017Jaka Nur Sukma
" Air Terjun Grojogan Sewu is main attraction of Tawangmangu Area. Got here from Solo area, the trip took nearly 1 hour. It got plenty of car parking, and the entrance area is straightforward. There's fair admission fee. To get to Grojogan Sewu which is 50m below entrance level, there's walkway path, some stairs, and nearly 10 minutes walk. It's 1000+ climb up and down stairs. The scenery was great, air was fresh. Got here on weekdays so it's not realy crowded. Lot of food seller here, and Sate Kelinci (Rabbit Satay) is a must try dish. Facilities such clean restroom, kid's swimming pool, and mosque is provided. For a local attraction, the Grojogan Sewu Area was surprisingly well-maintained. "
02 August 2017Totok Suswadi
" Great and beautifull waterfall, place are clean... Caution there had many of monkey so you must be carefull about your food "
30 July 2017Agustinus Tri Aryanto
" Very interesting place to have fresh air and play with family. The waterfall is very cool .. "
27 July 2017Ricky Wardana
" You need more energy to see the waterfall. But the view is very beautiful and the water and air so fresh "
30 June 2017Dharendra Wardhana
" Great waterfall. Careful with the naughty monkeys on the way there. "
30 May 2017Eneas
" It worth after we walk 1.250 stairs to find this beautiful waterfall. Fresh air and natural. Pretty crowded on weekend and holiday "
29 May 2017Ocky Fauzian
" Beautiful scenery and pretty tall waterfall, a very good place to bring your kids here, but be careful for the monkeys and the hike is pretty tough, 1250 staircase "
01 May 2017Jaka Tri Yana
" Grojogan Sewu is a waterfall located in Central Java. Located in District Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, Central Java. Grojogan Sewu waterfall located on the slopes of Mount Lawu. Grojogan Sewu located about 27 km east of town of Karanganyar. Grojogan Sewu waterfall is part of the Forest Tourism Grojogan Sewu.
21 April 2017Grojogan Sewu means waterfall. Although the waterfall here does not amount to a thousand, but there are several points waterfalls that can be enjoyed here. Sewu or a thousand words here comes from a thousand halibut, or unit of distance used at that time which is the high waterfall. One halibut equals one foot adults. The highest waterfall that is about 80 meters high. There is also a waterfall that is not too high but The shower expand and establish branches. In the rainy season, around the cliffs will be bombarded with a waterfall, but during the summer, many waterfalls are dry.
Forest Tourism Grojogan Sewu has an area of 20 hectares. The forest area is overgrown with various kinds of forest trees and inhabited by a group of tame monkeys. Some of the facilities of this tour forest is Forest Animal Park, the swimming pool, rest areas, food stalls, fruit stalls and souvenirs, prayer rooms and toilets. "
Akbarani Kiky
" The good place with beautiful scenery...
22 February 2017Don't go there in the rainy season because it is very dangerous "
Faris Rusydi
" Come on wet season. Not on dry season. The water will be great. If possible, don't come on weekend. It'll be hard to take photos without others getting in the frame. "
30 January 2017Kardinal
" Nice place to hang out with family, see the waterfalls, eat satay chicken or satay rabbit, you can get the fresh air from the mountain... Healthy way, for thr local entrance is realy cheap, but for foreigner a bit expensive (almost 10 times). Sorry for the not fair ticket, it seems they need lots of fund to maintain this facilities.
21 January 2017There are also have two entrance the second entrance only 500 steps downstairs, but the for the main entrance it takes 1500 steps downstairs...
Don't forget to take photos there and smile... Or do you want to rent selfie stick for taking picture there? Rent the umbrella if the rain pouring down. "
Abiad Jaller
" There are two options to enter this stunning view. First you can check in by main entrance or by secondary that placed in another area. The second one is closer and litterally flat walkpath, compare to the main one. But if you re new here, u got to try the main entrance.
19 January 2017Try not to go on holiday, coz usually crazy crowded either in the Grojogan Sewu or at the road. "
Samudra Hindia
" Madang disik... "
08 January 2017Gabrielle Jane
" The scenery is so beautiful, though the situation is crowded. The stairs (which made by rocks) so slippery when the weather is bad. Watch out! "
28 December 2016Lie Kwang Yen
" A lovely place to visit. Nice view, naturally rain forest, but sometimes we should carefully to walk. "
26 December 2016Ikhsan Martadi
" Nyaman "
22 November 2016Deddy Setiawan
" long traveling "
24 July 2016Suparlan טסו נקוב הארץ
" Beautifull Waterfall "
12 July 2016Aziz Zainudin
" Lewat pintu ke-2 aja klo ga mau manjat di 1000 tangga,istriku ttp aja ngos2an klo masuk lewat pintu ke2 tp masih mending dr pada pintu utama,hawanya udah berkurang sejuknya "
12 July 2016Adam Yowanda
" Let me tell you upfront, if you are foreigners, you will pay almost 8 times for entrance tickets. Then you will walk for about 1.250 stairs (up and down) to find the waterfalls. So, yeah, enjoy your P.E. guys 😁 "
31 May 2016Iwan
" Nice family outbond. Find out the back door entrance for easier track path "
31 December 2015Bella Rahmadhani
" Sangat indah "
09 November 2014Jati Rinawan
" Awesome Waterfall and many Monkeys here so as always keep ur wallet safely "
20 June 2014Hendro Siburian
" Tempat Rekreasi bagi keluarga. Tempat sejuk dan indah. "
10 April 2014