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ACE HARDWARE - HARTONO MALL SOLO is a hardware store, located at Jl. Raya Solo Baru, Kel. Madegondo, Kec. Grogol, Madegondo, Grogol, Madegondo, Grogol, Solo, Central Java 57552, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 271 7891262, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 213

Agustama Yasa S

" 👍 "

10 June 2018

Yulinar Iyul

" Easy place for looking something "

07 June 2018

BlueGoose Photo

" Nice store but be careful of the printed ads. Product shown isn't always the price listed. "

04 June 2018

Nur Afrianti Setyorini

" Lengkap "

03 June 2018

Untung Mudjiono

" Barang nya top abis "

02 June 2018

Anton Rahmadi

" Convinient place, you have to ask the promo of the week/month to save better. "

01 June 2018

Daffa Putra

" Tempat untuk membeli peralatan rumah tangga, perkakas tukang, alat alat, kebutuhan kendaraan bermotor, kebutuhan anak dan lain sebagainya. Disana juga barang barangnya sering diberi diskon/potongan harga. Disana juga dapat membuat member dan setiap pembelian member itu akan di isi poin dan poin tersebut dapat ditukar menjadi voucher "

30 May 2018

Aerlani Marganyoo

" items are a lil bit overpriced, except when they're on sale. all cashiers WON'T SMILE! so much for customer service skill! "

23 May 2018

Hengky Lau

" Best place to be... "

21 May 2018

Admin Damai Sentosa Residence

" Upscale home improvemnt store "

18 May 2018

Harry Santoso

" Mall peralatan pertukangan yang sangat komplit, semua peralatannya dikemas dengan sangat baik. Peralatannya dari perabotan rumah tangga, kursi , meja, gelas, piring, dan alat-alat dapur dan juga termasuk persediaan untuk perkebunan sampai untuk hewan peliharaan semuanya ada disini. Pelayanannya juga baik, hanya saja harganya lumayan mahal, bamun memang harga menyesuaikan dengan mutu barangnya. Kalo sering ada event dan harga diskon untuk produk khusus ..lebih mantapp deh.. "

17 May 2018

Dayu Utari

" We get nice discount to day,, good deal "

07 May 2018

Jared Fraser

" Nice store but impossible to contact. Their store phone number says they're busy (for five days?? really Ace??) and their website contact info hasn't never returned my questions to Customer Service via email, facebook or internal message. So frustrating! "

07 May 2018

Iis Rochmiharsi

" Lagi banyak promo terutama alat olah raga merk Berwyn saya beli disc. 30% "

06 May 2018

Made Dwitya

" Tempat peralatan, perkakas, perlengkapan rumah terlengkap dgn kualitas terbaik...
Daftar member dan dapat banyak poin untuk bisa dituker voucher dan diskon "

06 May 2018

Alexhia Ximenez

" Nice shop cheap n handy "

04 May 2018

Deny Zafa

" Tempat belanja aneka kebutuhan rumah, dari ruang tamu sampe dapur, dari kamar tidur sampe kamar mandi, dari outdoor sampe indoor, dari aksesoris ruangan sampe aksesoris mobil lengkap tersedia. Dengan merk utama Kris Bow tentunya. Rata2 barang di sini desainnya baru dan bagus2. Pas utk mempercantik rumah bahkan taman pun bisa.. "

03 May 2018

Watu Geni

" High class "

02 May 2018

Suryadi Hertanto

" Feeling better everytime visiting Ace Hardware outlet since could see many DIY (do it by yourself) products, and could have good or brilliant idea to improve our home. "

01 May 2018

Adrian Risza Firlana

" I always like ACE and always be Ace Fanboy. Penataan tempatnya okey, cuman sayang.. untuk barang spesifik yg saya cari biasanya masih kalah off stok dengan yg ada di malang, apa di surabaya. Ya mengingat ini ace satu2nya di radius 130km, not bad lah.. cuman masih perlu diperbaiki lagi kalau hari Minggu, to many staff. Jadinya malah guyonan dan ngobrol g penting bikin risih customers. Staff perempuannya kurang ramah lagi, dan kenapa oh kenapa di bagian reedem point selalu ada look underestimate pada org2 lain terutama yang kelihatan "org jawa/bukan chinesse".
Emangnya yg kaya org chinesse aja? Perlakukan sama dong baik cina atau bukan. Masih ada rasis dalam pelayanannya dan nada bicaranya kepada custm. "

01 May 2018

Agus Sma

" Semua kebutuhan rumah tangga tersedia di sini. Mulai dari interior, exterior, untuk ruang tamu, ruang keluarga, ruang makan, dapur, kamar mandi bahkan mechanic, Electrik, carpenter, sampai kepada mainan anak-anak.

Soal kualitas jangan diragukan. Harga sepadan. "

30 April 2018

Nancy Justin

" Barangnya lengkap.. "

29 April 2018

J3cky Comunity

" Lengkap barangnya...tempat nya jg nyaman.. mulai dari perlengkapan rumah, perlengkapan tukangsampe peralatan kamar mandi "

26 April 2018

Vivera Siregar

" Full inspirations for home living "

25 April 2018

Faisal Lutfi Afriansyah

" Belanja perlengkapan variasi utk otomotif lengkap disini. "

24 April 2018

Matius Gatot

" 4th floor for ACE and Informa, but with a crowded road in front of the store because of traffic light and a lot of pothole in road. "

23 April 2018


" Best place for home tools. Good service and products "

21 April 2018

Teras Bali

" Masih baru "

19 April 2018

Andrian P

" Okay "

14 April 2018

Arif Harahap

" Good tools supermarket, i love this store. I always be here if there is something i like to buy..
You can also have a nice beverage here from their bubble drink outlet "

12 April 2018

Andris Randing

" Nice place, friendly, but quit small stores "

07 April 2018

Riyan Hidayat

" Ok "

05 April 2018

Edgar Manik

" I can't believe there were blackouts twice in a row within minutes I was there "

05 April 2018

Muhamad Abdu Algifari

" Ace hardware merupakan tempat yang cocok untuk berbelanja kebutuhan rumah terutama perangkat keras. Disni terdapat tiga lantai. Lantai pertama untuk kebutuhan dapur, lantai kedua untuk kebutuhan bapak bapak, dan lantai ke tiga untuk kebutuhan rumah indoor maupun outdoor. Banyak petugas yang melayani dan banyak pilihan merk. Selamat mengunjungi dan semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih. "

04 April 2018

Siwi Hadmiko Denta Astadi

" Lengkap "

01 April 2018

Mayo Loing

" As a hardware shop, this place has quite a collection. There are things to be improved, though. For a four story building, having only one toilet and a urinoir is not exactly accommodating. "

31 March 2018

Kairul Iman

" Great "

30 March 2018

Syiro Judieyn

" Great place for daily needs. Many choices, and reasonable prices. "

30 March 2018

Didik Eko

" Rame & lengkap... "

27 March 2018

Mj Sidik

" Cari perangkap nyamuk ternyata disini lebih murah dibandong olshop "

27 March 2018

Syarifa Setianingsih

" Menjual peralatan terlengkap dari mulai alat bengkel,alat listrik,pertukangan,dan alat olah raga pun ada,perlengkapan seperti box plastik,lemari plastik di sini pun tesedia,ada jg berbagai macam merk kursi santai sampai perlengkapan masak pun ada. "

26 March 2018

Anom T. P.

" This store quite small, so they have limited items I think compared to bigger stores located within mall "

26 March 2018

Oki Paramarta

" Sale 10-20% all product. "

25 March 2018

Achmad Rheza

" Banyak diskon "

23 March 2018

Eka Sanggariska

" Barang-barang nya bagus dan berkualitas.. "

19 March 2018

Apri Yenni

" Tempatnya nyaman, lengkap dan harga bersahabat "

18 March 2018

Antok Frans

" ...located inside Lippo Mall. Provide your needs for households, hobbies, electronic a day electricity and many others... (but there is no "Chatime" like other outlets) "

18 March 2018

Ilhamsyah Ridzki

" Cozy place, Underground Basement Parking, CHATIME! "

17 March 2018

A Mulyadi

" Let Ace Hardware provide you with great hardware products and advice from official online home. Whether you are looking for paint, lawn & garden supplies, hardware or tools and many more. "

16 March 2018

Kevin Christ

" Good staff and many items u can find here "

12 March 2018

Nungky G

" Nyaman dan bisa fitting jg, bahannya enak dan berkualitas. Harga relatif terjangkau. Size tersedia dari S, M, L. Kadang ready jg xl. "

10 March 2018

Wahyu Krisna Putra

" Realy just ok. There a lot of stuff, so many options for uncommon stuff. But not realy for some common things. "

08 March 2018

Aprita Primayuda

" Vast selections. Polite store assistant "

06 March 2018

Pratitis Endu Sanjaya

" Pramuniaga cukup sabar dan cekatan untuk mencari kan model dan ukuran sepatu safety yang saya cari,...😀
Produk nya juga lumayan komplit, lumayan untuk menjadi alternatif pembelian barang yang sifatnya urgent, walaupun harganya tidak semurah di online shop,...😊 "

01 March 2018

Eko List

" Peralatan untuk listrik kurang komplit terutama tang crimping gak ada "

26 February 2018

Rizki Setiawan

" Top "

24 February 2018

Kasdy Fang

" the largest ace in jakarta area "

22 February 2018

Isye Hayatina

" A large store providing high-quality product. A place to check when thinking home improvement project. "

21 February 2018

Humisar Sibarani

" Utk keperluaan rumah tangga lengkap dan kalau beruntung sering discount , tapi hati hati tdk semua kwalitas barangnya baik sdh pernah beli timbang digital susah dipercaya angkanya dan blender merk ace sendiri jarang dipakai sdh rusak maklum banyak produksi china dan pegawainya tdk semua menguasai barang pernah kita protes tdk respon karena beberapa customer sempat marah cari barang tdk tau malah pembelinya yg tau tapi jawabannya habis tdk tau tanpa ada usaha cari. "

17 February 2018

Matthew Trevatt

" Ace hardware is probably the best place to go if you are looking for higher quality "Western" standard items. But of course at a premium price point. "

15 February 2018

Andi Indriyah Trimangesti

" in the heart of town for someone or some office to find some equipments quite convenient for people around the area but too cramped "

10 February 2018

Julius Sjah

" Hampir semua barang yg di perlukan rumah tangga ada disini "

07 February 2018

Ainur Rofiq

" barang lengkap, harga premium "

06 February 2018

Suryadi Hertanto

" Feeling better everytime visiting Ace Hardware outlet since could see many DIY (do it by yourself) products, and could have good or brilliant idea to improve our home.
Now also selling aquarium and decorative fish. "

01 February 2018

Putu Suhartana

" Lots of unique things "

27 January 2018

Salena Basoeki

" Everything you need for your home and garden. Use telkomsel points and redeem it with voucher (400 points for 50k and 80p points for 100k) "

22 January 2018


" Barang yg di jual lengkap2, tapi harga cukup mahal. Barang barang di tata rapi2, pelayanannya baik "

21 January 2018

Mamad Bejo

" Good "

20 January 2018

Wisnu Purna Adhitya

" A lot of stuff selled, the price is moderate "

20 January 2018

Aga Kurniawan

" sangat lengkap "

20 January 2018

Junaedi Alwi

" The most complete hardware store... "

15 January 2018

Lucky Ibrahim

" Great store with many great products. Highly recommended! "

14 January 2018

Eky Nasuri

" It's actually a good shop but unfortunately the parking staff (the mustache one) has a bad attitude towards customers and it's not only once but twice for me.... "

03 January 2018

Nurul Fazri

" Jalan jalan kesini dan alat alat nya lengkap tempat nya juga luas "

02 January 2018

Aria Bima

" Kalau ke Lippo Plaza pasti liat2 kesini meski nggak beli. Udah lama sih harusnya ada ace hardware di jember. "

01 January 2018


" It's huge and everything is well-stocked "

25 December 2017

Noor Setiadi

" Nice place with comprehensive tools & equipment supplies. Need coffe grinder or espresso maker? Find them here... "

25 December 2017

Ade Halim

" Ok "

12 December 2017

Rie Lowest

" This place is built almost exactly in the red lights Gaplek, where every day morning and afternoon traffic is always solid. In front of the location is also restricted roadblocks that make it difficult to get in and out of customers and surely also add to the congestion. Parking is small and incomplete elsewhere. But for short shopping without having to go downtown and to avoid more severe traffic congestion is still an option. "

09 December 2017

Yefta Gilbert Aprideta

" Small from the outside, but pretty big inside..
If you are looking for more complete goods, visit another Ace which bigger..
The parking lot just too narrow.. "

07 December 2017

Prayitno Tan

" Pelayanan mengecewakan : beli kursi 20 dan meja 5. Dijanjikan dipilih yg bagus. Meja dikirim sudah terpasang.

Kenyataan: 10 kursi berkarat dan 5 meja belum diinstall.

Dijanjikan dikirim ulang dan dikirim teknisi untuk instalasi.

Kenyataan 29 november ditunggu sampai jam 8 malam ternyata alasannya lupa.

Tanggal 30 november tlp jam 8 pagi bilang pengiriman pertama ditunggu karyawan sampai jam 8 malam. Padahal dijanjikan pengiriman pertama. Baru tiba jam 8:15 malam.

Karyawan sudah terlanjur pulang. Reschedule lagi senin tanggal 4 desember 2017. "

30 November 2017

Gandhi Ferdinand

" This outlet is big/spacious, with various range of products. Parking space is quite spacious too. While waiting or after shopping there is also a Chatime outlet here so you can have a drink. "

30 November 2017

Adib Aminul Hakim

" Barang-barang yang dijual disini sangat lengkap "

26 November 2017

George Inaldo

" Among the latest stores.
Just wondering why it's not as complete as the other stores when I'm there. "

26 November 2017

BayAreaLen Classic

" A bit expensive, but I found the items that I needed. The store was clean and organized well, and many employees trying to help. Perhaps too many, even. "

20 November 2017

Yugi Cardine

" Furniture, Tools, etc lengkap ada di sini. Jadi member Ace Hardware dan Informa dapat point dan discount lebih.
Jadi member Bayar 100rb "

19 November 2017

Dzulfikar Al-A'la

" Best place for having best stuff for your home "

15 November 2017

Rizky Kurnia Gunawan

" Pelayanan baik dari karyawan ace hardware saat mau cari alat bor. Luar biasa. "

14 November 2017

Lia Lathifa

" makin seneng krn lbh dekat di kawasan cibinong daripada hrs ke Depok, tempatnya bagus, pelayanannya lumayan, produknya juga cukup komplit. Lokasinya di lantai atas CCM diujung dekat food court. "

09 November 2017

Yud Prasanty

" kira kira sedia wire mesh g ya? "

07 November 2017

Herri Suriana

" lengkap dan luas "

02 November 2017

Rahmat Amin

" Ingin beli alat² rumah tangga? Disini tempatnya, tersedia berbagai macam kebutuhan rumah tangga dengan desain yg kece, unik. 1 konsumen dilayani 1 staff.
Ruang depan kasir terasa sempit karena diisi barang dagangan jd kurang nyaman.
Update tgl 28 Okt 2017 "

28 October 2017

Antonius Rudy Indra Hermawan

" Lengkap untuk peralatan rumah tangga. Pokoknya seneng deh kalo ke ace hardware..cuma yg tadinya ga mau beli jadi beli yg dipengenin.mantabsss "

28 October 2017


" Ace Hardware, one stop hardware shoping, terletak di dalam Lippo Plaza Jember lantai 4. Menjual berbagai perlengkapan dan peralatan, terutama perangkat keras (hardware) untuk rumah tangga, industri maupun otomotif. "

26 October 2017

Surya Yadi

" Ace Margocity..... pelayannya ramah"...dan nyaman "

26 October 2017

Okinawa Post

" Super lengkap "

13 October 2017

Edii Purnomo

" Terbaik 👏 "

11 October 2017

Angelia Setiawati

" Lengkap, staff yang sangat membantu dan profesional "

07 October 2017

Nungky G

" Nyaman dan fitting jg, bahannya enak dan berkualitas. I like it. "

28 September 2017


" Klo ke margocity pasti ga pernah absen dtg kesini. Yg tadinya cuma mw cuci mata, pulang pasti jd beli sesuatu. Tapi sayangnya, kitchen appliances krisbow ga tlalu bagus kualitasnya, misal ice cream maker tdk sampai membuat jd ice cream & alat pembakar roti tdk membakar roti dgn sempurna pdhl lampu timernya sdh mati. Untung skrg collar cat yg dulu sdh tersedia lg. Mengingat lokasinya dilantai atas, klo bisa ada jasa antar sampai ke lobby utk barang2 ukuran agak besar. Soalnya wkt terakhir beli reclining chair yg lumayan besar & agak berat hrs bawa sendiri sampai bwh. Untung ada wkt itu yg bawa adik, coba klo perempuan bawa sendiri pasti susah. "

27 September 2017

Yoni Wahyudi

" Lumayan lengkap,bisa tukar poin telkomsel,sering promo,pelayanan ramah,sayang edc untuk kartu kredit belum bisa yg tab (cimb wave n go) "

23 September 2017

Alit Mahisa

" Interesting hardware store. Has many items that are just not available elsewhere. Off road parking is available. No escalator but there is a lift. "

15 September 2017

Ida Mursyidah

" All you need to equip your home is here. "

10 September 2017

Boni Darmawan

" Cukup lengkap "

10 September 2017

Crissinda Sutadisastra

" No service "

10 September 2017

Mustofa Arifin

" Menyediakan barang-barang Berkualitas tinggi "

29 August 2017

Syafir Rulloh

" Tempatnya cari perabotan rmh tangga jg peralatan "

25 August 2017

I Nyoman Suyoga

" The complete 3 floor Ace Hardware store. Large parking lot. It has Chattime outlet, so you can bring kids while you're shopping "

16 August 2017

Cristian Wijaya

" Good if you looking for a unique item "

13 August 2017

Alit Mahisa

" Interesting hardware store. Has many items that are just not available elsewhere. Finding parking can be difficult as you can no longer park on the road. "

12 August 2017

Wilson Timothy

" This place offer various tools and household items. "

11 August 2017

Dino Maiolo

" Not much parking, but I found the staff to be very helpful and they had just about everything I needed except a good 3M dust mask. Been here a few times and they are quick to help out. "

05 August 2017

Setyaji Laksono

" Just like it's motto, its very helpful, cozy, friendly shop keeper, and many choice of home appliances product available "

26 July 2017

Agung Yudha

" Household and utilities supermarket..many selections..recommended "

21 July 2017

Yuzzie Maharto

" Lengkap, nyaman "

15 July 2017

Tesalonika Broery Agustin

" If you want to have any home improvement, you've come to the right place "

13 July 2017

Riko Farera

" Komitmen yg baik "

11 July 2017

Tommy Blurum

" Love the carpenter section "

10 July 2017

Amirah Zulfamp

" They have a good staff,and a good things "

10 July 2017

Mico Kelana

" Alternatively if you don't wan to go to the traditional ways.. "

09 July 2017

Rista Sanjaya

" It provides complete set of daily equipments and tools. A bit overpriced. "

08 July 2017

Doddy Suryanto P

" Komplet alat utk rumah tangga smp kebutuhan proyek jg ada "

07 July 2017

Teddy Syah

" Ramah pelayanan nya "

06 July 2017

Indra Hardi

" Ace hardware deket rumah, jd simpel kl butuh sesuatu nyarinya ga susah 👍🏻 "

30 June 2017

Asdini Olii

" Deket rumah. Ada chatime. As simple as that ❤️ "

29 June 2017

I Putu Sugiarta

" Saya bekerja disini "

29 June 2017

Akhmad Kamaluddin

" Lengkap walau tempatnya rada sempit cos barangnya banyak.. "

13 June 2017

Rwan Siregar

" Harga sedang "

13 June 2017

Achmad Zainul Muttaqin

" Selling unique but useful items "

11 June 2017

Azam Rofiullah

" Good place, the store is nice and the service was good "

05 June 2017

Taufik Habibie

" Good job "

02 June 2017

Tri Saputro

" Tempat mencari barang barang yg berkualitas "

28 May 2017

Mirah Wahyuni

" Service operators are very bad "

26 May 2017

Choirul Anwar

" Tempat cari berbagai macam peralatan dan Perabotan terlengkap "

22 May 2017

Dani Brahma

" Produk yang dijual belum lengkap "

20 May 2017

Gandhi Ferdinand

" So big (maybe the biggest?) and has complete range of products :o "

19 May 2017

Bobby Mizutani

" Good modern hardware store inside the mall, has quite complete things "

05 May 2017

Wirawan Prasetyo

" Nice place "

02 May 2017

Bryan William

" You can find almost everything here "

01 May 2017

Hadi Rismansyah

" Wholesale store sell unique products "

30 April 2017

Aditya Danang

" Lengkap, pelayanan ramah, pembayaran mudah.,.👍 "

24 April 2017

Max Maas

" just bought shower curtain , the most worse quality control management
please don't trust their slogan, theiy are liar "

23 April 2017

Yuni Pertiwi

" Perbaiki pelayanan kasir ke pelanggan "

19 April 2017

Apiska Antoni

" My favourite store "

17 April 2017

Haryanto Haryanto

" Belanja nyaman harga lumayan. "

16 April 2017

Hari Christian

" One of biggest home equipment store in Indonesia "

15 April 2017

Koxis Verserken

" Too expensive consider its quality. In my opinion, it's for one stop tool shop emergency only. "

14 April 2017

Winda Maharani

" The most complete home improvement tool store. Clean, well organized and great staffs "

12 April 2017

Doni Rahman

" Nice place to looking around and searching for your any tools or housing inspiration. The best part is you can drink chattime here "

11 April 2017

Eric Oh

" clean and lot of staff but not helpful "

04 April 2017

Zoel Kifli

" lumayan lengkap "

28 March 2017

Iman Firmansyah

" The complete set of tools market "

22 March 2017

Rantala Sikayo

" Helpful place "

21 March 2017

Nadiyah Nadiyah

" Nice service "

13 March 2017

Marius Ferdinand Turambi

" Huge shop, great collection of tools, comfortable and friendly shop attendant "

13 March 2017

Budhi Prasetyo

" Termasuk salah satu cabang yg paling luas dan komplit. Banyak program promo diskon jg disini. Pelayanan staf2nya ramah. "

05 March 2017

Dimas Aninditya

" Services are excellent. Spacious parking area. But such a shame they build musholla on a basement without proper room, how can you khusyuk during sholat if noise pollution came from car engines, tire screeching, and music ambients? Would give 4 stars review if they settle the musholla issues "

27 February 2017

Ardani Hendarta

" Nyaman.. lengkap.. "

26 February 2017

Agustono Gandasaputra

" Large hardware store, only the price relatively high........ "

18 February 2017

Rafa Azza

" Ace'a store is large here. You can find any thing here, from household needs up to vehicle needs "

17 February 2017

Prima Apriansyah

" nice "

14 February 2017

Eka Maulana

" Cozy "

22 January 2017

Gde Wikarga

" So many unique and useful stuffs in this place "

14 January 2017

Leonard Panggabean

" Hard to driving in from opposite direction of the road "

12 January 2017

Damar Kahono

" pelayanan seperti di ace hardware jakarta. lampu krisbow mati tetapi masih garansi langsung diganti baru. "

09 January 2017

Arum Nawang Wulan

" Ace Hardware and Informa, 2 kinds of stores about home appliances in one building. "

09 January 2017

Satria Rahmadika

" Nearest Ace from my house. This Ace store more or less have the same product content as with other Ace stores despite the smaller store area. "

08 January 2017

Nur Bhara

" Ok "

07 January 2017

Boas Emmanuel

" My favorite place to get sanitary and building material, the cashier and staffs are very friendly and helpful.. "

25 December 2016

Habib Maksum

" Murah
Bagus "

20 November 2016

Desmond Sukotjo

" One of the biggest Ace Hardware Indonesia. "

04 November 2016

Muhammad Iqbal

" ACE Hardware Terbesar dan Terlengkap di Dunia No 2..! Lagi banyak promo diskon.. Kurang gede nih diskonan nya.. Hehe "

17 October 2016


" Tempat belanja yang nyaman, terdapat macam-macam perlengkapan dari rumah tangga sampai perlengkapan lainnya.. sangat lengkap, harga tidak terlalu murah.. "

16 October 2016

Amanda Schutte

" very helpful in Gatot Subroto store with good english speaking staff "

12 October 2016

Stephen Septian

" Big Ace Hardware "

12 October 2016

Kursi Goyang

" Bagus tmptnya "

10 October 2016

Endra Jaya Putera

" Lengkap kok "

12 September 2016

Meidana Pascadinianti

" Nice place, whole stuffs here "

12 September 2016

Joni Jatmika

" Good quality of goods equals with their price "

12 September 2016

Foto Lokasi

" Ace Hardware Ciputat "

08 September 2016

Dika Apriyanto

" Ace hardware lampung merupakan supermaket perlengkapan tukang, perlengkapan rumah tangga dll, lokasinya sangat strategis karena terdapat di sebuah mall di lampung "

04 September 2016

Benny Herlambang

" Cukup lengkap...
Ada jual ikan air tawar juga.. "

05 August 2016

Budi Tiarsa

" Standar ace hardware, tempat belanja toolkit buat yg gak mau ribet "

02 August 2016

Agus Dwi Darmawan

" Jalanan menuju lokasi sempit, deket perempatan, agak lumayan macet. Ruang lokasi belanja enak, luas, agak sepi, yang kurang tempat main anak aja. Semua perlengkapan ada. Sama tempat kasirnya tidak deket pintu keluar, agak bingung buat yang belum pernah kesana "

30 July 2016

Ferry Sutanto

" Place to shop for tools. Not so cheap though, but quite complete "

17 July 2016

Baskoro Aji

" Mahal "

14 July 2016

Ferry Sutanto

" Sometimes they sell tools with deep discount. Check for promotion. "

14 July 2016

Ansar Langnge

" Lumayan bagus temoatnya "

09 July 2016

Mohammad Iqbal

" Masuk parkiran basement rada curam, overall petugasnya baik dan ramah. "

07 July 2016

Johan O

" Hsrdware tools "

23 June 2016

Facts About World

" This hardware store was complete. From house furniture to hardware tool. You can buy the tools with credit card. "

22 June 2016

Ceng Chiang

" Sale "

18 June 2016

Wihono Gustan

" Cukup lengkap. Good service. "

17 June 2016

Andre Mahey

" Decent place to buy home and diy stuffs. "

13 June 2016

Gde Wikarga

" So many unic and useful stuffs in this place "

03 June 2016

Yuzzie Maharto

" Okay "

03 June 2016

Lisbet Siagian

" Friendly service "

27 May 2016

Clarence Rusli S

" Ace hardwarenya luas dan lumayan lengkap "

26 May 2016

Fauzi Mubarok

" Convenient, complete "

19 May 2016

Fransisca Yuliasari

" Cari perlengkapan rumah ada semua disini, harga agak mahal. "

14 May 2016

Sugeng Widyarso

" Tempatnya mudah diakses karena berada di jalan utama akses Jakarta - Bogor.
Dekat tempat hangout spt sevel dan kfc cafe. "

26 April 2016

Grant Jury

" For bali this n mitra 10 are your two retail choices. The range is fairly extensive for house items but limited in range especially on tool n fixings.. but thats standard here in bali. This also is th biggest store i found for ace so a good bet if this store hasnr got it... others may not ( i recently foundout theres one in kuta .. the original store not sure on size n is well hidden!!) "

20 April 2016

Renzu Almelo

" Kecil "

27 March 2016

Ida Ayu Putu Trisnawati

" Easy to find, helpful staffs. "

27 March 2016

Sugih Liawan

" This place is Kawan Lama HQ, this is the plce where Ace Hardware, Cha Time, Informa building their business "

28 February 2016

Artem As

" It is a big supermarket - have a lot of useful things for your house "

11 February 2016

Aas Adiana

" Pusat perkakas dan alat rumah tangga ya unik dan berkualitas "

01 February 2016

Rony Baskoro Lukito

" Termasuk salah satu Ace Hardware yg lengkap dengan barang2 aneh. "

10 January 2016

Christopher Adam

" A 2 floors Hardware store inside Puri Mall. "

07 January 2016

Dony Lay

" Nice place to Shopping, household furniture. "

20 December 2015

Fery Santoso

" Poor customer service. Low quality product. Misleading discount and lastly way overprice product "

15 December 2015

Wahyu Widiyanti

" karena sangat membantu pelanggan "

06 November 2015

Septa Guruh Pratama

" First ace hardware in Lampung "

02 October 2015

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