Wisata Paralayang Majalengka
About Wisata Paralayang Majalengka
Wisata Paralayang Majalengka is a travel agency, located at Sidamukti, Majalengka Sub-District, Majalengka Regency, West Java 45417, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 896-8886-1121 for more detailed information.
Diyanto Alie
" Nice place to release your stress...
31 March 2018Fffflllllyyyyyiiiiiing ....
Feeeelllll free...
Recomended to teenager to try, reasonable tandem cost rental. Only Rp. 350,000,-
#visitMajalengka "
Tlc Gm60
" The infrastructure is being developed. Nice view from top of the hills "
04 January 2018Iwan Mulyana
" Nice place for just have fun with family. But it's hard to find it. Road is too narrow for two cars. Hopelly there are many access to there. "
22 December 2017Nurmazidah Banser
" The road was too narrow, but have great scenery, photo spots, & paralayang rental "
16 December 2017Bimo J.Kusumo
" Pretty nice view of Majalengka from above, cheap entry ticket, nice food. "
05 September 2017Endih Herawandih
" Very nice view, nice place but lack of supporting infrastructure and facilities. Has a narrow and rocky access road. There are another tourists destination near the site to visit such as off road and motocross arena and waterfall "
25 July 2017Maghdar Fajari
" Pemandangan keren, bisa liat yg latihan tetbang menggunakan paralayang juga .. "
21 May 2017Boita Mirtoni
" Keren nih, yg mau nyoba terbang. Bisa... "
18 May 2017Intelli Design
" Nice place, nice view, nice atmosphere to relaxed and find some inspiration 😍 "
08 May 2017Dimas Arif Dilano
" Gak ada paralayang "
09 March 2017Ukky MS
" Good place to take some photos with nice view, so crowded on the weekend, need more parking space "
17 February 2017Cirebon 123
" Brp tiket masuknya? "
13 January 2017Tatang Gustawan
" A place u have to visit when u come to Majalengka. As a tips: come here early morning or in the night, find the awasome views! "
13 January 2017Dimas Anggara
" Baguss Gan pemandangan yaa matapp 👍👍 "
08 January 2017Piki Sugianto
" View Majalengka n gunung/bukit sekitar yang kerem + hamparan sawah juga bikin adem meski cuaca panas. Fasilitas memadai, jalan lumayan baik. "
07 January 2017Latifah Tamami
" Ohh.. so beatiful 😍 "
02 January 2017Kim Nina
" sekarang makin bagus
25 November 2016pengunjung sadarkan untuk tidak buang sampah sembarangan, biar tempatnya tetap indah "
Ius Rustandi
" Bangga Jadi orang sidamukti.... "
21 August 2016Aceng Suhendar
" bagi para pengunjung sangat nikmat berkunjung ke sidamukti apalagi ke gunung panten nya nikmat "
04 August 2016Fajar Adriyanto
" Tempat olahraga Paralayang yang Indah, bersih, terawat ditunjang sarana prasarana memadai "
28 July 2016Romy Burhanudin
" Amazing... "
14 July 2016Dani Nugraha
" Pemandangan alam yang bagus, untuk pengunjung dilarang BUANG SAMPAH SEMBARANGAN "
08 July 2016Robi Sabara
" Tempat asik. Rekreasi super hemat "
06 July 2016