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About Universitas Telkom Bandung

Universitas Telkom Bandung is a university, located at Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 01, Terusan Buah Batu, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Bojongsoang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40258. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 32

Yaris Saputra

" PTS unggulan di Jabar "

25 May 2018

Imran Maulana

" A Fast Growing University "

15 May 2018

Daffa Faiz

" Its so huge for university from telkom not far from each other "

25 April 2018

Aditya Warman

" pengelola kampus, tolong diperhatikan agar kampus ini tidak menjadi biang macet parah di bojongsoang. masak kampus bagus tapi selalau jadi sumber macet parah yang sangat merugikan pengguna jalan? "

20 April 2018

Rizki Syaputra

" bersih, bagus dan berkualitas. pernah di undang kesni pada saat lomba aplikasi tingkat sma/smk .
Masya Allah tempatnya sangat bagus sekali "

20 April 2018

Wulan Dalu

" Was here for S1 and S2 Telecommunication Engineering. Proud "

10 February 2018

Aris Sarjito

" Comfortable atmosphere for studying here. University with good facilities to produce the best scholar. "

06 January 2018

Riki Akbar

" Best engineering college in town. Well, it might be biased since I graduated from that college but the lecture quality is extremely trusted "

31 December 2017

Arief Huda

" Good university to study, please come and enjoy learning... "

02 December 2017

Delva Gestio

" My lovely campus :) "

16 October 2017

Adinda Riztia

" A numerous source of instagram-able spots. Best spot? Open library and kampus teknik (every corner of it). "

17 September 2017

Agung Pratama

" Good places for students to come to study. "

29 July 2017


" To many student. Nice place to visit. "

05 July 2017

Athallah Arsyaf

" The infrastructure here is excellent, fully integrated with technology and advancements; truly astounding campus. Most of the buildings are relatively new, the newer ones includes faculty of creative industries, communication and business and economics. The engineering campus is besides the rectorate building however old. I had no first hand experience with the lecturers but Im pretty sure they are highly skilled as they are graduates of prestigious universities such as ITB and UI. The engineering program in this university is very popular especially the telecommunications and informatics majoring. Campus clean and hygiene maintained well, with abundant number of toilets everywhere in great condition. A very disabled friendly and accessible campus. Most of the newer buildings provide elevator access. Swimming pool located in the Main Campus Building (The tallest building). There are lodging facilities available on campus for guests or students. Accredited 'A' in overall performance by BAN-PT. "

01 May 2017

Aditya Alif Nugraha

" World Class University in 2018. Good luck, Tel-U! "

03 April 2017

Uqi Dahlan

" Great lecturers, superb facilities, conducive environment. a very good place overall. "

26 March 2017

Syaif Muhami Shidiq

" So many good place here, its the right place to study "

22 March 2017


" Best university on Telecommu nication "

25 February 2017

Haeria Haeria

" Relax n enjoy ... "

12 February 2017

Naufal Al Farisi

" Great university in bandung "

08 February 2017

Dinny Rizky Endiany

" One of best university to learn engineering, economic and bussiness science based on world class university. "

01 February 2017

Wibowo Suryo Tiyarto

" Kampus yang teduh, nyaman dan berkualitas internasional. "

03 January 2017

Aldi Pangestu

" Tehnik komputer beneran ada ya dan itu s1 apa d3 "

27 November 2016

Janu Nirwana

" Salah satu universitas swasta terbaik "

21 November 2016

M Shahreza R

" I liked this place because telkom university was my university "

17 September 2016

Raheng Brutalistik

" Good "

19 August 2016

Gisella Thiofanny

" this uni is huuuuuge!! i got lost several times here "

16 August 2016

Ghost 08

" nice place ... nice weather... nice girl ... "

14 July 2016

Prihandaru Luhur Pambudi

" One if best place to improve your engineering, social, economics and management, and art and designs in one place in Bandung. It's used to be STT Telkom, It has good credibility. (@fihan_naru) "

01 June 2016

Kevin Baird

" I'm an alumni, couple years ago. Definitely a good place to study, for your bachelor's or associate's especially in engineering concentrated in electronics or telecom. It has a nice learning environment, for example ; there's like literally hundreds of laboratories for each faculty in which you can join in and become a teaching assistant or even a research assistant. This university used to be my second option if I fail the public uni exams (I applied for petrol engineering, whoa), but apparently after I passed my sophomore year in Telkom, I started to feelin' it and finally the love of telco is starting to grow on me. Four years of study in data communication, mobile technology and wireless communication really pays off.
Now the downsides are ; it looks like the "quality" is going down each year. Every time i see a freshman, they're so laid back without actually care about their academic progress. Some subjects' standard grade are also going downhill each year, of course with the help of your professors' magic, you can get a straight A, flying colors, easily. I cant complain about the buildings and the facilities they gave us, a little bit below standards, some are overused and really old, and for some unknown reason, lots of irresponsible students who are super 'ndeso cant keep their attitude on takin care of their surroundings (writing on the wall, peeling of fabric of desk chairs, littering). Not to mention there are also some punk kampung (kam-punk?) kids roaming freely inside the campus, drawing "sausage" ;D everywhere and destroying mading..) "

20 January 2016

Yanuar Rivandi

" ahahaha kangen poltek "

18 December 2015

Mahardika Nila Kandi

" I'm in here "

22 September 2014

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