" There are no barricade near the area. Becarefull when traffic is busy. "
15 March 2018
Abee Sukarna
" Very iconic place. Taking photos here is a must when visit Bandung. "
17 February 2018
Yudhi Kurniawan
" Nice photo site, must line the queue 😀 "
03 December 2017
Ardnas Dewi
" Spot a photo that shouldn't be missed.. located in front of Alun Alun Bandung with the symbol of globe and the name of the participating countries of the Asian-African Conference.. "
24 August 2017
Candra Arviantria
" Iconic place..but be carefull..its located at roundabout "
19 May 2017
Yulia Rahmawati
" Iconic new monument after Asia Africa Conference. Become favourite place for young people or visitors. "
13 April 2017
Ferry Krisnamurti
" Make sure to visit alun alun bandung "
09 April 2017
Q Daniel KOMED
" Tugu penuh dengan sejarah... "
03 April 2017
Pey Hungkul
" yang tidak suka keramaian jangan datang kesini. "
02 April 2017
Toro Omen
" Iconic KAA "
25 March 2017
Cecep Sihabudin
" This for commemorated Asia Afrika conference it is good for taking picture but be carefull "
13 February 2017
Humada Alfian
" Usual Monument actually, but many visitors come here just do some photography. It's dangerous, cz located at the corner of the square and it's roundabout! "
20 January 2017
Mahadi Permono
" Monumen Bersejarah
Ditambah Spot Foto Yang Bagus "
06 January 2017
Zeski Fani
" Bagus gan "
05 January 2017
Zul Hakim
" jalan terpopuler dikota bandung, menyimpan sejuta keindahan malam bandung "
01 January 2017
Ichi Tammy
" Takut foto di sini, berasa mau ditabrak org, terbiasa tinggal di kampung :-D "
Abdul Ra'uf
" There are no barricade near the area. Becarefull when traffic is busy. "
15 March 2018Abee Sukarna
" Very iconic place. Taking photos here is a must when visit Bandung. "
17 February 2018Yudhi Kurniawan
" Nice photo site, must line the queue 😀 "
03 December 2017Ardnas Dewi
" Spot a photo that shouldn't be missed.. located in front of Alun Alun Bandung with the symbol of globe and the name of the participating countries of the Asian-African Conference.. "
24 August 2017Candra Arviantria
" Iconic place..but be carefull..its located at roundabout "
19 May 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" Iconic new monument after Asia Africa Conference. Become favourite place for young people or visitors. "
13 April 2017Ferry Krisnamurti
" Make sure to visit alun alun bandung "
09 April 2017Q Daniel KOMED
" Tugu penuh dengan sejarah... "
03 April 2017Pey Hungkul
" yang tidak suka keramaian jangan datang kesini. "
02 April 2017Toro Omen
" Iconic KAA "
25 March 2017Cecep Sihabudin
" This for commemorated Asia Afrika conference it is good for taking picture but be carefull "
13 February 2017Humada Alfian
" Usual Monument actually, but many visitors come here just do some photography. It's dangerous, cz located at the corner of the square and it's roundabout! "
20 January 2017Mahadi Permono
" Monumen Bersejarah
06 January 2017Ditambah Spot Foto Yang Bagus "
Zeski Fani
" Bagus gan "
05 January 2017Zul Hakim
" jalan terpopuler dikota bandung, menyimpan sejuta keindahan malam bandung "
01 January 2017Ichi Tammy
" Takut foto di sini, berasa mau ditabrak org, terbiasa tinggal di kampung :-D "
26 December 2016Warsito Warsito
" Bagus deh "
11 December 2016