About Toko Kimia Bratachem
Toko Kimia Bratachem is a point of interest, located at Jl. Pelabuhan II Cipoho No.167, Cikondang, Kec. Warudoyong, Kota Sukabumi, Jawa Barat 43131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 266 211090 for more detailed information.
Mr Fatso
" Pelayanan baik dan ramah....peralatan komplit... "
05 June 2020Irfan DPriyanto
" Importir dan pusat bahan kimia. Tempatnya tidak mudah dijangkau dari jalan raya. Dari utara, pengendara roda dua bisa langsung melihat tempatnya dengan kecepatan rendah. "
08 May 2020Aura Shop
" Pelayanan tdk memuaskan, orng nya jutek... "
20 April 2020Zenal Muhamad
" Apa ada polyurethane cair "
10 April 2020Baptista Indo
" Good for buy a retail chemical. Please complete the product cataloque for easy to see and choose "
30 January 2020Syeh Ridho
" Saya pernah beli di sana .. "
07 December 2019Mr Fatso
" Good store "
25 November 2019Dewi Cristina
" Many chemicals are not available or you either need a paper from the doctor. Better buy online somewhere where you can easily get it over the counter and for a cheaper price. Glycerin there is really expensive compared to other places. "
11 October 2019Alicia Perez
" So expensive compared to other chemical shop on Jalan Buluh Indah.
09 October 2019It was 35k/L for propylene Glycol there and 78k here at Brataco 😣, and its quite significant for raw materials to cost more than doubled to the "next door" price. "
Sergey Grachev
" Hello)) Do you have sodium alginate, and alcohol of 100 percent or more?) "
03 October 2019Reza Krisna Hadi
" distributor bahan kimia ... 👍 "
21 July 2019Naily Amalia
" 👍👍 "
23 March 2019Anindya Putri
" Good service and clean
02 October 2018Bratachem wholesaler chemical product, alcohol, etanol, etc.
Beside admin input your data consumer you can get Aqua glasses and candy so you will not boring "
Adi Yuwono
" Komplit "
26 May 2018Reza Destiawan
" Disini tertulis minggu buka. Ternyata tutup "
13 May 2018Arief Kurniawan
" Lokasi tepat seperti pada google maps "
28 March 2018Setia Dwi Wardhani
" Good "
02 March 2018Is Dan
" Lelang taek "
19 February 2018Firdy Hari Saputra
" Inconvenience store.. "
07 December 2017Angsa Band Bali
" Tokonya bagus dan bersih pelayananya ramah. "
24 November 2017Dudi Indrawan
" Alamatnya di Jalan Riau, sebelah kanan kalau dari arah Jl. A. Yani. Didepan komplek Riau Bisnis Center (RBC)/hotel grand elite, sebelah kiri dealer Mazda Pekanbaru.
06 November 2017Ada pengkilat ban, pelarut parfum loundry, kaporit, tawas dll..lengkap pokoknya. "
Samuel Budi Kusuma
" Saya sering membeli minyak kayu putih botolan di tempat ini, walaupun kadang kosong lama barangnya "
30 August 2017Priyomargoyoso Priyo
" Kimia "
09 August 2017Nur Muchamad
" Pelayanan prima "
03 August 2017Adi Yuwono
" Importir dan pusat bahan kimia "
09 July 2017Komang Asta
" Lengkap "
11 April 2017Magic Tours
" Lengkap dan terjangkau!👍 "
04 February 2017Indra Visual
" Kimia "
11 November 2016Stuart Kelly
" Useful chemicals supplier. Helpful staff. "
09 October 2016Lukmanyati Yati
" Sya trtarik dan ingin brlanggann, krn sya prodoksi mkann olahan "
" Politeknik gunakarya indonesia "
16 May 2013