About Toko Gaya Abadi Mebeul
Toko Gaya Abadi Mebeul is a furniture store, located at Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.510, Ciroyom, Babakan Ciparay, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40221, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 6018510, visit their website gayaabadispringbed.com for more detailed information.
Fredy Erny
" Nice "
25 February 2018Ihantoro Boedi
" Tempat mencari nafkah selama hampir 15 tahun "
17 February 2018Tri Cahyani
" Sebuah toko meubel di daerah rajawali Bandung, aneka spring bed dr mulai termurah sampe kelas tertinggi ada dsini, begitupun yg lainnya seperti lemari pakaian, lemari tv sampe kursi taman pun ada, harganya lumayan agak murah asal jgn liat harga awal aja, soalnya banyak discount nya trus dapat beragam gimmick klo abis transaksi "
17 December 2017Louis S.C.
" Wide range of mattrass and bedding choices for affordable price "
15 November 2017Nono Supriyono
" Tempat bagus buat keperluan furniture anda "
13 November 2017Rudy Tanu
" Harganya murah, recommended utk cari springbed "
06 February 2017