About Toko Cat Warna Abadi Bogor
Toko Cat Warna Abadi Bogor is a home goods store, located at Jalan KH. Sholeh Iskandar No. 88b, Cibadak, Tanah Sereal, Kedung Badak, Tanah Sereal, Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16166, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 251 7565485, visit their website tokocatwawawa.com for more detailed information.
Rumah Kuning Syariah
" meser cat... "
09 December 2019Raihan Alisha Nabila
" They give insightful suggestions for us as the beginner to paint the walls or others on our own "
24 December 2018Raihan Alisha Nabila
" They give insightful suggestions for us as the beginner to paint the walls or others on our own "
24 December 2018Ekranoplane Hcsti
" Good place to find paint for your house. "
24 December 2018Siska Prastika
" Permisi mau tanya waktu smimggu yg lalu saya naro lamaran kata y lgi butuh kasir...
27 August 2018Apakah sudah ad yg di panggil
Trimksh "
Indra Nawawi Daeng Parani
" Good service and communicative seller. "
03 August 2018Handyan Prabhawa
" Pilihan cat banyak beserta perlengkapan catnya.. utk beberapa merek tidak komplit warnanya, dikarenakan mesin tinting nya belum lengkap.. harga relatif murah.. "
28 July 2018Nana Suryana
" Good "
21 June 2018Ahmad Yusuf
" Beli cat disini lengkap sekali, buka sampai malam...kualitas cat bagus. "
16 February 2018Rizki Debi
" Good service "
16 January 2018Erri Dwi Herdianto
" Dijelasin sedetail-detailnya. Buat yang baru mau ngecat atau belum pernah ngecat sama sekali ga usah kawatir "
02 October 2017