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About Throwback Coffee + Kitchen

Throwback Coffee + Kitchen is a cafe, located at Jl. Cilemah Abang, Jayamukti, Cikarang Pusat, Cikarang, Jawa Barat 17550, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-1093-272, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 18

G Class

" This place served good coffee and beverages with very affordable price. If you want best experience, come around 6pm, if you come at afternoon this place could be so hot even the AirCon is on. For instagram? Quite so, not too bad also not good enough. For work? I can stay for 5 hours here if i want. "

30 March 2018

Estetika Jami'ati

" Good taste for the coffees, but in the same price with coffees at mall's coffee cafe. Having oldish interior, so nice to take picture here. Unfortunately, I came here in the same time with the other young guests who played such of card game that made the rooms quite crazy noisy and uproar! Sometimes you need to make a rule for your guests in order to keep a comfy and pleasure atmosphere. "

13 December 2017

Krisha Nurmala

" Nice place for chit chat or work. But the official are unfriendly. No welcoming, didn't offer the menu, looks busy with their own gadget, no thank you. Overprice with standard taste. "

15 November 2017

Adrian Junianto

" Cozy place with middle up price food "

06 September 2017

Miracle Amalia

" The coffee shop is not in a strategic location of Jababeka, but it is by the road. When you enter the place, it is neatly designed for youngsters and young adult to chit-chat after school, hang out, make events or hold a meeting. Just like other industrialized-coffee shop concept, Throwback is divided into different site of rooms. You can choose sites based on your purpose of going there.
I like the idea of them giving us a welcome drink which is cold lemon water. It suited my choice of food when I went there. The foods were Okay, not the best though. "

25 August 2017

Miracle Amalia

" Nice place and environment. But the food is quite expensive. "

04 August 2017

Shaendy Suryaman

" cozy place, good food, price very realible.. good place "

14 July 2017

Sarah Philip

" Great ambience, cozy seats, free wi-fi good food and a great place to hang. "

11 June 2017

Finda Dewi

" Tempatnya keren. Konsepnya bagus. Makanannya lumayan. Minumannya mahal.
Masukkan: tolong kipas di rooftop di pindah ke arah sebaliknya, atau tambah kipas biar 2 arah. Panas booookkk!!! 😅 "

21 May 2017

Cecep Nurhadi

" Hidden gem at Jababeka area. Nice ambience and service. U wont regret 👌🏻👌🏻. "

01 May 2017

Rian Trianda

" First time come at throwback +kitchen. Good simple list menu. Good taste for fried rice curry, Good design interior , have play old game "Engklek" and I try play the game with my friends. Always success "

01 April 2017

Tom Jordan

" Great ambiance! "

26 March 2017

Alfin Faidz

" Tempatnya enak dan nyaman. Interiornya bikin betah lama-lama nongkrong. Musik yang dimainin juga enak enak.

Sekarang makanannya. Kalo diliat di awal sih emang agak mahal harganya, tp pas udah nyoba bakalan ngerasa worth it kok! Fettucine carbonaranya enaaak! Nasi goreng currynya juga lumayan enak. Sayangnya disini ga disediain air mineral, tp ada free refill infused water.

Menurutku kekurangannya cuma satu, entah kenapa makanannya lama banget keluarnya huhu "

29 January 2017

Nugraha Nugraha

" untuk tempat nongkrong di cikarang husus nya tempat ini bisa di masukan ke daftar tempat yang recomended,tapi jika mau ke sini ajak lag teman2biar rame, tersedia mainan 90an yang bebas buat di mainin sama kami dan teman teman km. "

03 January 2017


" Upitooo mah masakan nya endesss 😄 "

31 December 2016

Vha Nova

" Coffee disini itu enak dan tempat nya yang membuat kita nyaman untuk berlama-lama di sini, dan menu nya juga enak-enak dan cocok untuk para pecinta coffee and selfi, cocok juga untuk anak kuliah sambil buat tugas, ngopi dan nongkrong bareng . "

19 December 2016

Kezia Rikha

" Nyobain chicken katsu curry nya enak dan caramel frappe nya juga manisnya pas. Spicy BBQ chicken wings dan fiesta friesnya juga oke "

20 November 2016

Arief Yudityo

" Sip "

19 November 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 1:00 – 11:00 PM
  • Tuesday 1:00 – 11:00 PM
  • Wednesday 1:00 – 11:00 PM
  • Thursday 1:00 – 11:00 PM
  • Friday 1:00 – 11:00 PM
  • Saturday 1:00 – 11:00 PM
  • Sunday 1:00 – 11:00 PM