About The Lodge Maribaya
The Lodge Maribaya is an amusement park, located at Jalan Maribaya No. 149/252, RT. 03 / RW. 15, Babakan Gentong, Cibodas, Lembang, Cibodas, Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat, Jawa Barat 40391, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 20454830, visit their website www.thelodgemaribaya.com for more detailed information.
Mh. Lukman Ardiansyah
" I already visit this for twice, now so many new spots, i felt comfortable with atmosphere in there. But it's better if price ticket to entrance include for take photos in every vehicles hehehe "
09 June 2018Sara Alhakam
" I went there last month. The view is beautiful and the place is filled with instagrammable photo opportunities. Keep in mind that you have to pay an entrance fee when you get in. Then you pay around IDR 20,000 everytime you go to a photo station. At the end, they show you all the pictures they have taken of you and give you a phone to select the ones you want. Each picture you select costs IDR 10,000. You're not paying for prints. You are just paying for the pictures to be sent digitally to your phone. "
06 June 2018Hioe Sandy
" Great place to take a pic and upload to your socmed. Every spot you take, you must pay 25k. If you want the photo that taken by their photographer, pay again 10k/photo. So many stairs, not suitable for elder people. "
04 June 2018Fatimahzahra Myinspiration
" When I went here, I was surprised that my expectation was real, that's wonderful place. You should bring your money to try every single place (photo zone), don't worry you also can use your atm there. We can see green view, so amazing 😊 "
27 May 2018Stella Miracle Simbar
" Nice place to Explore.. But you need prepare your money for every spot u wanna take picture and they will used they own camera to take your picture.. You can get it by pay them IDR 10.000 each and they will give it to your Smart phone by Share It apps.. The not print the photos "
04 May 2018Novel Matindas
" Recreational place with great view. However the management is not good. There are many "confusing" payment for food and taking photos. They should fix the regulation and makes payment and fee more transparent "
30 April 2018Eka Wahyu
" If your vacation purpose is to enjoy the nature, dont go to Maribaya. Except, you and your friends want to make instagram post, This place is fine. Because almost all the photo spot is good but its paid "
29 April 2018Regina Tantri
" Jika berkunjung ke Lodge Maribaya dengan BUS, kalian parkir di paskiran besar dan lanjut naik wara-wiri. Sedangkan jika kalian menggunakan mobil atau motor, kalian langsung parkir di depan pintu lodge maribaya. Wahana untuk berfoto mulai dari 15-25 rb. Jangan lupa download aplikasi Shareit karena foto akan dikirim dari aplikasi itu. Untuk meminta hasil foto dan dikirim ke kita, harganya 10 rb/foto. Cukup mahal yaa... Dan antri untuk send foto juga memakan waktu yg lama "
20 April 2018Dian Lyrach
" A great place to loosen up the stress. The natural panoramic view is incredible. If you enjoy woods, trails and trees, this place is definitely for you. Unfortunately, this place is not really children/elders friendly. "
09 April 2018Rina Adiastuti
" I love this place. This place have a great view. You can experience natural atmosphere. But, hard to find a place to stay while raining :( "
23 March 2018Devi Wardani
" They have a beautiful scenery, especially pine trees. They charge you 25k/ person for entrance fee. If you want to try their swing valley, fixed "hot air balloon", tightrope bike, you have to pay separately on site. They have snack stall inside and some restaurants. The parking lot was vary small but you may use unofficial parking area near the area, which owned by the locals and took " angkot" to the entry gate. "
17 March 2018Subrata M.
" A getaway place with lota of fun and adventure. You can take photos that will make you feel great as you don't need expertise... You will be presented with photographs of all the adventures you participated at the end of the visit when you exit.
25 February 2018There are restaurants and ample sitting / resting places...
Some of the attractions require you to queue for a while... "
" Actually Maribaya has super sceneries, but the Management is very poor... Super crowded at the weekend, You need to queue up (very long line) for everything! You pay for every special photo spot, but you need to queue up to get the copy (only 1best photo allowed). It is better if they upload all the photos they were taken, then customer directed to download from their website by using coupon/ticket number which is only allow to download 1 photo only. "
29 December 2017Asri Sudarmiyanti
" Aku pribadi menganggap tempat ini terlalu ramai dan dibanding tempat wisata alam, tempat ini lebih semacam tempat wisata pegunjung yg narsis. Karena isinya wah Ana foto semua, dan untuk foto harus bayar satu wah Ana sekitar 20-25ribu.
29 December 2017Sayang aja sih tempat sekece ini wahananya cuma wahana foto. Buat ku ada tempat lain yg lebih recommended untuk di datangi di Lembang, seperti the Ranch yg nawarin wisata alam sambil nunggang kuda atau farmhouse yg bisa ajak anak untuk lihat binatang, intinya segmennya emang social media addict sih, not a very good place if you want to take people for family gathering or picnic. "
Hanny Hartantri HH
" Yep seriously you can escape to nature. The green scenery will obviously spoiled your eyes and the fresh air felt it refreshing your throath. Its clean and outrageous rides will speed your adrenaline. Be brave and try "
21 December 2017Ricky Supriyadi
" It seems this place is a photo spot. there are some unique photo prop, to use them you need to buy additional ticket each.
19 December 2017not recommended *when rain and busy hours* , visit here on clear day and less visitor.
even though they provide free shuttle but parking are just too far.
they use "angkot" for the shuttle SO don't wear mini skirt! don't! you will know what I mean when you try use one and ride angkot 😫 just don't! "
Annisa Ushsholihak
" This place is very nice. You can feel the beauty of nature here. It's also cool and beautiful. There are many photo spot here. "
15 December 2017Raymond Calitri
" Amazing views. Nice food. Lots of activities. Great place. Highly recommended. "
26 September 2017Pia Iskandar
" We came here at noon. Super hot and dusty. Not much to see. They just sell spot to take photo and u have to pay again in every spot u want. They provide a photographer and again u have to pay rp10.000/photo u choose. "
25 September 2017Ervi Ritya
" The lodge maribaya has a wonderful scenery that amazes you. This place has some photo spot such as flying bike, flying swing, and many others. You can look much pine trees that make your eyes so cool because of green color view. I recommend this place if you visit Bandung. "
25 September 2017Doli Rioniari
" Good place to visit if you like heights and took photos while doing crazy things like bicycling on ropes or pretending on a hot air balloon. The photos are not printed and only can be acquired digitally for IDR 10k/piece.
22 September 2017For food, there are many restaurant options with variety of food and good scenery to choose.
While the lodge is clearly a must place to visit, it may not be suitable for elderly or baby 1-5 years old. There are stairs everywhere which would be very tiring for elderly and sadly I think there are not enough safety measures to keep children walk around safely. So if you bring children, please keep watching them. "
Reza Purnama
" The place mostly only for take picture and camp for some, there's a restaurant but i didn't eat there.. the stair is a bit dangerous, without hand rail, those who use wheelchair no way can explore the place, and you have to pay more if you want to take picture in some place..
08 September 2017You are not allowed to take drink and food from outside..
But the view is simply amazing, you got full view of pine forest, and see it from uphill.. if you have a decent camera and good angle, you can get astonishing picture that make your friend jealous... "
Martin Charis
" This place doesn't ready to handle this kind of crowd in holiday season. It's a place where you can take such a great photo but still it's complicated for me to get my photos which taken by the photographer here. I need to download ShareIt and they also didn't know which photos is belong to me. The size of the photos taken by DSLR camera are quiet big and is another trouble for phone's memory. It really took my time to handle just only photos. But for another thing like the food and the place are great. The spot are so beautiful for the visitors to take the photos. The staffs are so kind and reliable. The best time to visit The Lodge Maribaya maybe only in workdays. "
04 July 2017Jacqueline Elvina
" Very crowded in public holiday. Love the view and the swing valley. You have to pay to get the photo. "
28 June 2017Ananda Adella
" This place is very beautiful! I recommend coming here early as there will be traffic and to avoid queueing too long "
28 June 2017Priscillia Lopulalan
" Amazing scenary!! Great spots for taking pictures. Have a lot of stairs to go from one place to another, which makes it hard for seniors and younger children. They serve Sundanese food, western food, and a good choice of street food. "
26 June 2017Adelina Suryadi
" The view is really amazing. Great place for vacation with loved ones. So many great spot for taking pictures, but there is additional fee in some spot. All the employees are very friendly as well. "
23 June 2017Ara Diantha
" If you're here for view, you'll definitely get it. Great place to take photo and also selfie. "
25 May 2017Minda Habibah
" Weekend JANGAN kesini. Mau naik semua wahana antri panjang. Mau ambil foto yg berupa soft copy, antri panjang juga, dan GA TERTIB. Kasian yg rombongan dan di waktu, antri panjang utk naik 1 wahana, dan ga dapet soft copy fotonya karna pas pulang ternyata antrian sangat penuh numpuk.
16 May 2017Manajemennya buruk, harusnya setiap wahana ada booth utk ambil foto, bukan ditumpuk di satu tempat di pintu keluar. "
Mike Nita JC
" Tempatnya biasa aja... dan tukang parkirnya curang bilang penuh jadi disuruh parkir ditempat mereka dan kita jalan kaki jauh.. ternyata parkiran masih banyak yg kosong disana "
27 April 2017Sadam Sidiq
" Tidak sebagus yg saya bayangkan. Saat kesini pas long weekend jadi sangat antri dan ramai.
25 April 2017Bagus hanya untuk foto2 saja.
Jalan akses jelek banget. "
Anggoro Anggoro
" akses menuju lokasi jalannya sempit & rusak, jika bawa mobil ke lokasi ini sepertinya harus habis subuh berangkatnya, macet bisa berjam2.
16 April 2017kemarin kesana sampai lokasi jam 10:30, di dalam lokasi sudah penuh dan tidak di perbolehkam masuk sampai dengan waktu yg tidak di tentukan.
Sayangnya tidak ada pemeritahuan di depan jalan arah masuk lokasi. "