About Taman Lansia
Taman Lansia is a park, located at Jl. Cisangkuy, Citarum, Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40123, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 815-6160-009 for more detailed information.
Taman Lansia is a park, located at Jl. Cisangkuy, Citarum, Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40123, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 815-6160-009 for more detailed information.
Dewi Yuningsih
" Luas dan Bersih, cocok untuk bersantai "
08 June 2018Aura Kavita
" Sehat bro, jln2 "
21 May 2018Ismatul Izza
" HBD ica "
20 May 2018Abu Ibrahim Budiono
" kurang terawat "
16 May 2018Fatkhiyatul Khakimah
" Cukup nyaman "
13 May 2018Renaldo Augusta
" cocok untuk duduk2 sore.. jalan keliling taman nginjak batu buat terapi.. uda ada toiletnya sekarang.. airmancur jg.. tempat yg menyenangkan untuk merefresh pikiran sejenak 😊 "
12 May 2018Alberta Novia
" Tempat jalan jalan yg tenang sejuk dan segar. Ada tempat duduk nya ada track batu batuan buay terapi telapak kaki, cocok buat lansia ibu hamil dan anak anak "
07 May 2018Maman Kembali
" rusak "
04 May 2018Yasin Palangka
" Tempat santai di sore hari untuk olah raga orang tua jalan di cor dengan di susun kerikil halus untuk pijit kaki terletak di jalan rinjani palangkaraya "
24 April 2018Andre Wana
" tempatnya sejuk, adem banyak pohon, ramai tapi tidak sampai berdesakan. parkir lumayan banyak tersedia di berbagai sudut.
22 April 2018mau belanja, banyak sekali variasinya. mau jalan2 di taman, nyaman. wifi gratis, hehe "
Lilyana Putri
" Sejuk teduh asik "
19 April 2018Adis Purwonoko
" bagus tamannya walaupun gak begitu luas.. ada kerikil buat terapi telapak kaki.. "
18 April 2018Muhammad Ihya
" Lumayan untuk pijat pijat kaki sambil jalan di taman ini.. Bukan hanya lansia,,yang muda pun banyak berkunjung "
14 April 2018Yolanda Samosir
" Spend my time here after I done my medical check up in Telkom Lab. A very clean park and a nice place to relax in the middle of the city. "
03 April 2018Marfel Harimisa
" Best park in bandung....free wifi.... i love it "
22 March 2018Ari Achmad Azdharie
" Tiap hri sya lewatin "
20 March 2018Parrisca Indra Perdana
" Tempat istirahat, beraktivitas ringan dan berolah raga "
16 March 2018Sugi Anto
" Taman yang cukup lumayan indah untuk para lansia. "
14 March 2018Anne Rufaidah
" Taman bermain yg bagus untuk anak anak dan lansia. Mungkin perlu ditambahkan seperti alat alat fitnes outdoor agar para lansia bisa berolahraga "
07 March 2018Dedi Nurfalaq
" One of the City Forest in Bandung. Surrounding by various food stall such as : pasar cisangkuy, cisangkuy yoghurt,etc. This area more complete as public facility during weekend. "
02 March 2018Kencana Energy
" Nice place for enjoiying the city "
17 February 2018Ahmad Jubaydi
" Bersih dan sejuk..silahkan jalan-jalan sore ke taman lansia "
15 February 2018Herman Imanda
" Suasana sejuk,,nyaman,,bersih,,ramai dengan berbagai aktifitas serambi menikmati udara segar dan matahari saat pagi hari yang cerah "
13 February 2018Gatot Widayanto
" Great garden park. Actually this is my second visit while the first one i had no chance to take a picture. Very good for light sports like walking as well as running. The circumstances in the morning is really good. Highly recommended. GW 09/02/2018 "
13 February 2018Baron Ramlie
" Nothing good b aja "
09 February 2018Angga Ginanjar
" Not Bad Lahhhh "
07 February 2018Airlangga Jati Kusuma
" Located near with Gedung Sateng, many flowers in here can refresh your mind. Although the name is Taman Lansia (elderly), everybody can enjoy in this park. "
07 February 2018Faiqul Akmal
" Fasilitas harus ditambah, butuh banyak perbaikan "
27 January 2018Aim Saif
" i love this place, so comfortable and every sunday morning has event such as aerobic. you also can massage your foot on stones massage. trust me, you will feel better and healthier even rather hurt. "
11 January 2018Rudi Darmawan
" Bocil bisa lari2an dengan nyaman "
25 December 2017Johanes Waskito WS
" Cocok untuk orang tua berinteraksi dan berolahraga "
07 November 2017Jevan Nurandi
" Small place but it's very fresh. "
26 October 2017DYana Sari
" Taman Lansia terletak di Jalan Menteri Empat di komplek ex perumahan pabrik kertas Martapura berdekatan dengan TK Negeri Pembina Martapura. Terdapat batu refleksi, tidak hanya untuk lansia tapi anak kecil dan anak muda bisa memanfaatkan taman tersebut. "
15 October 2017Suparmi Suparmi
" tamsn lansia cukup bagus namun perlu ada uan madih di perbaiki "
15 October 2017Laili Aziza
" Sangat menginspirasi kaum2 muda untuk ikut berolahraga "
06 October 2017Rahmat Ansyari
" Cocok untuk lansia "
05 October 2017Faridah Fang
" Nice place to have a morning walk or ride a bike. Boseh bike share is available here.
30 September 2017Food are easy to find. From 5 footers to nice restaurant. "
KJ Hartono
" this park is very shady and cold. has many improvements although still need to be continuously improved, such as:
27 September 2017- jogging track is too narrow (1m)
- some sections of the jogging track up / down is quite slippery, let alone a lot of dry leaves are scattered ... need to be careful not to slip
- many in the area of the park barren without grass, if the rain is muddy or slippery
- in some places still very dirty "
Muhamad Nova
" Spacious and clean city park. There is a big statue of dinosaur!! "
20 September 2017Keluarga Pelancong
" Shady, sometimes crowded. In the evening, there's some food stalls fo nasi goreng, bakmi goreng, bakso. Cheap foods. "
18 September 2017Andnx P
" Taman Lansia judulnya tapi cocok untuk rekreasi murah meriah bagi keluarga. "
09 September 2017Siti Huwaina
" Taman lansia terletak di Jalan Menteri 4, Kecamatan Martapura, Kabupaten Banjar, Kalimantan Selatan.
07 September 2017Taman ini memiliki suasana yang rindang sehingga nyaman untuk bersantai ditempat ini. "
Nur Istiqoma
" Taman ini diperuntukkan bagi lansia tapi karena lokasinya yang mojok sehingga sering digunakan anak muda untuk pacaran. "
07 September 2017Kharits Maulana
" Really like this place. There's a lot of place that you can visit around this place. The park was great too "
05 September 2017Rahvi Sushi
" Ramai "
31 August 2017Karna Suka
" Jln taman merkuri "
25 August 2017Deny Herdian
" Tempat yg nyaman... "
23 August 2017Aveciena Medika
" Bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh "
17 August 2017Zheng Ougrh
" Green Vegetations, Trees, neatly trimmed shurbs, small fountain pool giving more calming fresh air
15 August 2017Surrounded by beautiful neighboring houses & restaurants, hotels "
Atta Bratasena
" Nice place to killing time and waiting for someone "
13 August 2017Syaiful Anam
" Kalau malam jadi tempat orang berpacaran sampai berlebihan. "
07 August 2017Budiono Sukses
" Beautiful garden with many trees and a fountain in the middle of it. There is also a walk area with small stone for foot nerve reflexion "
29 July 2017Syifa Adilah
" Niiiccceeee atmosphereeeeeee luvvvv "
18 July 2017Rahyan Ramadhani
" now this place so beautifull! you can bring your family, friends or your lovely honey to here! "
26 June 2017Rendra Yoanda
" It has a lot of benches and near some of eating places, so you can take out some foods and eat inside this park if the eating places don't have any more seating. Other than that, there are lots of cuanki seller inside this park so you can have some cuanki when you feel tired after surrounding the park. "
20 June 2017Verdyllan Agusta
" A great place to spend time with your friends and family. There are plenty of trees and a dinosaur statue in this park. Benches and tables are spread throughout the park. "
16 June 2017Adhe Aryswan
" Nice place to relax. Good to spend your weekend morning to do sports here. "
09 June 2017Rahmad Illahi
" Nyaman untuk santai "
06 June 2017Qi_en Baked
" good for oldman "
14 May 2017Beatrix Roos
" Salah satu pilihan rekreasi dengan keluarga yang tidak pakai banyak uang. You don't need to spend alot just to sit and eat in this park, you can enjoy the fresh air from the trees, and green leaves "
10 May 2017Phebe Limarga
" Fresh air, very welcome for everyone to walk here, free wifi, every Wednesday there is Homeschooling Scouts Training here "
08 May 2017Andri Hendriana
" Tempat nyaman "
02 May 2017Rida Rosida
" Infact this park mainly served for elders, but anyone can benefit it as well (kids, young ppl).
22 April 2017You can jog, run (if it s not over loaded), or want to read your book here. Yes, you can do that here.
Beside the park you can find the food stalls. Range of foods are available including the East Java cullinary, nasi tim, etc.
You can park your motorbike or car here. But make sure you come here early otherwise you get no parking space especially in the weekends.
Many ppl put their stalls selling their things (foods, clothes, toys, etc) on the pavement or on the street as well. So dont be surprise. "
Ari Karishma
" A great breakfast is sold here and a fresh air you can get in surabaya city "
22 April 2017Neneng Nastuti
" Dulu sebelum tamannya di rubah banyak yg jual tanaman hias, tapi skrng gk ada, hemm kurang terawat sih dan kurang indah aja, emang enak klo buat santai sore2 "
20 April 2017Indra Susanto
" A nice place to have a rest and enjoy the fresh air from the plants. The reflexology paths are fun to walk on. "
20 April 2017Arief Budiman
" Great park for rest in mid day and take a break "
18 April 2017Dian Permatasari
" Small place but many beautiful flowers grow here. Nice for jogging but better under 7 AM, at busy hours many transportations pollution can unpleasant you "
08 April 2017Sky Sharp
" Quite large park. Many spots to stand but few spots to sit on. Food stands are delicious. "
28 March 2017Imron Arifianto
" Small park near gedung sate and museum geologi "
20 March 2017Rahmat Harman Pulungan
" cocok untuk joging dipagi hari "
13 March 2017Slamet Riadi
" Great place "
13 March 2017Astuti Suryandari
" Nyaman dan Sejuk... Tepat untuk menikmati Sinar Matahari Pagi di Hari Minggu... "
04 March 2017Ramadhani Aprianza
" Fasilitas taman.x.mohon dilengkapi, lampu penerangan juga ditambah buar ga remang2, kalau bisa ditambah wifi juga "
08 February 2017Arya Pradana
" It's a small park for elders, lansia mean lanjut usia or old people. Like your grandfather. Anyway, this park have a jogging track, good place for walking. But since it located near government office area (Gedung Sate), sometimes when people/labour demonstrating, this park is crowded with those people. "
06 February 2017AbuRafiRusdi Priyasdanto
" Still under renovation. Will be very nice city park when finished. "
28 January 2017Erik Tri
" Beautiful scenery and fountain esecially at night "
22 January 2017Irul Khoirullah
" nice place to exercise or relaxing in town forest. tetapi banyak sekali pedagang dan yang merokok di taman "
11 January 2017Ihsan Nurhidayat
" free wifi, nice photospot "
09 January 2017Nurasa Sicantique
" Great place "
06 January 2017Seandy Handriyanto
" good place for relaxing, enjoy the weekend here with thw fresh air "
01 January 2017Ahmad Sofyan Iyan
" Cocok untuk olahraga lansia "
28 December 2016Fitri Zaenab
" Setiap hari minggu ada banyak komunitas pecinta hewan dll.
26 December 2016Taman bersih,nyaman dan asri "
Anshari Hasanbasri
" Good park, best to come in the morning. It's also near to Geology Museum. "
14 December 2016Waritsa Asri
" I do love this park than any other park in Bandung cuz theres a lot tree that grown up since Holland came to Bandung. "
09 December 2016Ganies Rengganies
" suami sayank.....i love u... "
10 November 2016Arisandi Patria
" A great park with some kind of refreshing area such as reflection walk path, kid playground "
09 October 2016Jurukunci Banjarnegara
" Apik tp panas "
27 September 2016Agung Nursabil
" Suasana nyaman, tumbuhan hijau dan rindang. Banyak tempat untuk terapi, jadi jika ingin sehat tinggal kesini. Lakukan treatmen yang tersedia di taman ini, contohnya jalan diatas batu krikil. Cuma kurang luas aja. "
21 August 2016Ghigha
" Berantakan, kurang di jaga keindahannya "
19 August 2016Arif Abdurrahman
" Tempat yg enak buat santai sore atau malam hari "
11 August 2016Hanif Rusdiansyah
" Nyaman "
10 August 2016Via Eyin
" Atas kerja keras Ibu Wali Kota Surabaya IBU RISMA, Surabaya sekarang tiap sudut kota menjadi taman yg hijau jg d kasih tmpt bermain. Trema ksh IBU RISMA "
06 August 2016Akhmad Mutohar
" Hampir tiap mlm nonkrong d taman lansia "
13 June 2016