" Nice place for children to see and play with rabbit. You can also buy rabbit here. When your children playing with rabbit, you can rest and order food and drink also. "
13 May 2018
Ryan Setiawan Hidayat
" great place, clean, the rabbits are active and tame, your kids will love to be here "
20 April 2018
Wina Winiarti
" Its exciting for kids to feed rabbits and runaround in general. Older folks could take pictures there too. There's restaurant in the area too in case people want to have some bite "
14 March 2018
Silvia Wijayanti
" Good place, many rabbits you can play with. They selling some rabbits too, each for Rp 75.000. "
23 January 2018
Adam LF
" A garden that have many rabbits, the food taste in the food court it's 6 to 10 point. "
02 January 2018
Ambarsari Dwi Cahyani
" Children can play with cute rabbits in the garden. My kids had a new and fun experience playing with rabbits. But the resto delayed with food service. "
25 December 2017
Adam.f. Rizki
" Wohooooooo is a fun place... meet and play with rabbits and is confortable for rest area. There is have a mosque, restaurant and large parking area "
09 November 2017
Firdaus Octavira
" Nice place to kids to have a new experience feeding the rabbit "
16 September 2017
Henoch Limandiputera
" Good place to visit with your young ones. The park is rather small, so during vacation season can easily be packed with people. "
31 August 2017
Didin Wahyudin
" Nice place for eating and refreshing with famili "
09 August 2017
Suyandi Liyis
" Sadly the restaurant is dreary. We stop by to see the rabbits and to eat but we end up only for the rabbits and they're all cute & tame. "
16 July 2017
Agil Pramudya
" I don't think that the foods are overpriced, they are a bit expensive but it's still normal for these kinds of foods. For me, they are delicious. You should try the Nasi Bakar and the Mie Tek-Tek here. The bunnies are really cute, and they look like they are taken well care of. "
25 June 2017
Endy Christono
" Nice place for children to see and play with rabbit "
14 May 2017
Heince Theopilus
" The rabbit not so many. But still ok "
30 April 2017
Bayu Adhiwarsono
" Harga makanan dan minuman relatif murah, bisa sambil ngasih anak main sama kelinci "
28 April 2017
Steve L
" The park is small. The bunnies are the main attraction and very much adorable . The food is overpriced. They also sell the rabbits. But those are too old and too big. Overall a nice place to feed and pet bunnies. "
04 January 2017
Ferry Ferdinand
" Nice view "
30 December 2016
Erwin Yogaswara
" Fun for kids "
22 December 2016
Iming Wahyudi
" Pet lovers' must see attraction "
21 December 2016
Kardono Kuswo
" Fresh place to ear witg rabbit playgrond. "
11 October 2016
Abira Barnas
" Ke Ciwidey harus mampir sini apalagi bawa anak, ortunya makan anaknya main kelinci "
04 October 2016
Suhardik Setyawan
" Tempat yang asri "
19 August 2016
Nadia Neneng
" Cilok "
08 May 2016
Asep Dian Nurmediana
" hari ini sy berangkat Dr bandung, rencananya mau ajak anak2 sy main ke Taman Kelinci Ciwidey, perjalanan lk 2,5 jam sy tempuh.. setiba dilokasi sy ditolak oleh penjaga gerbang dgn alasan penuh.. sy CB bilang bahwa msh ada tempat parkir yg kosong, krn lokasi parkir terlihat Dr luar. petugas tetap menolak dgn sombongnya.. alhasil sy batal kunjungi TKC. Balik arah kembali ke Bandung dgn kondisi anak2 kecewa berat.
Bukan tempat yg bagus untk direkomendasikan sbg tempat tujuan utama. "
06 May 2016
Abdul Rozak
" Di sanah ada kulam renang dan juga ada taman udah da ada sekituh dingin sekali.1 bulan yang lalu "
20 January 2016
Thiemo Brans
" Kids can play with rabbits in open area. "
03 January 2016
Maria Agustini
" Ada yg bsa ngasih tau g fasilitas n ada apa aja dsana..trs gmn prices nye.. "
Endy Christono
" Nice place for children to see and play with rabbit. You can also buy rabbit here. When your children playing with rabbit, you can rest and order food and drink also. "
13 May 2018Ryan Setiawan Hidayat
" great place, clean, the rabbits are active and tame, your kids will love to be here "
20 April 2018Wina Winiarti
" Its exciting for kids to feed rabbits and runaround in general. Older folks could take pictures there too. There's restaurant in the area too in case people want to have some bite "
14 March 2018Silvia Wijayanti
" Good place, many rabbits you can play with. They selling some rabbits too, each for Rp 75.000. "
23 January 2018Adam LF
" A garden that have many rabbits, the food taste in the food court it's 6 to 10 point. "
02 January 2018Ambarsari Dwi Cahyani
" Children can play with cute rabbits in the garden. My kids had a new and fun experience playing with rabbits. But the resto delayed with food service. "
25 December 2017Adam.f. Rizki
" Wohooooooo is a fun place... meet and play with rabbits and is confortable for rest area. There is have a mosque, restaurant and large parking area "
09 November 2017Firdaus Octavira
" Nice place to kids to have a new experience feeding the rabbit "
16 September 2017Henoch Limandiputera
" Good place to visit with your young ones. The park is rather small, so during vacation season can easily be packed with people. "
31 August 2017Didin Wahyudin
" Nice place for eating and refreshing with famili "
09 August 2017Suyandi Liyis
" Sadly the restaurant is dreary. We stop by to see the rabbits and to eat but we end up only for the rabbits and they're all cute & tame. "
16 July 2017Agil Pramudya
" I don't think that the foods are overpriced, they are a bit expensive but it's still normal for these kinds of foods. For me, they are delicious. You should try the Nasi Bakar and the Mie Tek-Tek here. The bunnies are really cute, and they look like they are taken well care of. "
25 June 2017Endy Christono
" Nice place for children to see and play with rabbit "
14 May 2017Heince Theopilus
" The rabbit not so many. But still ok "
30 April 2017Bayu Adhiwarsono
" Harga makanan dan minuman relatif murah, bisa sambil ngasih anak main sama kelinci "
28 April 2017Steve L
" The park is small. The bunnies are the main attraction and very much adorable . The food is overpriced. They also sell the rabbits. But those are too old and too big. Overall a nice place to feed and pet bunnies. "
04 January 2017Ferry Ferdinand
" Nice view "
30 December 2016Erwin Yogaswara
" Fun for kids "
22 December 2016Iming Wahyudi
" Pet lovers' must see attraction "
21 December 2016Kardono Kuswo
" Fresh place to ear witg rabbit playgrond. "
11 October 2016Abira Barnas
" Ke Ciwidey harus mampir sini apalagi bawa anak, ortunya makan anaknya main kelinci "
04 October 2016Suhardik Setyawan
" Tempat yang asri "
19 August 2016Nadia Neneng
" Cilok "
08 May 2016Asep Dian Nurmediana
" hari ini sy berangkat Dr bandung, rencananya mau ajak anak2 sy main ke Taman Kelinci Ciwidey, perjalanan lk 2,5 jam sy tempuh.. setiba dilokasi sy ditolak oleh penjaga gerbang dgn alasan penuh.. sy CB bilang bahwa msh ada tempat parkir yg kosong, krn lokasi parkir terlihat Dr luar. petugas tetap menolak dgn sombongnya.. alhasil sy batal kunjungi TKC. Balik arah kembali ke Bandung dgn kondisi anak2 kecewa berat.
06 May 2016Bukan tempat yg bagus untk direkomendasikan sbg tempat tujuan utama. "
Abdul Rozak
" Di sanah ada kulam renang dan juga ada taman udah da ada sekituh dingin sekali.1 bulan yang lalu "
20 January 2016Thiemo Brans
" Kids can play with rabbits in open area. "
03 January 2016Maria Agustini
" Ada yg bsa ngasih tau g fasilitas n ada apa aja dsana..trs gmn prices nye.. "
28 November 2015