" The icon of Braga Street, nice spot. Good place, nice place place for hangout. "
23 April 2018
Anggelo Cosmos Rodriguez Nasution
" Is really clean now they change alot "
23 April 2018
Sova Kelana
" The real Bandung is BRAGA! The first destination, if u will make unforgetable moment in Bandung! "
30 March 2018
" A bohemian, laid back area with fantastic local coffee joints. "
04 February 2018
Erri Dwi Herdianto
" unique design and instagramable :)) "
16 January 2018
Awind Roxy
" Cakeup ... simple .adeum ayeum "
04 December 2017
Aqil Akram
" Have a unique and great design. Buildt in corner of intersection between 'braga street' and 'asia africa street' so every people can see it easily even from inside their vehicle. Taman Braga or Braga Park have a good spot for taking photos together or taking selfies. And the park usually crowded with people sitting there chat, talking with friends. Sometimes even group or community make the park as meeting point. "
05 November 2017
Annisa Sholikhah
" Enjoy and comfortable place ever there! "
28 October 2017
Hygna Husada
" I really like visiting Braga since it historical story and tourism attraction "
29 August 2017
Krishna Wiharsa
" Where's the garden (taman)? Nothing but an installation that says BRAGA on the street. At night it becomes a hang out place for locals. Very dirty and poorly maintained, mind you. "
23 July 2017
Ngurah Yasa
" Tempat hang out utk dining yg cozy "
16 July 2017
Fin Android
" It should be better without the local bank billboard around. "
09 July 2017
" A small park that quite suitable for people to have selfie, located on a well known street (Braga) and adjacent to Gedung Merdeka (The Museum of Asian African Conference), so the place is also strategic. The parking lots are limited, so you can park your vehicles at another place (such as Alun-alun). "
08 July 2017
Ketut Catur
" Nothing but big "Braga" letter "
16 May 2017
Yulia Rahmawati
" Small park with Braga sign in front of BJB Bank. One spot for photo. "
13 April 2017
Zidnie Mubarok
" Such a creative street, a lot of creative stores and cafe, near Jalan Asia Afrika and Alun Alun Bandung "
22 March 2017
Ukky MS
" Nice park to take some photos when you are in Bandung "
13 March 2017
Monike K
" Though small,it's an eye catching and instagramable park "
02 February 2017
Rahmi Septiari
" Ok "
02 February 2017
Kudo Cimuts
" Nice place to relax "
26 December 2016
Faqih Salban
" Nice place for selfie, for proof you have visit bandung. But lack of chair and usually crowded with motorcycle parking. "
08 October 2016
Sabrag Firmansyah
" Jalannya pendek tapi sepanjang jalan terasa beda banget, kaya bukan di indonesia, apalagi kalau malam hari, beuh indah cuy "pemandangannya", hehe "
21 August 2016
" A small park that really suitable to have selfie, located on a well known street and adjacent to Gedung Merdeka "
Radja Sitanggang
" The icon of Braga Street, nice spot. Good place, nice place place for hangout. "
23 April 2018Anggelo Cosmos Rodriguez Nasution
" Is really clean now they change alot "
23 April 2018Sova Kelana
" The real Bandung is BRAGA! The first destination, if u will make unforgetable moment in Bandung! "
30 March 2018Ladykg77
" A bohemian, laid back area with fantastic local coffee joints. "
04 February 2018Erri Dwi Herdianto
" unique design and instagramable :)) "
16 January 2018Awind Roxy
" Cakeup ... simple .adeum ayeum "
04 December 2017Aqil Akram
" Have a unique and great design. Buildt in corner of intersection between 'braga street' and 'asia africa street' so every people can see it easily even from inside their vehicle. Taman Braga or Braga Park have a good spot for taking photos together or taking selfies. And the park usually crowded with people sitting there chat, talking with friends. Sometimes even group or community make the park as meeting point. "
05 November 2017Annisa Sholikhah
" Enjoy and comfortable place ever there! "
28 October 2017Hygna Husada
" I really like visiting Braga since it historical story and tourism attraction "
29 August 2017Krishna Wiharsa
" Where's the garden (taman)? Nothing but an installation that says BRAGA on the street. At night it becomes a hang out place for locals. Very dirty and poorly maintained, mind you. "
23 July 2017Ngurah Yasa
" Tempat hang out utk dining yg cozy "
16 July 2017Fin Android
" It should be better without the local bank billboard around. "
09 July 2017AG
" A small park that quite suitable for people to have selfie, located on a well known street (Braga) and adjacent to Gedung Merdeka (The Museum of Asian African Conference), so the place is also strategic. The parking lots are limited, so you can park your vehicles at another place (such as Alun-alun). "
08 July 2017Ketut Catur
" Nothing but big "Braga" letter "
16 May 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" Small park with Braga sign in front of BJB Bank. One spot for photo. "
13 April 2017Zidnie Mubarok
" Such a creative street, a lot of creative stores and cafe, near Jalan Asia Afrika and Alun Alun Bandung "
22 March 2017Ukky MS
" Nice park to take some photos when you are in Bandung "
13 March 2017Monike K
" Though small,it's an eye catching and instagramable park "
02 February 2017Rahmi Septiari
" Ok "
02 February 2017Kudo Cimuts
" Nice place to relax "
26 December 2016Faqih Salban
" Nice place for selfie, for proof you have visit bandung. But lack of chair and usually crowded with motorcycle parking. "
08 October 2016Sabrag Firmansyah
" Jalannya pendek tapi sepanjang jalan terasa beda banget, kaya bukan di indonesia, apalagi kalau malam hari, beuh indah cuy "pemandangannya", hehe "
21 August 2016AG
" A small park that really suitable to have selfie, located on a well known street and adjacent to Gedung Merdeka "
29 July 2016Dedi Supriyadi
" Keren buat selfie "
12 July 2016Muhammad Alfian Rasyidin
" Beautiful! "
04 June 2016Momo Arwono
" Cocok untuk selfie "
01 February 2016