" I like this glocery mart, many item you can find here, even you also can find fast food inside. Always buy rice from this mart, as the price is very good and and fresh from farmer.
The cashier is not so crowded, and just in front of the way out there is a kids corner (robot war) but you need to pay for it.
Located in B2 floor, access to parking is also easy. "
24 November 2018
Try Ayu Nuralam Setiawan
" It is good to complete for your own a to z need. "
16 November 2018
Denny Krisnawan
" Shoping place for daily needs, inside the mall and comfort. New supermarkets in Karawang and be the favourite for most people, because the customers not only shopping to these supermarkets but also hang out in the mall. The price of goods is competitive enough compared with the competitors. The collection of goods offered is quite complete, plus there are a small food court inside that make the visitors not bored for stay long in this place. Different with the other locations, in this place is not provide the play ground or familiar with "mini trans studio". Maybe this condition is unexpected by customers, because at another's Transmart location is always provide the play ground or called "mini trans studio". "
04 September 2018
Yohana Irma Anggraini
" It is really neat and clean. It sells almost everything. You can easily find both local and import product. "
08 August 2018
Adam R Ganjara
" Transmart is quite expensive compare to others mega market.
Even you have the Mega card, I feel is also expensive to shop here. And the good thing is that all the groceries is quite complete to find. "
20 June 2018
Nadya Siti
" mall yang semua serba ada♡ "
02 June 2018
Dewi Yoe
" Near my house...strategic place "
27 May 2018
Teguh Kusumayang
" Enjoyable place for recreation & shopping "
01 May 2018
Risa Mustika
" A nice place to shop "
24 April 2018
Nikie Suryo Bastian
" Easy access place nice and quite much promo "
22 April 2018
Rachmat Januar
" belanja bulanan "
12 April 2018
Malvi Adam
" Pusat perbelanjaan di Karawang dengan mengusung tema modern dan cocok untuk keluarga dengan berbagai fasilitas yang disediakan diantaranya, shopping mall, food court, arena bermain anak, supermarket, dan bioskop.
Tempat yang sangat nyaman dengan tempat parkir yang luas di Karawang. "
11 April 2018
Acep Ridwan
" Sangat komplit. Harga relatif. "
10 April 2018
" Good place n good price for shopping... "
17 February 2018
Merlina Gunawan
" The place is quite nice.. big place "
03 February 2018
Deepak Trivedi
" This is the Department store chain of France. All the good quality house hold items available here "
29 January 2018
Laily Wardani
" Nice place to shopping. Very comfortable. Has complete item "
23 December 2017
Vincensius Surya
" Complete convenience store in the city center of karawang kota, near traditional market and supermarket "
23 December 2017
Adhi Wahyu Kurniawan
" Good place to monthly shopping for your need, decent price "
25 November 2017
Bambang Pranowo
" Cozy place "
24 November 2017
IMGZ My Immaginazione
" good sale "
02 November 2017
Yudi Setiawan
" Bagus "
14 October 2017
Arga Candra Badranaya
" Swalayan dengan barang lumayan lengkap & harga kompetitif "
08 October 2017
Hella Susilawati
" only one carrefour in krw "
04 October 2017
Agus Supriatna
" Belanja bulanan! #sembako "
29 September 2017
Susanti Maulana
" Parah karyawan sales sharp namanya edi. Sy beli tv led sharp 45inch free bracket, tp stok bracket ktnya kosong nanti dikirim trs nulis alamat sm no hp tapi stlh 2minggu ditunggu gak dateng2, didatenginlah ke transmart, eh salesnnya bilang stok byk dan udh lama ada di kosannya itu sales, ditanyain kenapa gak dikirim alesannya nunggu dateng ke toko, trs pas mau ambil bilang nanti aja besok minggu.. mggu sy dateng bilang lagi senin.. dan senin salesnya bilang baru ada selasa. Nyesel belanja disini gara2 karyawannya kayak begini. (Bukti pembelian masih ada) lokasi transmart resinda karawang. "
28 September 2017
Ilham Lahara
" such a good place "
27 September 2017
Hendra Fenli
" Nice place to shop n hang out... "
16 September 2017
Kharisma Wardana
" Tempat belanja kebutuhan rumah tangga yg cukup lengkap "
01 September 2017
Padma Mandala
" Bagus jg buat refresing keluarga..tempat nya luas..ada permainan buat anak.. "
31 August 2017
Ferry Sugiantono
" Nice "
19 August 2017
Mohamad Iskandar
" the best market to buy home needed in in east karawang "
19 August 2017
Indriya Akhmadi Gunawan
" Bagus "
13 August 2017
" Clean and spacious. They have nice quality products. The shop attendants are friendly. "
02 August 2017
Virgan Rakhmat Yusuf
" Spacious, abundance of natural lights. Great building design.. "
19 July 2017
Saeed Ali
" هيبرماركت كارفور غني عن التعريف بتعدد معروضاته "
17 July 2017
Nands Priatna
" Tempat berbelanja yg nyaman, lengkap dan lokasi yg strategis "
03 July 2017
Hamdan Almukhtary
" The super market and complete from sub Transmart "
27 June 2017
Tomie Zain
" Flat parking fee Rp. 4000 "
26 May 2017
Sylvia Taniwidjaja
" The only place near deltamas "
21 May 2017
Aris Gunawan
" Good "
08 May 2017
Maria Tjhin
" Parkir gampang dan flat rate, lokasi cukup strategis, barang lumayan lengkap. Kasir cukup banyak sehingga tdk perlu antri lama. "
06 May 2017
Herdianto Supriadi
" Saingan k.c.p nih lokasi lbih dekat dari rmh tapi sayang jalur keluar masuknya kendaraan susah rawan macet pula
#ask mau tanya nih transmart ada iboxnya gk y "
21 April 2017
Budhi Harjo Sanyoto
" The only shopping mall in East Karawang "
13 April 2017
Soel Fazri
" Diresmikan tanggal 25 maret 2017
Tempatnya bagus luas dan terintegrasi Hotel Resinda.
Ada ice skyting pertama di Karawang
Cocok buat bisnis, rekreasi, liburan krluarga, shopping dll "
11 April 2017
" Tempat sangat luas, nyaman, asik buat nongkrong, makanannya enak, petugasnya ramah, hanya msh bnyk yg belum buka, papan informasinya msh belum lengkap "
09 April 2017
Adhika Raya
" Complete supermarket. Large parking area. "
26 March 2017
Wahyu Sancaky
" Good makin luas... sukses transmart...🖒🖒🖒 "
02 March 2017
Dayitva Goel
" Good place to buy "
20 February 2017
Sandy Ashary
" Nice place for buy monthly needs or daily needs for home "
08 February 2017
Ashfa Okta Maghfiri
" Brand New Transmart Resinda Karawang "
18 January 2017
Hari Hariyawan
" Simple n complete one stop shopping "
11 December 2016
Andri Sugianto
" Hello, its carefour. I think dont need review 😅 "
16 November 2016
Agung Trisnandar
" Big parking, price is average. Comprehensive market "
02 October 2016
Heru Dianto
" Parkir enak.. Barang lengkap.. Harga bersaing.. "
12 September 2016
Yuswan Aryanto
" Cc aing teu di acc "
22 August 2016
Ahmad Rifqi
" Opening November 2016 "
17 July 2016
Bobby Suristian
" Kereeeen "
20 June 2016
Dwi Wibowo
" Enak buat belanja "
06 April 2016
Eman Sudirman
" Mantap banget "
02 March 2016
Darwin S
" You can buy groceries from this giant market, there are also aquarium that sell live fish, and you can grill your purchase on the spot. There is also small aile that sell beer and need to pay separately. You can also find bicycle, tv, washing machine, and TV here.
Complete shop, but not many brands in stock. They also sell tshirt, pants, and automotive products. "
Andi Pahlevi
" I like this glocery mart, many item you can find here, even you also can find fast food inside. Always buy rice from this mart, as the price is very good and and fresh from farmer.
24 November 2018The cashier is not so crowded, and just in front of the way out there is a kids corner (robot war) but you need to pay for it.
Located in B2 floor, access to parking is also easy. "
Try Ayu Nuralam Setiawan
" It is good to complete for your own a to z need. "
16 November 2018Denny Krisnawan
" Shoping place for daily needs, inside the mall and comfort. New supermarkets in Karawang and be the favourite for most people, because the customers not only shopping to these supermarkets but also hang out in the mall. The price of goods is competitive enough compared with the competitors. The collection of goods offered is quite complete, plus there are a small food court inside that make the visitors not bored for stay long in this place. Different with the other locations, in this place is not provide the play ground or familiar with "mini trans studio". Maybe this condition is unexpected by customers, because at another's Transmart location is always provide the play ground or called "mini trans studio". "
04 September 2018Yohana Irma Anggraini
" It is really neat and clean. It sells almost everything. You can easily find both local and import product. "
08 August 2018Adam R Ganjara
" Transmart is quite expensive compare to others mega market.
20 June 2018Even you have the Mega card, I feel is also expensive to shop here. And the good thing is that all the groceries is quite complete to find. "
Nadya Siti
" mall yang semua serba ada♡ "
02 June 2018Dewi Yoe
" Near my house...strategic place "
27 May 2018Teguh Kusumayang
" Enjoyable place for recreation & shopping "
01 May 2018Risa Mustika
" A nice place to shop "
24 April 2018Nikie Suryo Bastian
" Easy access place nice and quite much promo "
22 April 2018Rachmat Januar
" belanja bulanan "
12 April 2018Malvi Adam
" Pusat perbelanjaan di Karawang dengan mengusung tema modern dan cocok untuk keluarga dengan berbagai fasilitas yang disediakan diantaranya, shopping mall, food court, arena bermain anak, supermarket, dan bioskop.
11 April 2018Tempat yang sangat nyaman dengan tempat parkir yang luas di Karawang. "
Acep Ridwan
" Sangat komplit. Harga relatif. "
" Good place n good price for shopping... "
17 February 2018Merlina Gunawan
" The place is quite nice.. big place "
03 February 2018Deepak Trivedi
" This is the Department store chain of France. All the good quality house hold items available here "
29 January 2018Laily Wardani
" Nice place to shopping. Very comfortable. Has complete item "
23 December 2017Vincensius Surya
" Complete convenience store in the city center of karawang kota, near traditional market and supermarket "
23 December 2017Adhi Wahyu Kurniawan
" Good place to monthly shopping for your need, decent price "
25 November 2017Bambang Pranowo
" Cozy place "
24 November 2017IMGZ My Immaginazione
" good sale "
02 November 2017Yudi Setiawan
" Bagus "
14 October 2017Arga Candra Badranaya
" Swalayan dengan barang lumayan lengkap & harga kompetitif "
08 October 2017Hella Susilawati
" only one carrefour in krw "
04 October 2017Agus Supriatna
" Belanja bulanan! #sembako "
29 September 2017Susanti Maulana
" Parah karyawan sales sharp namanya edi. Sy beli tv led sharp 45inch free bracket, tp stok bracket ktnya kosong nanti dikirim trs nulis alamat sm no hp tapi stlh 2minggu ditunggu gak dateng2, didatenginlah ke transmart, eh salesnnya bilang stok byk dan udh lama ada di kosannya itu sales, ditanyain kenapa gak dikirim alesannya nunggu dateng ke toko, trs pas mau ambil bilang nanti aja besok minggu.. mggu sy dateng bilang lagi senin.. dan senin salesnya bilang baru ada selasa. Nyesel belanja disini gara2 karyawannya kayak begini. (Bukti pembelian masih ada) lokasi transmart resinda karawang. "
28 September 2017Ilham Lahara
" such a good place "
27 September 2017Hendra Fenli
" Nice place to shop n hang out... "
16 September 2017Kharisma Wardana
" Tempat belanja kebutuhan rumah tangga yg cukup lengkap "
01 September 2017Padma Mandala
" Bagus jg buat refresing keluarga..tempat nya luas..ada permainan buat anak.. "
31 August 2017Ferry Sugiantono
" Nice "
19 August 2017Mohamad Iskandar
" the best market to buy home needed in in east karawang "
19 August 2017Indriya Akhmadi Gunawan
" Bagus "
13 August 2017Andini
" Clean and spacious. They have nice quality products. The shop attendants are friendly. "
02 August 2017Virgan Rakhmat Yusuf
" Spacious, abundance of natural lights. Great building design.. "
19 July 2017Saeed Ali
" هيبرماركت كارفور غني عن التعريف بتعدد معروضاته "
17 July 2017Nands Priatna
" Tempat berbelanja yg nyaman, lengkap dan lokasi yg strategis "
03 July 2017Hamdan Almukhtary
" The super market and complete from sub Transmart "
27 June 2017Tomie Zain
" Flat parking fee Rp. 4000 "
26 May 2017Sylvia Taniwidjaja
" The only place near deltamas "
21 May 2017Aris Gunawan
" Good "
08 May 2017Maria Tjhin
" Parkir gampang dan flat rate, lokasi cukup strategis, barang lumayan lengkap. Kasir cukup banyak sehingga tdk perlu antri lama. "
06 May 2017Herdianto Supriadi
" Saingan k.c.p nih lokasi lbih dekat dari rmh tapi sayang jalur keluar masuknya kendaraan susah rawan macet pula
21 April 2017#ask mau tanya nih transmart ada iboxnya gk y "
Budhi Harjo Sanyoto
" The only shopping mall in East Karawang "
13 April 2017Soel Fazri
" Diresmikan tanggal 25 maret 2017
11 April 2017Tempatnya bagus luas dan terintegrasi Hotel Resinda.
Ada ice skyting pertama di Karawang
Cocok buat bisnis, rekreasi, liburan krluarga, shopping dll "
" Tempat sangat luas, nyaman, asik buat nongkrong, makanannya enak, petugasnya ramah, hanya msh bnyk yg belum buka, papan informasinya msh belum lengkap "
09 April 2017Adhika Raya
" Complete supermarket. Large parking area. "
26 March 2017Wahyu Sancaky
" Good makin luas... sukses transmart...🖒🖒🖒 "
02 March 2017Dayitva Goel
" Good place to buy "
20 February 2017Sandy Ashary
" Nice place for buy monthly needs or daily needs for home "
08 February 2017Ashfa Okta Maghfiri
" Brand New Transmart Resinda Karawang "
18 January 2017Hari Hariyawan
" Simple n complete one stop shopping "
11 December 2016Andri Sugianto
" Hello, its carefour. I think dont need review 😅 "
16 November 2016Agung Trisnandar
" Big parking, price is average. Comprehensive market "
02 October 2016Heru Dianto
" Parkir enak.. Barang lengkap.. Harga bersaing.. "
12 September 2016Yuswan Aryanto
" Cc aing teu di acc "
22 August 2016Ahmad Rifqi
" Opening November 2016 "
17 July 2016Bobby Suristian
" Kereeeen "
20 June 2016Dwi Wibowo
" Enak buat belanja "
06 April 2016Eman Sudirman
" Mantap banget "
02 March 2016Darwin S
" You can buy groceries from this giant market, there are also aquarium that sell live fish, and you can grill your purchase on the spot. There is also small aile that sell beer and need to pay separately. You can also find bicycle, tv, washing machine, and TV here.
17 January 2016Complete shop, but not many brands in stock. They also sell tshirt, pants, and automotive products. "
Kharizmi Tavtazani
" Sepi, ac kurang dingin "
16 November 2015Fandy Satria
" At carefour "
05 November 2013